Showing posts with label Opal Bracelets. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Opal Bracelets. Show all posts

Opal Gems - Birthstone, Zodiac, and Therapy

 Dazzling opal pendants are the birthstone of October. Opals are also associated with Libras. On top of its beauty, opals will make the wearer more loving and affectionate in both personal and family life and will ensure the wearer good opportunities and magnetize others. This exquisite gemstone is a must have for those born in October.

This gemstone is also known to enhance the positive characteristics of those born under Cancer. Additionally, Black opal is recommended to those born under the zodiac sign of Scorpio. Boulder and Fire Opal are lucky stones for those under Aries.

Some people think that opals are unlucky for anyone to wear if not born in the month of October. This silly superstition came from a novel in the 1800s, by Sir Walter Scott, called "Anne of Geierstein." This is ironic because opals have been considered as the luckiest and magical of all the gems throughout history.

Opal bracelets were once considered as the symbol for fidelity, assurance, religious devotion, having the power to preserve the life and color of blond hair, and the cure for eye diseases.

The ancient Greeks believed opals gave their owners the gift of prophecy and guarded them from disease. Europeans have long considered the gem a symbol of hope, purity, and truth.

People believed that opals have healing powers that have been reported to solve depressions and to help the wear find true and real love.

During Ancient Times, Black opal rings are considered an extremely lucky stone and is worn near the heart on necklaces made of gold to protect one from the evil eye and protect travelers to far way lands, addition to its healing properties to increase mental capacities and creative imagination.

In gemstone therapy, opals are usually regarded as gems which people choose when they are dealing with a particular aspect of their personality.

Types of opals - which one is ideal for which type of opal jewellery?

 Opal bracelets are striking gemstones that flash all the colors of the rainbow. They are made of small spheres of hydrated silica; silica is the component of sand that makes sand! As they form, tiny water droplets are trapped in a grid of spheres in an irregular pattern. The water bends the light passing through the gem, resulting in the magical play of colors, known as opalescence, that this gem is known for!

However, not all opal rings are created equal! There are four broad categories of opal, white, black, boulder and crystal, which differ in their translucency and the color of the host rock. They also show varying levels of opalescence. And although fashion dictates the changing popularity of individual types of opals, certain types of opals are more suited to some forms of opal jewelry than others. So which form goes best with which piece of jewelry?

White black opals are the most abundant of these gemstones. They have a milky white appearance that can range from almost opaque to translucent. The more milky the background of the host rock, the harder it is to see the flashes of fiery opalescence within. Their beauty is best seen in strong direct light. Their pale appearance and relative affordability means they are often set as cabochons in silver metal for everyday jewellery.

Black opals are the rarest, most sought after and most expensive form of gemstone. Some of the best in the world come from Lightning Ridge in Australia. The dark host rock is usually black, blue, brown or gray and provides the perfect background against which to see the beautiful color display of these gems. They have the appearance of an angry storm cloud behind a rainbow.

The drama of black opals is best appreciated in full view. They are usually set as cabochons. And they're dramatic enough to hold their own alongside diamonds in statement jewelry, such as a gorgeous anniversary pendant or engagement ring.

Boulder opals are always cut with some host rock still attached. They are typically set in jewelry as thin segments or as baroque stone shapes. They are unusual and extremely attractive pieces that will attract comments and admiring glances! They cannot be easily set into rings, but they make wonderful pendant necklaces.

Crystalline opal types, such as fire opals, are transparent and usually have good clarity that allows strong diffracted color to be seen. This is the only category of gemstone that is usually faceted before being set into jewelry. Fire opals have little opalescence, but are valued for their 

The Beauty of associate mineral Bracelet

 A gorgeous price in addition to any respectable assortment of bijou is a mineral bracelet. Opals are implausibly colourful, however you want knowledge to properly care for them if you wish to keep up that gorgeous beauty. There are several things to remember concerning the mineral bracelet.


Opal bracelets area unit varied unique as a result of they're cut during a completely different fashion and alternative precious gems. once opals area unit strip-mined, the miners themselves take extraordinary care once handling the gorgeous stones. This adds their beauty and their price.


The stones of AN mineral bracelet area unit each spirited and bright in their color, with a distinct form of color combination if they're black opals or white opals. Either the mineral is do fantastic things once enjoying off the sunshine. the colour itself radiates from wet that's at bay among the stone.


The stones of AN mineral bracelet area unit polished in such the simplest way that they are doing don't typically crack for his or her protection. It for a few tragic reason they were to contact the colour would slowly fade right out of them and your engagement ring with opal with the desire not.


An mineral bracelet will have as few joined mineral or as several as twenty, looking on the design and size. bear in mind to treat your mineral with care as a result of they're rather fragile gems. you must limit some time for carrying AN mineral bracelet as a result of even the natural oils from your skin will injure them. carrying the mineral bracelet for special occasions and therefore the like is okay, as long as you are doing not forget you're carrying it.

Nor ought to they be immersed in any form of liquids as a result of that conjointly tendency to wreck the opals. once you area unit finished carrying your mineral opal price for the evening, it's sensible to let it air out and dry.


If the mineral somehow will become dirty you wish to wash it now. to require a toothbrush and cup of water thereto would possibly injury it, although this technique works well with alternative items of bijou.


You also might want to appear into specially made jewellery cleaners that area unit created specifically to treat the valuable gems that area units contain in your mineral bracelet. If you're disquieted concerning cleanup your bracelet, you may need to require it to a knowledgeable shaper and raise them concerning cleanup your bracelet. this manner you recognize it'll be cleansed right, while not injury done to your bracelet.

Gemstone Education - Diamond: The most precious of gems

 Garnet, January's stone of the month, is one of the most versatile gemstones on the market. It comes in a rainbow of colors, from deep red to tangerine orange to lime green to light pink, as well as purple, gold and brown.


The name Pomegranate was most likely derived from the pomegranate, a fruit whose deep red-purple color resembles some varieties of pomegranate. Many ancient pieces of pomegranate opal bracelets are studded with tiny red gems that look like a cluster of pomegranate seeds.


There are garnets that change color in different light, translucent green garnets that look like jade, and garnets that display a faint four-pointed star. Although this exciting gem has been mined for thousands of years, new deposits have been found in the last decade.


This black opal direct is actually part of a family of gemstones with mineral and color differences that include rhodolite, malayan, dematoid, grossular, hessonite, spessartite, almandine, tangerine, and combinations of these varieties.


Malayan, a mixed variety found in Tanzania and Kenya, ranges from orange to gold. Demantoid is mainly found in Russia. Hessonite and spessartite usually come in gold, orange, and brown colors. Mandarin is a bright orange species of spessartite, recently found in Namibia. Groosular is available in pink, green and yellow.


Light colors usually command higher prices than gems with light or dark shades. The gem is also available in different sizes depending on the garnet type. Larger gemstones are available in the more common types and extremely rare in the more valuable tsavorites and demantoids.


The gemstone was popular with ancient Egyptian natural opal stud earrings. The demantoid garnet was widely used by the Russian tsars. Travelers wore the gem to protect them from accidents. The gem was thought to protect its wearer from a variety of ailments, ward off evil spirits, stimulate creativity and dispel anger. The stones are also said to light up the night and protect their owners from nightmares. 

Different types of garnets range from 6 to 7 on the Mohs scale of hardness, meaning the stone is prone to scratches and cracks from impact.


Use warm soapy water and a soft brush to clean the grenade. Ultrasonic cleaning is safe for most garnet types except demantoid. Avoid steam cleaning.


Jewelry, bijouterie or fashion jewelry - how did it all begin

 Have you ever wondered how decorating our bodies with trinkets, opal bracelets, began? Did the ancients see a nice seashell or rock and decide it would look good hanging from a string or perhaps a thin vine around the neck? Or maybe they decided to put this on their wrist. Did the women see an unusual bone fragment and decide that it would look good if she kept her hair out of her face? How did anyone decide which pieces of rock, metal, bone, or shell were valuable enough to be used as trading currency? I just started researching my questions and I don't have answers yet. I found common previously reported jewelry ideas to share. As I begin my quest, I can see there will be many more questions and I can't wait to find the answers.


Australia opal consists of decorative items worn as adornment, such as brooches, rings, necklaces, earrings, and bracelets. For many centuries metal, often combined with precious stones [I call them pretty stones], was the normal material for jewelry, but other materials such as shells. Think of dried plant seeds and even animal bones or even bird feathers. Precious stones [pretty stones] and similar materials such as amber, coral, precious metals, beads and shells were used. One of my favorites, Enamel, was often important.


The basic forms of fire opal necklace vary between cultures; in European cultures, the most common forms of jewelry have persisted since ancient times, while other forms, such as nose or ankle ornaments, important in other cultures, are much less common.


Jewelry can be a status symbol for its material properties, designs, or for meaningful symbols. A jewel in the form of a pineapple symbolizes that you are hospitable. Heart shape shows love. Amber, bloodstone, garnet opal and ruby ​​are said to symbolize fire. The meanings and symbols of jewelry shapes [animal, flower, stars, etc.] will be the subject of a future article.


Jewelry was made to adorn almost every part of the body, from hairpins to toe rings and even genital jewelry. Jewelery wearing patterns between genders, children and the elderly can vary greatly between cultures. Another topic for research.

Gemstone Engagement Rings

Opal Diamond Rings are known to be favored by royalty because the blue sapphire stone is even rarer than diamond and is almost as hard. This is a nice fact to share with your number one queen when you slip a blue sapphire engagement ring on her ring finger. Blue sapphires come in a range of shades from light to dark blue. The blue color is due to the level of titanium in the stone: the more titanium, the richer the color. However, too much color can actually create a dull black effect and reduce the value of the stone.

The most blue sapphires are found in Sri Lanka, Burma and Madagascar. Burmese sapphires tend to be more expensive than those from Sri Lanka and Madagascar due to their brilliant color. Kashmir blue sapphires are the rarest and most expensive of all because the reserves found in the remote region of India were depleted about 100 years ago, escalating the price and demand.

The prices of blue sapphires depend on whether or not they have been treated (untreated costs much more), as well as color, cut, tone (lightness or darkness of the stone), saturation (the degree to which a shade is hidden by other shades), and clarity. One carat blue sapphires can range from a few hundred dollars to several thousand.

Buy your ruby ​​opal bracelets with pride! Don't let anyone tell you that diamonds are better as engagement rings. Only you and your potential spouse should decide what suits your style, taste and budget........not popular opinion....or your future mother-in-law. Besides, you can always tell naysayers that big rubies are even rarer than diamonds. Rubies belong to the corundum family. Any color from this family other than red is considered a sapphire. Rubies are almost as hard as diamonds. Diamonds are considered a "10" on the hardness scale, while rubies are a 9. Rubies have slightly less clarity than other gemstones and tend to have at least some small inclusions. Most rubies are heat-treated to enhance their color, but the stones exist in their natural form. Cushion cut and oval rubies are the most common opal bracelets. Burmese rubies are considered the most sought after.

You may be able to save money by purchasing a ruby ​​with a slightly tinted shade, i.e. slightly lighter or darker than what is considered ideal... a vivid red color. You can also save some dough by shopping synthetic versus natural rubies. Rubies belong to the corundum family. Any color from this family other than red is considered a sapphire.

Rest assured that buying opal gemstone will not bring bad luck to your partner, but perhaps the opposite. When it comes to opal gemstone superstition, some still believe that it is bad luck to buy an opal for yourself, but good luck if someone else gives it to you. Throughout history there have been negative connotations associated with opals. Interestingly, it is said that in the 18th and 19th centuries, diamond merchants became nervous about how the beautiful gem was ripping off diamond customers and further perpetuated stereotypes about the opal to prevent this. The powers that be tried hard to squash this unfortunate urban legend when a huge amount of opals were found in Australia.

I personally love opal engagement rings. With their iridescent hues, I think opals are some of the prettiest stones around. The shades of the rainbow are often referred to as the "play of colors". Most opal supplies come from our Australian friends in South Australia.

Here is the science behind opals. Opals are a non-crystalline form of the mineral silica, which are made up of amorphous 'balls' or 'lumps' of silica. In other words, water in the ground carrying dissolved silica seeps through sand and dirt, where the silica particles are deposited in cracks. As the water evaporates, the silica particles combine to form opal. Color is caused by the diffraction of light. Where the tiny silica spheres are similar in size and arrangement, the light reflecting off them separates into its spectral colors, and the stone appears to contain all the colors of the rainbow. Where the spheres are larger and less uniform, the range of colors is more limited.

One of the main disadvantages of opal engagement rings compared to diamonds is that opals are a much softer stone. While diamond is considered a 10 on the Mohs hardness scale, opal is between 5 and 6. This means that over time opal can break and you need to handle it with care and caution. look for the setting of the ring that best preserves its integrity (i.e. half bezel is a good choice).

Opals show an impressive color range. They can be white, pink, green and blue, gray or black. Australian boulder opals are the most durable of opals and also the most robust in color. As a result, they are considered valuable and are quite expensive. Black opals are actually the rarest and most expensive. They have dark backgrounds with iridescent colors or deep blue-green hues. Fire opals that have any color background but show an unusual amount of red are also quite rare

There are a thousand legends and stories related to the opal gemstone.

The ancient Greeks believed that opals fell from the sky during flashes of lightning and gave individuals the ability to see into the future.

The Romans thought that wearing opals made one more clear in thought and spontaneous in action.

Can you believe it? In his play "Tweltfh Night," Shakespeare used the gem to draw an analogy between the changing colors of an opal and the ever-changing moods of a woman. Hmmmmmmmm.......not sure I like the comparison.

Do Fertility Bracelets Work?

How do fertility opal bracelets work? For generations, women around the world have gathered to celebrate their fertility. They gathered and foraged outside of their community and looked for fertility stones. They thought that these different stones had very special powers that had the ability to raise a woman's fertility level, improve her overall reproductive system, calm her emotions and nerves, and offer an atmosphere conducive to pregnancy.

Annual ceremonies were held in their villages to honor the generations before them and celebrate the generations to come. At these events, young women in the community were given a fertility opal diamond ring, pendants and necklaces as a rite of passage into womanhood. They will be confident that the fertility stones can ensure the creation of more children as well as a way to ensure the necessary survival of their group.

These people believed that the energy contained within the exceptional fertility black opal direct was so powerful that it was a key and necessary part of their clothing. Countless cultures have embedded stones into their clothing or worn necklaces and bracelets close to the skin at all times.

Fertility stones include smoky quartz, moonstone, Mexican fire opal, bloodstone, and rhodonite, which are believed to hold energy to increase a woman's fertility levels. Shiva Lignum, Chryoprase, Unakite and Dolomite were considered to strengthen the circulatory system and calm the nerves. Rose Quartz, beyond all manifestations, crystals were considered the most effective because they naturally formed small family clusters identical to themselves.

Today, fertility bracelets and ovulation jewelry are made using many of the same stones that were used long ago. Different companies allow you to choose from many different fertility stones that you wish to have on your bracelet, along with the specific metal for you personally. Or maybe if you decide to make your own fertility jewelry, these stones are not hard to find on the market. Your personal fertility bracelet will be not only practical, but also very attractive.

Deciding whether or not to believe that fertility bracelets really work and have the power to improve your fertility levels is only up to you. 

In addition to taking care of the health of your reproductive system, eating and drinking the right foods, taking care of yourself, and preparing the nursery in your home to be ready for pregnancy, you may want to include wearing a fertility bracelet. If only to teach your subconscious mind to tell your body that you are truly ready to conceive, fertility stones can be another natural way to prepare.

The Fertility Braceletis a fun and functional way to increase your chances of getting pregnant. Fertility bracelets contain fertility stones such as rose quartz and aventurine, which have long been praised for their fertility.

Identifying Ancient Rings - What You Should Know

When it comes to antique opal rings, you will find that you have many seasons to choose from from the Georgian period to art deco designs. Knowing each time, their unique design features and how the rings are made can help you discover which antique ring is the best choice based on your unique personality, style and taste.

Georgian rings date to the period 1714 to 1837. These were handmade pieces that were strongly influenced by nature. You will usually find soft designs emblazoned with flowers, leaves and petals designed to be perfect by the designers later in the day.

Victorian opal bracelets are a top choice from the period 1836 to 1901. These classic rings often feature flowers, bows and hearts and are romantic with women. Opal became a popular stone option during this time and you will find a wide selection of ring designs full of opals to make an amazing and memorable effect.

Another popular option when it comes to rings is art Noumea. The Noumea period of art dates back to 1890 and 1919 and included fine-grained stone designs. This was a very special moment when you wore one of these rings, guaranteed to make a statement. It is important to note that not everyone will like this season or the pieces of this season. It is a unique taste that can be accepted if you want something completely different from what everyone else has.

The old Edwardian rings are one of the best options for brides to be around the world. The Edwardian era lasted from 1895 to 1914 and required careful art and detail. Jewelry at this time was very delicate and made with such care. While these old rings can provide art and beauty, they are not suitable for everyone and lifestyle and work options should be considered to ensure that these delicate rings can withstand their daily strokes.

Art Deco Antique rings are a very popular choice. These are brightly colored and bold, bold and glamorous and are still proudly worn by women all over the world today. The era of art deco dates from 1920 to 1935 and remains one of the best times when it comes to choosing a ring.

The good news about rings from all those times is that they offer timeless beauty and can be worn now and in the future with complete confidence. They are hand-crafted, with careful attention to detail to ensure that every little detail is considered in order to create a beautiful piece that can be enjoyed in the future.

It is very important when choosing a ring at any time using a reputable and reliable jewelry company that focuses on antiquities. The jeweler should do their own thorough research, verify the product and verify its authenticity, making your mind completely free when making your choice.

12 Gifts of Birthstone Jewelry

 Everyone has a birthday stone, and birthstone opal jewelry is a thoughtful and unique gift for anyone who enjoys wearing their own stone.

Traditionally, each month of the year has a gem associated with it. Where did this custom come from? The Encyclopedia Brittanica states: “Astronomers have long suggested that supernatural forces came from gemstones. Wearing a gemstone associated with a birthday party is generally thought to bring good luck or health.

Another theory is that the tradition of birthstones originated in Aaron's Breastplate: a ceremonial religious vestment of twelve gems representing the twelve tribes of Israel and corresponding to the twelve constellations and the twelve moons of the year.

Whatever the reason, beautiful opal rings, necklaces, earrings, and pins on 12 traditional birthstones have been cherished and worn for centuries.

Here are the traditional values ​​for each month of the year:

January: Deep red Garnet is the traditional birthstone for January. Garnet exhibits a wide variety of colors of any mineral, available in all colors except blue. For more than 5,000 years, the rich red burgundy color and vivid, shiny color have made garnet a favorite gem. Dipped in gold, garnet radiates warmth.

February: A brilliant Amethyst, deep purple is the February birthstone. A variety of quartz, Amethyst has long been part of the crown jewels - the reference to the "Royal Purple". According to Greek mythology, Amethyst, a lovely girl who was on her way to pay tribute to the goddess Diana, was transformed into a crystal pillar to protect her from the snares of the furious Dionysius. The amethyst gemstones come in many shades of purple, but they have to be purple to be considered amethyst.

March: The birthstone for March is Aquamarine. Like emerald, this bright blue stone is a variety of beryl. Associated with water, aquamarines are especially appreciated by those living near the sea. Sailors often wore aquamarine talismen to protect them from the elements. High quality aquamarine stones will have bright bright colors.

April: The birthstone of April is Diamond, found in Kimberlite, an ancient volcanic rock. Diamonds have been valued for all kinds of opal bracelets for centuries and are well-matched with all other birth stones. High quality diamonds will have a good balance of four "C's - cut, color, clarity and carat weight.

May: Rich green emeralds are the birthstone of the month of May. In a clear, saturated color, emeralds mean green. Cleopatra was known for her extravagant, surrealistic dresses back in the very straight-laced 1930s. Emerald is a variety of beryl, which includes aquamarine blue.

June: June birthdays are represented by Pearl. A natural gemstone created by layers of nacre surrounding a delicate object within an oyster shell, a unique pearl glow makes gemstones around the world for centuries. Simple and beautiful, pearls are beautiful when made into necklaces, or as a single pearl earrings.

July: The birthstone of July is Ruby. With its reddish-brown color that attracts the eye, it is a variety of corundum, like sapphire, and has a similar natural vibration. The best rubies have a good color depth and clarity. The Burke Museum's website states that ancient Hindus called it “the king of treasures,” and royalty used rubies to ward off evil because they believed that it had magical powers. the existence of evil and ease when evil is no more - but only if it is controlled by its rightful owner ".

August: Peridot is August's birthstone. Introduced from the Middle East to the Pacific, the glossy peridot stands in contrast to the yellow-green, especially when paired with diamonds. The people of ancient Egypt called it the "precious stone of the sun".

September: The shiny blue sapphire is the September birthstone. From the same family of precious stones like rubies, sapphires with velvety blue shades and bright accents. In ancient times some people believed that sapphire had healing properties, such as the ability to cure arthritis, arthritis, blindness, and mental illness. Sapphires are best when set with diamonds in white gold or platinum.

October: The October birthstone is Opal. Endless color light provides a unique experience whenever the stone is moved or turned. To enhance its playfulness of the hot color, the opal is cut into cabochon shapes, round without earrings, as opposed to the partial composition of other gemstones. Opal was revered by ancient kings who believed that stones would ward off evil forces.

November: The golden orange color of Citrine is the traditional birthstone of November. Refreshing in bright autumn colors, citrine gets its name from a French word meaning "lemon". Like amethyst, citrine is a variety of quartz, and its warmth, combined with gold, adds a bright glow of color to any piece of jewelry. Like all forms of quartz, citrine was thought to have magical power.

December: Coinciding with the birth of the gemstone, December is the Topaz Topaz. With its bright blue color, blue topaz has been used as fine jewelry for thousands of years. Another December birthstone is Turquoise. Respected by Native Americans, and a key element in their silver jewelry, Turquoise comes in shades of blue from water to green.

Australian Opal Direct


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The Unique and Vibrant World of Opals

 If boring and milky-white is what comes to mind when you think of an opal, think again. Sure there are some stones that are more sedate and subtle in their fire, but there are also some that will set you on fire with their brilliance. Opals are a truly unique gemstone. Really! No two are alike in pattern and color. You can confidently say that no one else has an opal pendant like the one you have.

History and Legend

This opal bracelets got its name because of its iridescent-looking qualities. Opal is derived from the Greek word "Opallus" and the Latin word "Opalus." Respectively, these words mean to see color changes and precious stone. As with many gemstones, folklore attaches mystical-like powers to the opal. Ancient Greeks believed it gave a person the ability to see and predict the future. Others believed the opal helped ward off the ills of aging. If it does help, why not slip on an opal ring or an opal bracelet? It certainly couldn't hurt!

Origin and Chemistry

Opals primarily come from Australia. In fact, nearly 95% of the world's supply comes from the four major mines in Australia. A smattering of stones comes from Mexico, Brazil, Nevada and Idaho.

Opals are extremely soft and delicate. Their make-up is actually a silica gel, which is what forms when silica is introduced to water. Opals hold water and about 6-10% of their composition is water. Because of its flexible state, it grows wherever there is space and takes the shape of that space. Because it is so soft- a 5.5 on the Mohs scale, an opal ring is less practical, certainly for everyday wear. An opal pendant holds up better because there is less chance of knocking it and scratching it through wear.

Birthstone and Types

This unique and delicate gemstone happens to be the birthstone for October. There are a myriad of colors and styles to choose from in celebration of your birthday or someone else's. For a bold piece of birthstone jewelry, you can put together a black opal and diamond bracelet with black opal diamond earrings. The black opal is the boldest of the types because the black serves as a wonderful contrast to the blues, greens, reds and yellows. However, it is also the hardest to find and therefore, quite expensive.

Instead of investing in a strand of pearls, why not look at white opal and diamond pendants. They are just as classic, but also unexpected and beautiful. White opals are not as bold as the black, but they are just as pretty. Instead of bright and vibrant, the colors come across as soft and pastel.

In between the black and white lay the semi-black and the light opals with varying shades of bright and pastel colors. The crystal opal has no color- not black or white. It is clear and only color you see is the fire, the diffraction of light.

Whatever piece of opal jewelry you choose, take care of it. An opal ring makes a great family heirloom, but not if it is scratched or cracked. Follow your jewelers cleaning instructions so that your opal jewelry lasts for generations to come.

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The Beauty of an Opal Bracelet

 A day stunning and value to addition to any respectable collection of jewelry is an opal bracelet. Opals are incredibly colorful, but you must know how to properly care for them if you want to maintain that stunning beauty. There are many things to remember about the opal bracelet.

Opals are varied unique because they are cut in a different fashion and other precious gems. When opals are mined, the miners themselves take extraordinary care when handling the beautiful stones. This adds their beauty and their value.

The stones of an opal bracelet are both vibrant and radiant in their color, with a different sort of color combination if they are black opals or white opals. Either the opal is do fantastic things when playing off the light. The color itself radiates from moisture that is trapped within the stone.

The stones of an opal bracelet are polished in such a way that they do do not usually crack for their protection. It for some tragic reason they were to contact the color would slowly fade right out of them and your bracelet with the will no longer.

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Australian Opal Ring - Learn to Choose a Quality Pearl

 Australian Opal Bracelets have some very popular and attractive attractions. These beautiful opals are found in the Australian Outback region with a strong and extremely poor climate. These conditions have guarded Australia's top opal and have made them even more beautiful as if they were created and made with unimaginable power. Australia is the first source of opals and other opal jewelry due to their abundance in the Australian Outback.

There are actually opals that are commonly found in arid areas.  Precious opals are found in arid areas where water is scarce or scarce. These conditions actually make it difficult to find opals and will make opals available more expensive than other common opals.

Many people are interested in opal jewelry. Australian opal rings are really popular with consumers today as they cater to both men and women. Popular gemstones are preferred by men when it comes to Australian opal rings black opals. These opals are set in gold or silver rings and are very masculine and impressive to look at. The contrast between the metal and the black opal makes the opal stand out and emits a certain fire that makes the wearer more powerful but more peaceful when looking.

On the other hand, the popular choice for women when it comes to Australian opal rings is opals set with a small metal and embellished with diamonds. This type of ring makes the opal stand out in comparison to the shiny white frame and makes it look shiny. Most women consider these types of Australian opal bracelets because of their intricate beauty.

There are also opal rings for sale at a lower price compared to precious opals. These opal rings are double or triple. The doublets use small pieces of precious opal. These small pieces of opal are combined with ironstone which makes it look like a solid piece of black opal. Doublets are sold at a much lower price than precious opals as few opals are used. Triplets are similar to doublets but use three thin slices of different types of opal. Triplets are also less expensive than double.

Proper care of your Australian opal rings is also very important as opals break easily and can easily crack if they lose their moisture. However, you should remove your opal ring before doing any hard work to prevent it from getting hit. Australian opal rings should 

The Beauty of an Opal Bracelet

A day stunning and value to addition to any respectable collection of jewelry is an opal bracelet. Opals are incredibly colorful, but you must know how to properly care for them if you want to maintain that stunning beauty. There are many things to remember about the opal bracelet.

Opal bracelets are varied unique because they are cut in a different fashion and other precious gems. When opals are mined, the miners themselves take extraordinary care when handling the beautiful stones. This adds their beauty and their value.

The stones of an opal bracelet are both vibrant and radiant in their color, with a different sort of color combination if they are black opals or white opals. Either the opal is do fantastic things when playing off the light. The color itself radiates from moisture that is trapped within the stone.

The stones of an opal bracelet are polished in such a way that they do do not usually crack for their protection. It for some tragic reason they were to contact the color would slowly fade right out of them and your bracelet with the will no longer.

An opal bracelet can have as few as one opal or as many as twenty, depending on the style and size. Remember to treat your opal with great care because they are rather fragile gems. You should limit your time for wearing an opal bracelet because even the natural oils from your skin can damage them. Wearing the opal bracelet for special occasions and the like is fine, as long as you do not forget you are wearing it.

Nor should they be immersed in any sort of liquids because that also tends to damage the opals. When you are finished wearing your opal bracelet for the evening, it is smart to let it air out and dry.

If the opal somehow does become dirty you want to clean it immediately. To take a toothbrush and cup of water to it might damage it, even though this method works well with other pieces of jewelry.

You also may want to look into specially produced jewelry cleaners that are made specifically to treat the precious gems that are contained in your opal bracelet. If you are worried about cleaning your bracelet, you might want to take it to a professional jewelry maker and ask them about cleaning your bracelet. This way you know it will be cleaned right, without damage done to your bracelet.

Using only a few steps, it is easy to care for your opal bracelet. As long as they remain flawless, you will have a beautiful and valuable heirloom to pass down for hundreds, if not thousands of years to come.


Australian Opal Direct

Address: 5401 New Castle, Encino CA 91316

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Birthstone Zodiac

Opal Necklaces traditions and folklore are full of history and superstition. Opal Earrings have long been associated with mysterious and magical powers, such as protection and good fortune. During the Middle Ages, certain gems were thought to arouse the most energy when worn in a particular month. Gradually one gem is added every month. Wealthy people often own twelve designated Opal Ring, which they wear year-round.Over time, it became more common to wear only stones throughout the year of one's birth. Even wearing jewellery with other stones that are not your own birth month was considered unfortunate. In the early 1900's, six of the oldest birthmarks were replaced by the more readily available and affordable ones. Recognized today as both traditional and modern, there are two birthmarks in six of the twelve months. Each stone has its own meaning and legend.

Garnet, associated with opal bracelets, and thus vital energy, is said to protect the wearer from nightmares and provide guidance in the dark. The ancient Egyptians mainly made necklaces and bracelets from garnet. The name comes from the Greek granatas, meaning "opal ring", probably referring to the pomegranate. Amethyst, purple Peace and serenity are the main qualities associated with amethyst, which also provide protection to the wearer. In Greek mythology, amethyst was considered a preacher of peace; The word comes from the Greek amethystos, meaning "not drunk." This gem is also said to have been a favourite of Catherine the Great.Aquamarine, from the light blue Latin word aquamarina, meaning "sea water", aquamarine traditionally protects the health of people at sea by promoting health and hope for the wearer. In particular, the gem is said to protect a sailor from sea sickness and ease depression. Aquamarine is associated with happy marriages, whether with newlyweds or long-married couples.Bloodstone, heliotrope, dark green and red are said to inspire passion and courage, the blood stone is dark green, almost black, and lined with light-reflecting red spots, like a swarm of blood. During the Middle Ages, the stone was thought to contain the blood of Christ, thus possessing spiritual healing and purifying powers. Heliotrope means "going back to the sun," derived from the Greek helios ("sun") and trepane ("to wrap").Diamonds, colourless endless love is the classic message of this brilliant gem, which gives strength to the wearer. The word diamond comes from the Latin adamens, meaning "inseparable". In the Middle Ages, diamonds were thought to protect the wearer from black magic and provide strength during battle.Emerald, green This vibrant gem, whose name comes from the Latin Esmeraldas, meaning "green", was once thought to give the wearer the ability to predict. Cleopatra was an avid emerald collector and had her own mine for the gem.Pearl, white This gem promotes purity and purity. The ancient Greeks believed that pearls were tears of joy for Aphrodite, the goddess of love. First cultivated in 13th century China, freshwater oysters can take three to five years to form pearls. The word pearl is probably derived from the Latin parna, meaning "foot", indicating the leg-off-mutton shape of a mollusk.Alexandrite, the red-orange gem brings joy and good luck and boosts self-esteem. It is named after Russian Tsar Alexander II, as the gem was allegedly discovered on his 16th birthday in the Ural Mountains. July Ruby - Red Juicy Ruby symbolises harmony and great beauty. Due to the ancient belief that ruby ​​has an invisible flame, it is a symbol of eternal love. Wearing it on the left hand brings good luck. The name comes from the Latin rubius, meaning "red".Peridot, chrysolite, light green, gold This stone is said to promote vitality, reduce anxiety and bring wealth. The name Green Peridot comes from the Arabic word Faridat, meaning "gem". The name gold chrysoline comes from the Latin chrysolithas, meaning "gold stone.''Sardonyx -, worn by brown-red Roman soldiers to promote bravery and adventure, sardonyx is still widely used in making cameos and intaglios. The name comes from a combination of Persian sered, meaning "brown-red" and Latin onyx, meaning "nails" or "claws." The stone is often lined with white or black bands, giving the appearance of slash marks.Sapphire, blue gorgeous sapphire shines with faith and honesty. The name is derived from the Greek zafiros, meaning "blue stone." The ancient Egyptians associated Sapphire with the "Eyes of Horus'' or "Eyes of the Sky." Priests traditionally wear sapphires to be associated with their purity, while royalty wears them for wisdom. Princess Diana has an engagement ring and a sapphire.Opal, different from Latin opalas, multi-colored, meaning "precious gem", this unique gem promotes purity and innocence associated with children. In mediaeval times, red opal was thought to cure blood diseases, while white opal was thought to cure brain diseases. When set in gold and worn as a necklace, the black opal is said to protect travellers in distant lands.Pink Tourmaline, Pink Beautiful Pink Tourmaline stands for love and compassion; From the Sanskrit Toramalli, referring to Sri Lanka, where the gem was first found. This gem was considered a ward against death in mediaeval times.Topaz, yellow, pale blue or pink is associated with prudence and health, making topaz impenetrable to the wearer. The name comes from the Greek Topazos, the traditional name for St. John's Island in the Red Sea, where the gem was first excavated. The Greeks considered it a stone of strength. On exposure to medium heat, yellow topaz actually turns pink.Citrine, yellow or orange associated with energy and warmth, is believed to help with depression and promote spiritual well-being. Citrine comes from the Latin citrinus, meaning "lemon-colored."Blue Zircon, moderately blue is said to bless the wearer with success and prosperity, while blue Zircon is believed to relieve pain and promote restful sleep. If the gem loses its luster, it is said to be a sign of danger. The name zircon comes from the Arabic zircon, which means "golden," because most zircons are yellow.


Australian Opal Direct

Address: 5401 New Castle, Encino CA 91316

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Men's Jewellery Designer

 Men are not so picky about Opal Bracelets. Designer jewellery for men is not common. It never was! Men are wearing it, designers are designing it, brands are making it and women are liking it. Everything about men's opal necklace is subtle. Designer men's jewellery is usually sought after. Designer men's jewellery is much more popular than women's designer jewellery. Brands like Gucci and Azar have been involved in creating classic men's designer jewellery since ancient times.

Designer men's casual accessories for casual wear is definitely a new thing. But designer jewellery for men has been around for centuries as an accessory to formal wear. Cufflinks and brooches are probably the most popular jewellery for men to date. Gold, silver, sterling silver, copper and many other materials have been used to make cufflinks and brooches. Both of these are smart accessories that are used to enhance the formal look.Wear them for parties, formal occasions and business meetings. They make a wonderful men's professional clothing accessory.In addition to metals like gold, silver light metals can also be used to make men's jewellery. These ornaments are usually made to be worn with casual wear. Chains, bracelets, opal rings, earrings, etc. are relatively new ornaments. Designer jewellery for men offers a huge variety in terms of design and style.These types of ornaments wear well for functions, parties, etc.Major men's clothing brands have joined Waggon to create smart and stylish designer men's jewellery. They are creating stunning designs in a variety of colours, from simplified patterns to intricate ones, giving Uber Cool Men the freedom to mix and match his sets with most of the colours in his wardrobe.Metals like gold, white gold, platinum etc. are sometimes engraved with even gemstones and precious stones like diamonds, jasper, opal and others. In short, men's formal apparel designer jewelry is a final statement of style and sophistication.


Australian Opal Direct

Address: 5401 New Castle, Encino CA 91316

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Opal Gemstone: A Kaleidoscope of Color and Meaning

The opal gemstone is one of nature’s most captivating and unique creations. Known for its stunning play-of-color , opal is a stone that has...