Opal jewelry – your personal piece of the rainbow

 Buy Opal Necklace  is a beautiful gemstone whose hues include virtually every hue in the color spectrum. The color play is different on each stone and its shimmering hues gave rise to the word "opalescent". Because it is such a stunning and unique gemstone, it is no wonder that opal jewelry is very popular among collectors and fashionistas.


The opal is the keystone of October and its history is littered with superstitions and beliefs that it brought both good luck and bad luck. In Europe it was considered the "official" stone of thieves and robbers. One of the biggest contributors to the myth that opal jewelry causes bad luck is a misreading of its depiction in Sir Walter Scott's 19th century novel "Anne of Geierstein."


However, many cultures associate mens opal rings with white magic and good luck. The ancient Greeks, on the other hand, believed that it gave the wearer the ability to divine or predict the future. It was also thought to bring good luck to its wearer.


In general, red opals are the most expensive, while blue opals are the least.Set in gold or silver or adorned with other gemstones, there is a wide variety of opal jewelry to choose from.


Men and women throughout time have been fascinated and mesmerized by the iridescent colors of black opal engagement rings. Regardless of luck or bad luck, these multi-colored gems are worthy additions to any wardrobe. You can't blame yourself for thinking that wearing an opal necklace, earrings, bracelet or ring is somehow like having a piece of rainbow close to your skin.

Focused on October stone - opal

What does Opal Cufflinks mean? Opal Pendant is the keystone of October. Opals are beautiful and unique in that they can change color. The word opal comes from the Greek word "opallios" which means to see color variations. There are many different types of buy opal necklace. There are many varieties of opals including fire-colored and lighter, iridescent opals. You can find opals that are colorless, white, yellow, orange, red, purple, blue, green, gray, brown and black, or multi-colored. However, the color is more visible when the opal is clear, or "crystal", rather than cloudy.


Opal care is important. Opal is a living stone and needs to be cared for. It is best to protect opals from extreme heat, temperature changes and household detergents that could damage the gem. It is probably best to avoid wearing any opal jewelry while cleaning or doing housework. To clean the opal, simply wipe it with a clean, soft, dry cloth. Opals can be dehydrated after mining, with a tendency to crack, meaning cracking or banding. If the opal survives several months without cracking, it can be expected to last. Some opals can even retain their original condition for centuries.


Where do most opals come from? Australia is a major supplier of Opal worldwide. In fact, almost 95 percent of all opals come from mines in Australia. The remaining five percent come from Mexico and Brazil and sometimes from the United States.


What is an opal gemstone made of? Opals are composed of a mixture of silica and water. Opals are essentially silica gel with varying percentages of water.


Opal makes a great gift! Because each opal can be very different, they are considered a rarity and can be a romantic gift. You can buy a gift for someone born in October and incorporate opal into the jewelry. Or when buying a romantic gift, you can get opal jewelry, such as an opal gemstone necklace or bracelet.



Opal jewelry - why is it so special

 There are so many different types of buy opal necklace  that can be made from opal. Sure, we all know that there are opal pendants, opal rings, opal earrings and so on, but opals, unlike other stones like diamonds and rubies, etc., can be made into special types of jewelry.


There is a variety of opal from Australia called Koroit and it is an unattractive type of stone when compared to Australian black opal. It is mostly a reddish, dark brown lump of ironstone with random streaks of opal. An opal pendant  probably won't do much with it, but you simply drill a hole in it and attach a chunky chain or cheap leather thread and it makes a beautiful chunky necklace that looks great on both men and women.


Then there is boulder opal, which is often found as a piece of opal naturally associated with a piece of ironstone or sandstone. An opal stone is wavy and may not have any of the fire associated with gem-quality opal, but when looked at closely, it has a pattern that can look like a seascape or a mountain view or all sorts of other things. It can be a thing that you like to look at and imagine seeing all sorts of things in it. Try doing it with a diamond! The beauty of such a piece is that it is not a gem and is very cheap.


I love this kind of jewelry because not only are they cheap to buy, but when you wear them, people ask about them and want to see them up close. It's a great conversation starter. You will never have people ask if they can look at your topaz ring. 


Then there is one of my favorite pieces of jewelry Opal Inlay. The opal is finished flush with the surrounding metal. We often see this in dull stones like Onyx and other lame looking minerals with very little color. But when you make inlaid opal jewelry normally, you use high quality opal and the results are fantastic.


You can put almost any other gemstone with an opal and the jewelry will accentuate it. 

Opals can be inlaid, prong set or lunette set. They can be glued to a place where, like other stones, they will not be attractive in this way.


One of the reassuring aspects of opal jewelry is that the stone will be mined by lone men or husband and wife teams living in the harsh conditions of outback Australia. There are no big companies involved and there is no forced labour. It's a labor of love. Think of the cutting of rubies and other stones that are often done by children who should be in school. I'm an opal cutter and although it's hard work, I love doing it and I've never met an opal cutter who wasn't passionate about opals, so there's a certain underground man love attached to these stones all the way. in the middle of nowhere to a wife or enthusiast of meticulous stone cutting and polishing.



Opal Cufflinks

 Opal  cufflinks are beautifully crafted accessories that add a touch of elegance mens opal ring and sophistication to an elegant outfit, more than style. They are usually considered a classic, alongside silver and platinum cufflinks.


Opal Jewelry for Sale made of gold are commonly worn at the most formal social events – white tie and black tie events to be exact. Both require strict formal wear. White tie consists mainly of a black tailcoat with black trousers, a white dress shirt, a white bow tie, a white waistcoat (cummerbund). On the other hand, black tie requires a black tuxedo/jacket with black trousers, a black waistcoat (cummerbund) and a black bow tie or neck tie. Both require black socks/silk stockings and black patent leather shoes (high gloss). Pretty standard and can be boring at times. A pair of these cufflinks work magic in adding to a standard formal outfit.


Well, in most cases these opportunities don't give you much choice either. Most white tuxedo shirts have French cuffs anyway. So wear cufflinks instead of buttons to fasten your cuffs. And since it's a formal event, classic cufflinks like gold or silver are best.


Gold is one of the basic and safest colors to choose for formal wear. The only rule when wearing gold cufflinks is that they should coordinate well with the other accessories you wear. The dominant colors of formal wear are usually black and white. Your accessories are the only ones you can customize; make sure they have the same color tone. For example, if you've decided to wear gold cufflinks, make sure they match the color of your belt buckle and other jewelry you're wearing—a gold-colored wristwatch, bracelet, or ring. If you wear silver cufflinks, all other accessories should also be silver in tone.


Gold cufflinks are also best if you are wearing a brown suit - a brown jacket with brown trousers, brown socks and brown leather shoes. Make sure you wear gold jewelry as well.


Expect gold colored cufflinks to be quite expensive as well. They are generally more expensive than silver and platinum cufflinks. A typical pair of gold cufflinks can cost anywhere from several hundred to thousands of dollars. The price depends largely on the quality, designer brand and design. The most common are 14k and 18k. The higher the carat, the higher the price.


This pair of gold jewelry also comes in many designs - from very simple to very detailed. Solid gold cufflinks and two-tone gold cufflinks are available. You can also find gold cufflinks with inlays of diamonds and other precious stones - mother of pearl, onyx, opal, etc. Their price varies considerably depending on the inlay. Diamond-encrusted cufflinks now cost over a thousand dollars.


Gold cufflinks with a playful design are even new. If you're on a budget, gold plated cufflinks are of course cheaper.


This pair of gold men's accessories can also be personalized. Monograms make great gifts.


Finally, gold cufflinks are timeless. If you buy one, consider it an investment. Many vintage cufflinks are also gold. They are usually kept as valuable jewelry and passed down as heirlooms for generations.

Jewelry, bijouterie or fashion jewelry - how did it all begin

 Have you ever wondered how decorating our bodies with trinkets, opal bracelets, began? Did the ancients see a nice seashell or rock and decide it would look good hanging from a string or perhaps a thin vine around the neck? Or maybe they decided to put this on their wrist. Did the women see an unusual bone fragment and decide that it would look good if she kept her hair out of her face? How did anyone decide which pieces of rock, metal, bone, or shell were valuable enough to be used as trading currency? I just started researching my questions and I don't have answers yet. I found common previously reported jewelry ideas to share. As I begin my quest, I can see there will be many more questions and I can't wait to find the answers.


Australia opal consists of decorative items worn as adornment, such as brooches, rings, necklaces, earrings, and bracelets. For many centuries metal, often combined with precious stones [I call them pretty stones], was the normal material for jewelry, but other materials such as shells. Think of dried plant seeds and even animal bones or even bird feathers. Precious stones [pretty stones] and similar materials such as amber, coral, precious metals, beads and shells were used. One of my favorites, Enamel, was often important.


The basic forms of fire opal necklace vary between cultures; in European cultures, the most common forms of jewelry have persisted since ancient times, while other forms, such as nose or ankle ornaments, important in other cultures, are much less common.


Jewelry can be a status symbol for its material properties, designs, or for meaningful symbols. A jewel in the form of a pineapple symbolizes that you are hospitable. Heart shape shows love. Amber, bloodstone, garnet opal and ruby ​​are said to symbolize fire. The meanings and symbols of jewelry shapes [animal, flower, stars, etc.] will be the subject of a future article.


Jewelry was made to adorn almost every part of the body, from hairpins to toe rings and even genital jewelry. Jewelery wearing patterns between genders, children and the elderly can vary greatly between cultures. Another topic for research.

Opal Ring: Gorgeous and elegant

 Silver jewelry is popularly used by both men and women as an accessory when they go on casual outings. Silver jewelry is available in pure or fine silver and sterling silver. Pure silver bears 99.9 marks, which serve as an indicator of the amount of silver contained in each 100th or 1000th part of the piece. Coin silver contains 92.5% silver; the rest is made up of other metals such as nickel, zinc or copper. As a result of alloying sterling silver with other metals, it is known to be more durable than silver opal wedding ring. However, other metals in silver jewelry contribute to its darkening.


When it comes to jewelry for men, men prefer silver bracelets for men. However, the objects could become tarnished after a certain period of time and need to be cleaned to maintain their shine.


In the following details, we share some tips for men to take care of their silver bracelets and make them shine brightly again.


Care instructions


Tarnished silver Opal Cufflinks has a dull appearance and it is advisable to use silver polishing cloths to maintain its shine if the items are slightly or moderately tarnished.


Take a silver polishing cloth and rub the silver bracelets with gentle pressure to prevent scratching the metal. Do not use napkins or paper towels to rub the jewelry, as they are loaded with fibers and can scratch the silver.


You also need to make sure you use back and forth motions and not circular strokes to prevent the scratches from getting bigger. Also, remember to change parts of the fabric often to avoid damaging the jewelry. Consider using a Q-tip to achieve smaller corners.


If your silver jewelry is heavily tarnished, using aluminum foil is effective for cleaning it thoroughly and removing tarnished edges.


Take a bowl and place aluminum foil on the base. Then place the silver items on the foil and cover the jewelry with lukewarm water. Now add a few spoons of baking soda to the bowl and let it dissolve in the water. Let the jewelry soak in the solution for about 20 minutes. Then rinse the items with clean water and wipe with a soft cloth. This method of cleaning restores the shine and luster of objects.


Some Mens Opal Rings is also plated with "silver" or "bad silver" where only a layer is placed to enhance the shine of the jewelry. Special care must be taken when polishing these pieces, as excessive polishing can worsen the matting.


Caring for silver jewelry containing precious stones


Some silver items have precious stones like pearls and opals embedded in them. In such cases, you must follow the care instructions that are appropriate for cleaning specific gemstones.

Gold Earring Buyers Guide

 Whether you're buying gold earrings as a gift or for yourself, it's important to know the true value of the opal bracelet you're buying. The first thing to mention is the karat purity of the gold. This is a fineness index used to rate the amount of gold in any piece of gold jewelry. This means that for every milligram of gold, other metals make up 23 milligrams. Normally, Opal Rings starts at 9ct clarity. Gold-plated jewelry can have a carat value for the plating and various metals that make up the bulk of the item. Any solid gold jewelery needs a hallmark to be sold in the UK, but the hallmark alone does not guarantee that the jewelery is gold. Silver and platinum jewelery also needs a hallmark to be sold in the UK. A three-digit number should be engraved into the metal to indicate its purity. These numbers range from 375 which is 9 ct and 999 which is 24 ct.


Gold Earring Designs


First, classic gold hoop earrings are often too large to be solid, so they are hollowed out for comfort, but the metal they are made from can still be of high carat purity, and that determines the price. Next up is a classic gold tear drop earring. Unlike hoop earrings, these are usually smaller and can be made of solid gold. When the main part of the earring is attached directly to the bar that holds it in place, it is called a stud earring. This design is also small enough to be made of solid gold and can be embellished with one or more precious stones.


Precious stones for gold opal earrings


Diamonds are a very popular stone for gold earrings. Depending on the carat weight of the diamond, the stone can make up the majority of the price. Although diamonds are one of the strongest substances known to man, they can be cut from specific angles. Experienced jewelers are able to set diamonds in such a way that none of these angles are revealed once the stone is in place. Another widely used gemstone is Peridot, this stone has a brilliant green color and although olivine (a constituent mineral) is quite abundant, gem quality peridot is quite rare. You can also find earrings set with opal. Most of this mineral is produced in Australia. This gem can be found in a variety of colors from white to black. The most common is white and green, while black and red is the rarest. Amethyst is a rare type of quarts. These volcanic rocks are usually purple, but turn yellow when exposed to heat. Modern manufacturing techniques mean that this stone can be manufactured as opposed to quarried. Distinguishing between natural and artificial amethyst is very difficult. Another gemstone commonly used in earrings is Topaz, in its purest form Topaz is transparent, but often impurities give the stone a tint. Topaz is often processed to give it a special color. Rubies are also used to decorate earrings. Stones made from corundum that are not red are classified as sapphire.


Coober Pedy - Opal capital of Australia

 Coober Pedy is undoubtedly one of the most unique destinations in Australia. Set in a harsh, arid landscape often compared to Mars, this landlocked mining town, where many people live underground, is the source of most of the world's production of precious Opal Jewelry for sale.


Coober Pedy is located about 850 kilometers north of Adelaide in the remote outback of Australia. The name Coober Pedy comes from the local Aboriginal language, Kupa meaning "white man" and Piti meaning "hole" and translates as "white guys hole in the ground", reflecting the fact that Coober Pedy is the fire opal necklace gold capital of Australia. world. It also reflects the fact that many residents live in houses dug underground due to the extreme climatic conditions of the area.


Opal Cufflinks mining began in Coober Pedy in 1915 and continues today. In that time, the inland city has developed into one of the most unique places in Australia and possibly the world. A cosmopolitan city with 3,500 inhabitants of more than 45 different nationalities, today it is a relaxed and friendly city characterized by cultural tolerance, diversity and acceptance.


In addition to above-ground accommodation, visitors can also find a range of underground accommodation for those who prefer it. As well as underground shops, museums, art galleries and mines, there are many often luxurious underground houses to explore.


Coober Pedy has a typical semi-desert climate. Between April and October, the weather is pleasant with mild daytime temperatures of 16 to 20 C, but cool desert nights. From November to March, summer temperatures are hot, ranging from 35 to 45 C and occasionally reaching 50 C. No wonder the locals prefer to live in the relative comfort of underground houses! Annual rainfall is unpredictable and minimal, averaging around 175 millimeters.


Originally known as the Stuart Range Opal Field (after early explorer John McDouall Stuart, the first European explorer to traverse the area in 1858), the name was changed to Coober Pedy in 1920.


After the completion of the transcontinental railway in 1917, many construction workers moved to Coober Pedy and were followed by soldiers returning from WW1. Conditions were harsh, water and supplies had to be transported over long distances and in difficult conditions. . The introduction of large underground water tanks improved the situation only marginally, as the water requirement was only 60 liters per week.


All the treasures have been found! Or do they have?

All the treasures have been found! What about the famous downunder  sterling silver opal ring?



"Whatever can be found in the land has already been found!"... "Treasures are for Long John Silver, buried, dug up and lost hundreds of years ago by pirates and men of adventure!"


Imagine being sent as a traveling minister to such a desolate, God-forsaken land. As if the insulation, heat, dust and gravel roads weren't enough, there were those pesky flies. "Don't worry about them!"

I am sure that if Copernicus had pointed his telescope at the night sky inland, he would have discovered much more than he ever did. There is no light pollution here. Just one gorgeous ebony background, dotted with endless galaxies of stars.


Not that my wife and I see much of the sky during the day. It was the sparkling things in the ground that fascinated us more. As confirmed rock chasers, it didn't take long to find ourselves traveling through some of the most famous gem countries in the world. Gravel pits became treasures. Dry Streams, Treasure Islands.


Regardless of the fly and the heat, we kept our heads bent to the ground while our eyes darted to and fro from one rock to another, searching for agate topaz, onyx, petrified wood, and anything else that the molten glass told. black opal ring marks. On those very hot days, we sat in the middle of a shallow stream that cut through the gravel.


But what happened to us when we stumbled upon the opal city of Yowah will forever remain in our memory. We first encountered boulder opal in the form of what are known as 'yowah nuts' Suddenly interest in all other gemstones was pushed aside in favor of this amazing stone that changes colour, encompasses the entire spectrum of the rainbow and displays ever-changing patterns, which simulate images of mountain and ocean scenes, faces, all kinds of objects and abstract shapes that challenge the imagination.


There are many gemstones in Australia, but opal bracelet has to be the most unique and colorful. You will see them in all their variations on the Opalmine blog. Leave a message if you need help with a mine tour


How to identify natural rough gemstones?

 How to Identify Natural Rough Gemstones Precious stones are one of the countless gifts that nature has bestowed upon human beings. Naturally occurring gemstones are quite fascinating and beneficial, which makes them widely sought after by people from different periods of time. These glittering objects have always been considered classy and sophisticated when set in how to identify raw opal or loosely on their own.


Although human beings have also invented artificial gems, the charm of natural gems is unbeatable. These are obtained from the depths of the earth. It is nothing short of a miracle that the earth produces stones that have such a lustrous and regal appearance. It is not that one can start digging at any place to find precious stones or semi-precious stones. Precious stones can be obtained only from few places like Kashmir, Arkansas, North Carolina, Kansas, Oregon and few other such places.


Know about mining or quarrying of precious stones


Australian opal rings formation occurs approximately 3 to 25 miles below the Earth's crust.

• Diamonds and peridot are the ones found much deeper in the earth.

• Apatite, Diamond, Garnet, Tourmaline, Spinel, Tanzanite, Quartz, Moonstone, Topaz and Zircon form in igneous rock.

• Jasper, malachite, opal and zircon form in sedimentary rocks.

• Diamonds are obtained by mining in pits.

• Colored gemstones, other than diamonds, are mined through a rigorous and time-consuming process.

• In the gemstone market, there are several mining companies that have come up with modern mining techniques for mining gemstones.

• Gems can be mined from both primary and secondary deposits.

• Excavated stones are sent to cutting centers where their aesthetics are enhanced.


How to recognize natural raw gemstones


• You need special tools to accurately identify fire opal necklaces.

• If the texture of the stone is rough or gritty, then it is not a gem.

• If the stone is highly malleable, then it is also not a gem.

• A real gemstone has a crystalline structure.

• Color and weight, along with other characteristics, help identify a gemstone.

• A gemstone can be transparent, opaque or translucent.

• The hardness of the stone plays a very important role in gem identification.

• A specific gravity test can help.

• Refractive index test and light scattering test are also great ways to verify the authenticity of a gemstone.

• The best way is to consult a gemologist to make sure whether it is a gem or not.


While you go rock hunting or are lucky enough to lay your hands on a gem or semi-precious stone, keep your eyes open, be informed and identify real gems from fakes. It is true that not every stone is a gem, some may be ores or just stones that you find on your way. Consider the above points to identify natural gemstones in their raw form.

Opal Jewelry and Gemstone Buying Guide: Colored Gemstones

Terms used to describe optical effects in faceted and unfaceted opal stone


The physical properties of colored stones are often described in terms of the way light passes through them, their unique visual effects, and the way they are cut.

Transparent. Light passes through the stone easily, with minimal distortion, making it easy to see through.

Translucent. The stone transmits light but diffuses it, creating an effect like frosted glass. If you were to try to read through such a stone, the print would be darkened and obscured.

Opaque. It does not transmit any light. You can't even see through it to the sheet metal.

Special optical effects


Adularescence. A puffy, moving, colored cloud effect seen in some opal rings such as moonstones; and an inner, moving luster.

Asterism. Used to describe the display of a star (four or six rays) effect seen when the stone is cut in a non-faceted style. Star ruby, garnet and sapphire.

Chatoyancy. The effect is created in some gemstones (when cut in the cabochon style) of a thin, light line across the stone that usually moves as the stone is moved from side to side; sometimes called the cat's eye effect.

Iridescence. An iridescent color effect created by a thin film of air or liquid inside the stone. Most of the iridescence seen in gemstones is the result of a crack breaking their surface. This detracts from the value, even if it looks nice.


Gloss. It usually refers to the surface of the gemstone and the degree to which it reflects light. Seen as a sheen on a stone. For example, a diamond has much more luster than an amethyst. Pearls are also valued for their luster, but pearls have a softer, silkier-looking reflection than other gemstones. The luster of pearls is often called "orient".

Play of colors. Often used to describe the fire seen in opal.



Colored gemstones can be faceted or cut in a cabochon or unfaceted style. Generally speaking, faceted gemstones were preferred in the United States until recently, so the finest material was usually faceted. In other times and other countries, however, this was not always the case; in Roman times, for example, it was considered vulgar to wear a faceted stone. Preferences also vary with different cultures and religions, and the world's best opal stud earrings are cut in both styles. Don't make any inferences about quality based on cut style alone.


Cabochon. A facetless cutting style that produces smooth rather than faceted surfaces. These cuts can be almost any shape. some are round with high domes; others look like square-shaped domes (the popular "sugar cube" cabochon); others are "buff-topped", showing a somewhat flattened top.


Some connoisseurs believe that cabochons produce a richer color. Be that as it may, today we are seeing much more interest and appreciation for cabochons around the world and more beautiful cabochons than have been seen on the market in many years.


Faceted. A style of grinding in which we give the stone many small surfaces at different angles to each other, as in the various diamond cuts. The placement, angle and shape of the faces or facets are carefully planned and executed to show the inherent beauty of the stone; fire, color, shine, to the maximum advantage. Today, there are many faceted styles, including the "fantasy" cut, which combines rounded surfaces with shaped backs.

Importance of cut


The cut and proportions of colored stones are important for two main reasons:


They affect the depth of color seen in the stone.


Color and cut are the most important criteria in determining the beauty of a colored stone, followed by carat weight; higher carat weight will usually increase the price per carat, generally in a non-linear ratio. If the colored gem was a quality material to begin with, a good cut will maximize its natural beauty and allow it to display its finest color and vibrancy. If the same material is cut incorrectly, its natural beauty will be reduced, causing it to appear dark, too light or even "dead".




Opal jewellery - necklace

As far as we can tell, the first type of opal found on this great continent was boulder opal, in the state of Queensland in the northeastern part of the country.


To keep this article from getting too long, we'll try to focus on this particular unique opal as it applies to necklaces and save the white opal, crystal opal, and black opal discussion for another time.


As the name suggests, Boulder Opal is often found in very large and also quite small boulders depending on the field. When an opal jewelry miner removes these stones from the ground, he carefully cuts away the rock, looking for thin veins of color scattered throughout the parent ironstone.


Using large diamond saws, the rare opal is gradually released from the matrix and as the diamond cutters expose the veins of color, all kinds of amazing colors and patterns are revealed. Forms of nature often appear before your eyes.


They are often described as a "picture stone" opal in that the patterns that occur when the opal veins are opened often present themselves in interesting images. Some of them are in the form of recognizable objects, such as clouds, trees, animals, sea creatures. Other times the paintings are like an abstract oil painting.


Because as much of this color as possible must be preserved, Boulder opal is often cut free-form rather than into any specific shape such as an oval, rectangle or square


So an opal price necklace decorating your outfit will draw attention to something that was not known in the past. And as your body moves, you'll see the "color change" that opal is known for because it reflects some or all of the colors of the natural rainbow. The science behind it is remarkable. In future articles, we will look in more detail at how light from the sun splits into different colors as it hits tiny spheres on the surface of this natural phenomenon.

Opal Gemstone: A Kaleidoscope of Color and Meaning

The opal gemstone is one of nature’s most captivating and unique creations. Known for its stunning play-of-color , opal is a stone that has...