Showing posts with label black opal engagement rings. Show all posts
Showing posts with label black opal engagement rings. Show all posts

Victorian Period Engagement Rings

 Defined by the reign of Queen Victoria from 1837-1901, vintage engagement ring styles from the Victorian era were inspired by her eternal affection for her beloved husband, Albert. Divided into three very distinct periods, each with its own unique style, many important changes took place in the jewelry industry during this period.


Early Victorian black opal engagement rings, generally produced from the beginning of Queen Victoria's reign until the 1860s, were recognizable by their bright colors, large sizes, and bold designs. Gemstones typically used were amethyst, bloodstone, chalcedony, garnet, moss agate, topaz, and amethyst; diamonds - when used - were usually small. Vintage engagement rings from this early period of Queen Victoria's reign reflected her marriage to Prince Albert and saw the rise in popularity of the Victorian serpent ring, a symbol of eternal love, which became popular when Prince Albert presented Queen Victoria with a snake and emerald engagement ring. . Jewelry designers looked to Queen Victoria for inspiration; whatever the queen wore became fashionable. While rings from this era are more than 150 years old, many display sophisticated metal and filigree work and quality settings.


Mid-Victorian styles took on a completely different tone after the death of Prince Albert in 1861, with memorial or mourning rings becoming very popular. Design styles were much less ornate but much more sophisticated, with popular motifs including acorns, hearts, bees, birds, stars, insects and shells. For those couples interested in rose gold engagement rings, this period is a good place to start your search, as rose gold opal engagement rings were very popular during this time.


The mid-Victorian period, from 1860 to 1885, saw a number of important changes, including the 1849 gold strike in California and the passage of the Gold Stamp Act of 1854 in the United States. Perhaps most important was the opening of the South African diamond mines in 1870. Prior to 1870, diamonds were relatively rare and most diamond rings contained only clusters of small diamonds. Mining holes meant that larger diamonds were available for use in engagement rings. As a result, this period saw a significant increase in the use of gold and diamonds in jewelry, but opals, crystals, emeralds, black glass, jet, and pearls were also among the most popular gemstones and designs.


Opal Rings of the late Victorian era, from 1885 to 1901, were defined by the prominent use of diamonds and pearls. The solitaire diamond ring made its first debut when Tiffany introduced the six-pronged diamond solitaire in 1886, which quickly became very popular. It was during this era that the use of platinum for ring settings became widespread, replacing gold and silver settings, and there was a significant shift from hand-made rings to mass-produced rings. Unfortunately, many years old metalworking techniques were lost in the transition.


There are a variety of Victorian designs to choose from if you've decided that the Victorian era is your favorite era for vintage engagement rings, so it helps to know what to expect in terms of gemstones, designs and styles.


Opal Engagement Rings - A Taste of the Outback

Nothing could look so contemporary and probably futuristic-looking than opal engagement rings. Some folks look at genuine opal like Mother Nature's abstract art in a gemstone. Black opal engagement rings are as mysterious-looking as they are magnificent.

Unlike diamonds, opals do not need to be multi-faceted to display brilliance. Opals have an enigmatic charm and appeal that is unique and somehow look futuristic. Just like modern abstract paintings, opals depend on the eye of the beholder. For some, they look like psychedelic lights in a gemstone. What are intriguing about this gemstone are the luminous specs of color from inside the gem itself. Because of this mysterious glow within the gemstone, opal engagement rings are the perfect choice for that special modern lady with a luminous personality.

The opal ranges in color are from colorless, white, light gray through dark gray, and black. But the most unique feature of opals is the display of all the colors of the spectrum which is commonly called "play of colors" by opal enthusiasts. Because opal is made from a mix of silica and water, the light that passes through the microstructure of the gemstone gets diffracted causing the rainbow colors in the gem to seem to move and change dramatically depending on the angle from which the stone is viewed.

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The Story Behind Today's Appeal of Opal Engagement Rings

 Opal is known for black opal engagement rings because it has the ability to make colors appear and disappear and also because it is known during the ancient times to have magical properties. It has been regarded by the Greeks to be prophetic. According to a legend, Roman Senator Nonius opted for an exile rather than giving his opal ring to Mark Anthony, who wanted the ring to be a gift to Cleopatra.

In the 18th century, opal has been considered to bring bad luck. This started when King Alfonso XII of Spain gave an opal ring to her wife who later died. The ring was passed to family members who also died, including the King himself. According to some, it was because of the cholera epidemic while some credit the mysterious deaths to the bad luck derived from opal.

Opal is known for its colors which are exotic and also exciting. It is said that no two opals are similar in terms of color. Although the more contemporary time has already withdrawn from the superstitious belief, there are still some who choose to stay with such superstition while majority has already regarded opal to bring fortune.

Trying to veer away from the traditional diamond rings, opal is now considered by many couples for their engagement rings. Opals are soft which requires them to have a hard setting to provide protection and to allow them to show their inner fire. Bezel setting, pronged setting, and laid setting, bezel being the most common, are the most popular settings which are made for opal engagement rings.

Black and white opals are famous for their amazing showcase of colors. It is a significant fire inside and it significant plays with colors making theme even a better choice for some as against the traditional diamond engagement ring. However, because opals are softer compared to diamonds, these stones require more caution from the wearer to avoid being chipped or scratched. Only plain water should be used for cleaning purposes.

An opal ring is the perfect engagement ring of choice if you are looking for something which is antique and magical by appearance. The fiery white opal and the Australian black opal are just some of the popular choices for opal engagement rings.

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Opal Gemstone: A Kaleidoscope of Color and Meaning

The opal gemstone is one of nature’s most captivating and unique creations. Known for its stunning play-of-color , opal is a stone that has...