Showing posts with label Gold Opal Earrings For Sale. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Gold Opal Earrings For Sale. Show all posts

Five Ideas to Sell More Gold Jewelry

 I have a problem. Gold Opal Earrings For Sale isn't selling.

And I sell gold. Jewelry, that is. Yes, silver too, and even some beaded stuff, but what do we really want to sell?

The inventory with the higher price point. Gold and gemstones.

We recently got in a pair of simple hoop earrings for a long time customer. Simple design, but well made and weighty at just over eight grams. They cost us about $450 wholesale. The customer, I don't blame her, decided to pass. This was the third pair we got in so we held on to them, and there they sit in the case with the rest of the gold and dust bunnies.

The new inventory we have gets passed up. Sure we get a sporadic person coming in and wanting a nice opal or whatever, but the pieces that sell don't have a lot of gold or design to them. Not only is gold high but people are not spending, making the market especially tough.

Here are some options to increase gold sales for an independent bench jeweler:

Sell estate pieces. The only larger items selling for us are estate pieces. If your in retail you know its as much about perception as anything, and having some re-sale items certainly has perceived value.

Engagement rings. People are still getting married, and they won't buy silver to do it. We will be focusing on this market with a new line of smaller rings with a bezel setting. Less material, and more of a handmade look then the traditional prong setting. These types of rings are going well on Etsy.

Reduce the price of your old inventory. You may need to come off your prices a bit. Why not clear out your old stock? Again, give the customer a perception of value at a time when they have to pay a premium for new or custom designed jewelry.

Go online. Using Etsy or eBay will increase your exposure, if nothing else. It's far easier and less expensive to try new angles online and see what works. The bonus with selling online? You don't need new inventory. Keep at it, it's a slow process.

Get creative. Design your jewelry with mixed metals, smaller pieces, or even play around with gold plating. Often having restraints on what you can do stimulates the creative process.

It the jewelry business it's often difficult to switch gears and try new things. The amount of time and resources it takes to design new lines of work or change inventory is huge. Taking action and remaining flexible are the best way to stay ahead and keep positive despite these challenges. The times, they are a-changin.

Costume Jewelry - The Perfect Gift This Holiday Season For Those On a Budget

 Costume Gold Opal Earrings For Sale may have a reputation for being "cheap" knock-offs of diamond rings and other forms of fine jewelry but this does not tell the whole story. In truth, costume or "fashion" jewelry is indeed fabricated using semi-precious or completely base materials like glass, plastic, and synthesized stones. Such pieces may be lacking precious metals and gemstones but they more than make up for this shortcoming with design, aesthetic appeal, and overall beauty.

The term "costume jewelry" originated on the stages of Vaudeville and Broadway because it was used as part of the costumes for actors and actresses. Because pieces had to be seen by people at the back of a theatre, they were designed to be overly "flashy" and often featured ornate designs with an almost gaudy display of rhinestones and other semi-precious stones that happened to catch the light.

Starting in the 1920's, the popularity of fashion jewelry spread beyond the stage and into popular culture. The surge in popularity led to a number of manufacturers entering into the industry and thus flooding the market with a wide array of designs and styles. Some of the most popular manufacturers include:





High quality pieces often featured sparse use of precious metals like silver and gold. Silver over brass and gold over silver were very common combinations for the upper end manufacturers. Even ivory was used to an incredible degree given its relative rarity, especially in men's fashion pieces. Lower quality pieces tended to be made out of plastic, acrylic, and a host of other synthetic materials. However, despite being mass produced, many vintage pieces were actually hand crafted including rings, bracelets, chains, necklaces, pendants, and earrings.

The gems used to make vintage fashion pieces were often semi-precious and could include: amethyst, aquamarine, amber, opal, garnet, and even freshwater pearls. Some manufacturers like Eisenberg and Borgoff were renowned for using gems of exceptionally high quality, despite their semi-precious status. If well-cared for, some vintage costume pieces can command $100's despite originally being sold for a fraction of that amount.

To preserve the quality and value of vintage pieces, it is important to wipe them off after use to remove any oils, sweat, and dirt. A soft cloth is often best for this task but it is important to remember that harsh chemical solvents may discolor or permanently damage a piece. Strong solvents like alcohol have been known to dissolve the epoxy that holds stones in place and forever destroy the piece and render it worthless. Therefore, be sure to apply an hairspray or gel well before putting on a piece of jewelry to allow the solvent to dry. When finished wearing the piece, be sure to store it in a soft pouch or the original packaging for safe keeping.

While we would all love our jewelry collections to be filled with diamonds, rubies, sapphires, and other examples of fine jewelry--this is a very expensive proposition and completely impractical for most of us. Fashion jewelry is often designed to emulate fine pieces so a quality piece will still make you look fantastic without breaking the bank. And since you can buy costume pieces for a fraction of what you would spend on a piece of fine jewelry, you can add more pieces to your collection and give yourself more options when accessorizing your wardrobe.

Fashion pieces are the perfect way to introduce young girls to the world of jewelry. Because children have a tendency to lose or break jewelry, costume pieces are perfect because they allow a young woman to look great without worrying about the financial consequences of losing or damaging a high quality necklace, bracelet, etc.

Finally, vintage costume jewelry may have been known as "cheap" and relatively worthless when it was first introduced. Nowadays, however, there are thousands of collectors searching for vintage pieces to add to their jewelry collections and they are paying several times the original sale price. Depending on the demand, supply, and quality of the piece, some costume necklaces, brooches, and other pieces of jewelry can command $300 or more!

As the holidays approach and our credit card limits become stretched, costume jewelry may be the perfect solution to buying a great gift without shelling out a fortune in the process. If you take the time to find the quality pieces, a "cheap" gift today could well be worth big money down the road!

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Victorian Jewelry

Many people find it hard to believe that the inception of  Gold Opal Earrings For Sale occurred 100,000 years ago as evidenced by mollusk jewelry found in South Africa. Mollusks are small snails and clams, and their shells were used to fashion this jewelry, although it was no doubt for more functional purposes (such as holding a garment together) than it was for adorning people. In the earliest days, natural material was used, such as animal teeth, shells, bone, wood and stone.

The first period during which jewelry was used extensively to adorn people was the Georgian era beginning in the 1760's. Larger size jewelry from the past was replaced by delicate smaller forms. It is very difficult to locate jewelry from this period, but jewelry from the Victorian period beginning in the mid 1800's under the reign of Queen Victoria is a different story. The Victorian era ended in 1901 upon the death of the Queen.

The young Queen, who was crowned at eighteen, not only loved jewelry, but also designed it. In favor were cameos carved of conch shells by Italians. Women were known to travel to Italy to purchase necklaces, earrings, and brooches of cameo designs, and lava jewelry made from colored lava of Mt. Vesuvius. Soon the industrial revolution saw the manufacture of jewelry, and resulted in the end of the hand carving.

The Queen also got credit for the charm bracelet, and had a number of charms designed. She often gave jewelry as gifts to family and friends. Jewelry had been a status symbol of the wealthy, or to accompany fashionable outfits, but the emergence of the middle class created a demand for a larger quantities being produced. Queen Victoria continued to set the trend for other women, and her romantic nature as well as nature itself were reflected in jewelry designed with birds, hearts, butterflies, dragonflies, gemstone embellished flowers, ribbons, and bows. Jewelry containing the hair of both the living and dead was especially popular. Some of these pieces were very intricate in their design. Lockets were also used to hold the hair or pictures of the deceased.

Victoria also preferred serpent designs, a symbol of eternal love, and her engagement ring from Prince Albert in 1840 was a serpent designed with an emerald in its head. Terms of endearment such as "dearest" or "regard" often appeared on engagement rings. A brooch of sapphires and diamonds, a gift from her husband-to-be, adorned her wedding dress. The Queen also favored opals, but other affordable semi-precious stones appealed to the mass market such as amethyst, coral, pearls, turquoise and garnet. Ivory, seed pearls, bog oak, smoky quartz, jasper, agate, enamel, ,petrified wood, marble, as well as gold and silver found in Scottish jewelry were also popular with the public, as tartan plaids became fashionable after the Queen's children started wearing them.

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Great Jewelry Tips That You Should Check Out

 If you do not have enough money to buy Gold Opal Earrings For Sale, you can easily create your own. Earrings and necklaces are very easy to do: you can buy lovely beads for very cheap, or even make your own. Practice until you get it right, and people will not be able to tell the difference.

TIP! Lamp worked beads are a popular element in modern jewelry. Because many artisans hand-make each lamp worked bead, they can be unique and customized to suit your taste precisely.

What is jewelry for you? Can you tell the difference among costume jewelry and more valuable pieces? These tips are the first step in understanding the world of jewelry. Read these tips to find out a few simple things you will want to know when exploring the world of jewelry.

Give the gift that allows you to keep on giving. Add-a-pearl and add-a-bead type necklaces and bracelets along with charm bracelets make gift-giving easy! Start your loved one off with the basic chain or bracelet necessary and perhaps a pearl, bead or charm to commemorate the occasion, and with every holiday, birthday or special event in the future, use those opportunities to add to it with additional charms and beads.

TIP! When making jewelry, beeswax is a wonderful product to use for taming frizzy twine. Just rub a little on to the twine and you will have a smooth look in no time.

Currently of time you may not be able to afford the exact wedding band you have always dreamed of. However, that does not mean that you cannot buy something that suits the budget now and replace it in later years. You can always purchase the ring for a future occasion, such as your anniversary. Some jewelers provide buy-back programs where your ring can be traded for a larger one.

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Costume Jewelry - The Perfect Gift This Holiday Season For Those On a Budget

Costume Gold Opal Earrings For Sale may have a reputation for being "cheap" knock-offs of diamond rings and other forms of fine jewelry but this does not tell the whole story. In truth, costume or "fashion" jewelry is indeed fabricated using semi-precious or completely base materials like glass, plastic, and synthesized stones. Such pieces may be lacking precious metals and gemstones but they more than make up for this shortcoming with design, aesthetic appeal, and overall beauty.

The term "costume jewelry" originated on the stages of Vaudeville and Broadway because it was used as part of the costumes for actors and actresses. Because pieces had to be seen by people at the back of a theatre, they were designed to be overly "flashy" and often featured ornate designs with an almost gaudy display of rhinestones and other semi-precious stones that happened to catch the light.

Starting in the 1920's, the popularity of fashion jewelry spread beyond the stage and into popular culture. The surge in popularity led to a number of manufacturers entering into the industry and thus flooding the market with a wide array of designs and styles. Some of the most popular manufacturers include:





High quality pieces often featured sparse use of precious metals like silver and gold. Silver over brass and gold over silver were very common combinations for the upper end manufacturers. Even ivory was used to an incredible degree given its relative rarity, especially in men's fashion pieces. Lower quality pieces tended to be made out of plastic, acrylic, and a host of other synthetic materials. However, despite being mass produced, many vintage pieces were actually hand crafted including rings, bracelets, chains, necklaces, pendants, and earrings.

The gems used to make vintage fashion pieces were often semi-precious and could include: amethyst, aquamarine, amber, opal, garnet, and even freshwater pearls. Some manufacturers like Eisenberg and Borgoff were renowned for using gems of exceptionally high quality, despite their semi-precious status. If well-cared for, some vintage costume pieces can command $100's despite originally being sold for a fraction of that amount.

To preserve the quality and value of vintage pieces, it is important to wipe them off after use to remove any oils, sweat, and dirt. A soft cloth is often best for this task but it is important to remember that harsh chemical solvents may discolor or permanently damage a piece. Strong solvents like alcohol have been known to dissolve the epoxy that holds stones in place and forever destroy the piece and render it worthless. Therefore, be sure to apply an hairspray or gel well before putting on a piece of jewelry to allow the solvent to dry. When finished wearing the piece, be sure to store it in a soft pouch or the original packaging for safe keeping.

While we would all love our jewelry collections to be filled with diamonds, rubies, sapphires, and other examples of fine jewelry--this is a very expensive proposition and completely impractical for most of us. Fashion jewelry is often designed to emulate fine pieces so a quality piece will still make you look fantastic without breaking the bank. And since you can buy costume pieces for a fraction of what you would spend on a piece of fine jewelry, you can add more pieces to your collection and give yourself more options when accessorizing your wardrobe.

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Five Ideas to Sell More Gold Jewelry

 I have a problem. Gold isn't selling.

And I sell gold. Gold Opal Earrings For Sale, that is. Yes, silver too, and even some beaded stuff, but what do we really want to sell?

The inventory with the higher price point. Gold and gemstones.

We recently got in a pair of simple hoop earrings for a long time customer. Simple design, but well made and weighty at just over eight grams. They cost us about $450 wholesale. The customer, I don't blame her, decided to pass. This was the third pair we got in so we held on to them, and there they sit in the case with the rest of the gold and dust bunnies.

The new inventory we have gets passed up. Sure we get a sporadic person coming in and wanting a nice opal or whatever, but the pieces that sell don't have a lot of gold or design to them. Not only is gold high but people are not spending, making the market especially tough.

Here are some options to increase gold sales for an independent bench jeweler:

Sell estate pieces. The only larger items selling for us are estate pieces. If your in retail you know its as much about perception as anything, and having some re-sale items certainly has perceived value.

Engagement rings. People are still getting married, and they won't buy silver to do it. We will be focusing on this market with a new line of smaller rings with a bezel setting. Less material, and more of a handmade look then the traditional prong setting. These types of rings are going well on Etsy.

Reduce the price of your old inventory. You may need to come off your prices a bit. Why not clear out your old stock? Again, give the customer a perception of value at a time when they have to pay a premium for new or custom designed jewelry.

Go online. Using Etsy or eBay will increase your exposure, if nothing else. It's far easier and less expensive to try new angles online and see what works. The bonus with selling online? You don't need new inventory. Keep at it, it's a slow process.

Get creative. Design your jewelry with mixed metals, smaller pieces, or even play around with gold plating. Often having restraints on what you can do stimulates the creative process.

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Opal Gemstone: A Kaleidoscope of Color and Meaning

The opal gemstone is one of nature’s most captivating and unique creations. Known for its stunning play-of-color , opal is a stone that has...