Showing posts with label customer reviews. Show all posts
Showing posts with label customer reviews. Show all posts

Avoiding Illegal And Unethical Customer Review Methods

 There are many ways to game the online customer review system on your website and review sites.

While all these methods are unethical, not all of them are illegal but if discovered they could very well spell doom to your business reputation and success.

Here are three methods that you want to avoid using to collect customer reviews:

1. Financial incentives

Many underhanded marketers advice small business owners to use financial incentives to encourage clients to submit positive online reviews for them.

These incentives may not involve giving hard cash, but instead involve giving away coupons, gift cards, complementary vouchers, discount offers and so on.

While the practice may appear harmless to a business owner, it is actually bribing people to give a favorable opinion about your business which will be used by third parties to make a financial decision in doing business with you.

This has been one of the worst practices in the internet marketing field and has made the Federal Trade Commission crack down heavily on marketers who use false information to promote their business.

To stay out of trouble, use your financial incentives for other marketing purposes that will build trust and honesty with your customers and then encourage them to leave online reviews out of their own free will.

2. False personas

Another underhand trick marketers use is to create false online identities to submit reviews.

This is a difficult method for authorities to track since different IP addresses are used by each identity to submit the reviews.

However in this day and age of technology and so much public interest in exposing unscrupulous businesses, it wouldn't take long for someone investigating your reviewers to wonder why the IP addresses of the submitters are from India, Philippines and Malaysia yet your client base is in Little Rock, Arkansas!

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How To Get Good Customer Reviews

 Most people aren't going to give reviews unless they're angry, they're over-the-moon happy, or you asked for the review. It's better, of course, to get the last two over the first one, and thankfully there are ways to generate positive customer reviews.

Make Your Customers Happy

This is the very first thing you need to do if you want good reviews. Create amazing products or services and deliver them in an impeccable way. Follow up with your customers to ask if they need anything, and spoil them so they know they're valuable - especially if it's a high-ticket item.

Ask Your Customers for a Review

Set up your autoresponder so that within a follow-up series after the purchase is made, you ask for the customer to leave a review for you after a couple days. A little hint is to say, "Please leave a positive review, it's fast and easy, link here." If you put their mind "positive", then it will inform their writing as they do it even if they don't realize it.

Spread Positive Brand Awareness

Outside of the review process, work on spreading positive brand awareness by being a positive influence on social media, on your own blog, and even by writing reviews for others that are positive.

Respond to Bad Reviews as soon as Possible

When you see a bad review, it can be tempting to freak out and even cry. But the best thing you can do is take a moment, then respond in the most positive way possible to the bad review.

Reach Out to Unhappy Customers Personally

This is an imperative because you don't want the unhappy customer running around and talking about you everywhere, which people who are unhappy tend to do. Call them and ask them straight out how you can make it good.

Make Asking for a Review Part of Your Process

Remember that you should ask for reviews on every channel from every single customer every single day. The more you ask, the more likely you are to get more positive reviews.

Make Giving a Review Simple and Easy

Don't make them wonder how to give the review; give them a link to where you want them to put the review. Mention that it's fast and easy, and also mention that you'd love it if they gave you a positive review.

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How To Get Good Customer Reviews

 Most people aren't going to give reviews unless they're angry, they're over-the-moon happy, or you asked for the review. It's better, of course, to get the last two over the first one, and thankfully there are ways to generate positive customer reviews.

Make Your Customers Happy

This is the very first thing you need to do if you want good reviews. Create amazing products or services and deliver them in an impeccable way. Follow up with your customers to ask if they need anything, and spoil them so they know they're valuable - especially if it's a high-ticket item.

Ask Your Customers for a Review

Set up your autoresponder so that within a follow-up series after the purchase is made, you ask for the customer to leave a review for you after a couple days. A little hint is to say, "Please leave a positive review, it's fast and easy, link here." If you put their mind "positive", then it will inform their writing as they do it even if they don't realize it.

Spread Positive Brand Awareness

Outside of the review process, work on spreading positive brand awareness by being a positive influence on social media, on your own blog, and even by writing reviews for others that are positive.

Respond to Bad Reviews as soon as Possible

When you see a bad review, it can be tempting to freak out and even cry. But the best thing you can do is take a moment, then respond in the most positive way possible to the bad review.

Reach Out to Unhappy Customers Personally

This is an imperative because you don't want the unhappy customer running around and talking about you everywhere, which people who are unhappy tend to do. Call them and ask them straight out how you can make it good.

Make Asking for a Review Part of Your Process

Remember that you should ask for reviews on every channel from every single customer every single day. The more you ask, the more likely you are to get more positive reviews.

Make Giving a Review Simple and Easy

Don't make them wonder how to give the review; give them a link to where you want them to put the review. Mention that it's fast and easy, and also mention that you'd love it if they gave you a positive review.

Keep Active on Social Media

The more active you are on social media, in a positive way, the better. Share fun images, share tips, do quick Facebook Live shows to answer a customer question, or give tips. These can be turned into promotions to get more eyes on your business and brand.

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How to Get Customer Reviews

 Third-party validation, in the form of customer reviews, can carry a persuasive power that advertising and marketing simply cannot match. According to the marketing site HubSpot, 52 percent of surveyed consumers say positive reviews make them more likely to consider a business (as compared to 28 percent who consider only location and price).

Obtaining customer reviews can be part of your overall web marketing strategy. Fortunately, the reach of the Internet opens up lots of opportunity to connect with your customers.

Engaging Customers for Reviews

Ask nicely. There's nothing wrong with contacting your best customers and simply asking them to write their impression of your business. Ask them to describe their success stories, or detail how a problem got solved, with the help of your business. But by the same token...

Don't overdo it. Aggressively soliciting for reviews compromises your credibility and can even make you look a little desperate.

Interview them. Some customers may hesitate to submit reviews or testimonials because they're not confident in their writing ability. If you suspect this, ask if you may interview your customer. Ask him to speak off the cuff while you take the notes. Then, after the customer has approved the text, you may edit it into a review.

Post some reviews yourself. Not reviews of your own company, of course - but you can review related businesses. Identifying yourself as a business owner yourself can position you as an engaged member of the community and remind people about your company.

Hold a contest. You don't want to offer free services or other giveaways for reviews- that suggests compensation in exchange for endorsement, which is unethical. But you can create a grand prize drawing for all customers and prospects, with no strings attached. The more happy customers and prospects you generate, the better the chances for customer reviews later.

Thank them. In any interactive forum, whether Facebook comments or a website's testimonial page, include your own responses and thanks for reviews - even the less-than-glowing ones.

Response Tactics and Media

Go to video. If you have the time and resources, a short video to post on YouTube, Vimeo or your own site adds sound, movement and engagement to the typical customer testimonial.

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Invest in a Customer Review Software to Boost Your Business

 In business, decisions and time customer reviews money. Not having sufficient information about or not keeping in touch with customers can cause you to make disastrous choices. For example, every time a business starts a new marketing campaign, it is always important to understand whether the techniques used in the campaign are bringing the desired benefits. This is where effective review software for website comes in. Research shows that customer reviews are essential in business and marketing.

Here are some of the benefits of investing in customer review software for marketing purposes:

1. Cost effective

The primary concern for any business running a marketing campaign is usually whether or not the campaign is worth the money going into it. But just think of it. Investing a few dollars into customer review software helps you not only keep in touch with your customers but also helps you collecting customer reviews and feedback. By providing you with the knowledge of what your customers are looking for, helps you make wiser decisions. It also helps you strategize on how you can improve and deliver what your customers are asking for, resulting in happy customers. And what is that to a business? It's priceless.

2. Easy to interpret the message

Marketing campaigns strive to put across a message that the target market can easily understand and identify with. review software not only help you gather reviews but also help you actively ask your customers for their feedback. This in turn helps you strategize and improve your business to keep your clients satisfied. For example, it's no accident that more people buy your product after reading positive reviews written by other clients.

3. Flexible

Today, businesses are searching for customer bases across a wide range of demographics. To realize this goal, they must use their marketing strategies in various platforms. For instance, a realtor will want to advertise to say people between 28-40 who tend to have established a good bank account and are ready to buy. This is one of the areas where reviews come in handy. So look for a good, flexible customer review website that you can use to help you achieve this.

4. Great for networking and making connections

One of the key aspects of marketing which reviews provide is by helping you connect your products with your target market. Reviews and comments left by previous clients provide you with far-reaching results.

So implementing reviews into your marketing campaign can translate into incredible growth for your business. For best results, use the best review and commenting systems and learn how to use it to your benefit.

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How To Get Good Customer Reviews

 Most people aren't going to give reviews unless they're angry, they're over-the-moon happy, or you asked for the review. It's better, of course, to get the last two over the first one, and thankfully there are ways to generate positive customer reviews.

Make Your Customers Happy

This is the very first thing you need to do if you want good reviews. Create amazing products or services and deliver them in an impeccable way. Follow up with your customers to ask if they need anything, and spoil them so they know they're valuable - especially if it's a high-ticket item.

Ask Your Customers for a Review

Set up your autoresponder so that within a follow-up series after the purchase is made, you ask for the customer to leave a review for you after a couple days. A little hint is to say, "Please leave a positive review, it's fast and easy, link here." If you put their mind "positive", then it will inform their writing as they do it even if they don't realize it.

Spread Positive Brand Awareness

Outside of the review process, work on spreading positive brand awareness by being a positive influence on social media, on your own blog, and even by writing reviews for others that are positive.

Respond to Bad Reviews as soon as Possible

When you see a bad review, it can be tempting to freak out and even cry. But the best thing you can do is take a moment, then respond in the most positive way possible to the bad review.

Reach Out to Unhappy Customers Personally

This is an imperative because you don't want the unhappy customer running around and talking about you everywhere, which people who are unhappy tend to do. Call them and ask them straight out how you can make it good.

Make Asking for a Review Part of Your Process

Remember that you should ask for reviews on every channel from every single customer every single day. The more you ask, the more likely you are to get more positive reviews.

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Invest in a Customer Review Software to Boost Your Business

In business, decisions and time cost money. Not having sufficient information about or not keeping in touch with customers can cause you to make disastrous choices. For example, every time a business starts a new marketing campaign, it is always important to understand whether the techniques used in the campaign are bringing the desired benefits. This is where effective review software for website comes in. Research shows that customer reviews are essential in business and marketing.

Here are some of the benefits of investing in customer review software for marketing purposes:

1. Cost effective

The primary concern for any business running a marketing campaign is usually whether or not the campaign is worth the money going into it. But just think of it. Investing a few dollars into customer review software helps you not only keep in touch with your customers but also helps you collecting customer reviews and feedback. By providing you with the knowledge of what your customers are looking for, helps you make wiser decisions. It also helps you strategize on how you can improve and deliver what your customers are asking for, resulting in happy customers. And what is that to a business? It's priceless.

2. Easy to interpret the message

Marketing campaigns strive to put across a message that the target market can easily understand and identify with. review software not only help you gather reviews but also help you actively ask your customers for their feedback. This in turn helps you strategize and improve your business to keep your clients satisfied. For example, it's no accident that more people buy your product after reading positive reviews written by other clients.

3. Flexible

Today, businesses are searching for customer bases across a wide range of demographics. To realize this goal, they must use their marketing strategies in various platforms. For instance, a realtor will want to advertise to say people between 28-40 who tend to have established a good bank account and are ready to buy. This is one of the areas where reviews come in handy. So look for a good, flexible customer review website that you can use to help you achieve this.

4. Great for networking and making connections

One of the key aspects of marketing which reviews provide is by helping you connect your products with your target market. Reviews and comments left by previous clients provide you with far-reaching results.

So implementing reviews into your marketing campaign can translate into incredible growth for your business. For best results, use the best review and commenting systems and learn how to use it to your benefit.

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Proactively Manage Online Customer Reviews

 These days it seems like everyone is a critic. Restaurateurs, for better or worse, are faced with realities of online user customer reviews and social media. It is difficult to sift through the multitude of comments of online user review sites. On one hand it can be nothing more than a sounding board for those who fancy themselves as foodies to a restaurant critic space for others. In a very positive way, it is a forum for the most important person in the restaurant world, the customer. If the experience is good, then the reviews will be positive. Conversely, if the customer experience is negative, then it is time to take a look at making the necessary improvements to making your restaurant a success.

Tips for dealing with online reviews:

1. Don't take it personally.

2. Be aware. Online reviews and social media are here to stay so don't ignore what they are telling you.

3. Take care in responding. If you choose to respond, make sure to do so privately to avoid unintentional public disagreements. Respond quickly, and appropriately. And always remember what is online, stays online.

4. Share. Make sure to keep employees and staff in the loop. Positive feedback boosts morale, while negative feedback can bring light to issues that need to be addressed.

5. Utilize the services of the online review sites to capitalize on your advertising and marketing dollars and to increase and attract traffic and tourists.

Pay Attention to What Customers Say

Monitor review websites by using Google Alerts, which is free. Or subscribe to a reputation management service to monitor all mentions of your company across the Web. Some review websites will even notify you via email when new reviews are posted.

Generate More Reviews, More Often

Most satisfied customers won't take the time to post a review unless you specifically ask them to. Make it easy by signing up for an online service that automatically emails your customers to request they submit a review. This simple technique has proven to dramatically increase the number of positive reviews you can generate. These services can link to your customer database so you know the reviews are from your actual and recent customers.

Promote Your Reputation Across the Web

Make sure that a 'read my reviews' button is prominently displayed on your website and on social media pages. This provides a compelling call-to-action for customers to read and also write reviews. To get started, create a separate web page that lists your reviews, preferably updated automatically or linked directly to your business' profiles on reviews sites. You can also add links to your reviews in a customer newsletter or in a promotion.

Respond Quickly, Personally, and Appropriately

Create a policy for responding to negative reviews and designate one person to act as the spokesperson in these situations. When a negative review appears, respond in a timely fashion, ideally via a private message, assuming you can determine the reviewer's identity and contact details. Acknowledge their dissatisfaction, describe how you plan to resolve the cause of it, and invite them back for a discounted or even a free service. Successful restaurant owners, goes a step further. They refund the customer's entire purchase when they are dissatisfied. They sees the monetary loss as a necessary expense in defending the reputation of their business. If the customer doesn't respond, or isn't willing to let you compensate them for the negative experience, craft a thoughtful public response to the review that explains how you have fixed the problem and attempted to resolve the situation with the customer.

People weigh the opinions of others heavily, even when they don't know them. That said, they are more likely to trust a business owner who takes time to respond to reviews with the goal of improving their service. Customers will naturally gravitate to businesses that display a human element. Remember, when it comes to managing customer reviews and promoting your reputation, the best defense is always a good offense.

It is vital to the success of your business to promote your reputation across online review and social media sites. Encourage your guests to provide feedback often, making it easy and accessible can drive good reviews and give you the best kind of promotion.

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Proactively Manage Online Customer Reviews

These days it seems like everyone is a critic. Restaurateurs, for better or worse, are faced with realities of online user reviews and social media. It is difficult to sift through the multitude of comments of online user review sites. On one hand it can be nothing more than a sounding board for those who fancy themselves as foodies to a restaurant critic space for others. In a very positive way, it is a forum for the most important person in the restaurant world, the customer. If the experience is good, then the reviews will be positive. Conversely, if the customer reviews is negative, then it is time to take a look at making the necessary improvements to making your restaurant a success.

Tips for dealing with online reviews:

1. Don't take it personally.

2. Be aware. Online reviews and social media are here to stay so don't ignore what they are telling you.

3. Take care in responding. If you choose to respond, make sure to do so privately to avoid unintentional public disagreements. Respond quickly, and appropriately. And always remember what is online, stays online.

4. Share. Make sure to keep employees and staff in the loop. Positive feedback boosts morale, while negative feedback can bring light to issues that need to be addressed.

5. Utilize the services of the online review sites to capitalize on your advertising and marketing dollars and to increase and attract traffic and tourists.

Pay Attention to What Customers Say

Monitor review websites by using Google Alerts, which is free. Or subscribe to a reputation management service to monitor all mentions of your company across the Web. Some review websites will even notify you via email when new reviews are posted.

Generate More Reviews, More Often

Most satisfied customers won't take the time to post a review unless you specifically ask them to. Make it easy by signing up for an online service that automatically emails your customers to request they submit a review. This simple technique has proven to dramatically increase the number of positive reviews you can generate. These services can link to your customer database so you know the reviews are from your actual and recent customers.

Promote Your Reputation Across the Web

Make sure that a 'read my reviews' button is prominently displayed on your website and on social media pages. This provides a compelling call-to-action for customers to read and also write reviews. To get started, create a separate web page that lists your reviews, preferably updated automatically or linked directly to your business' profiles on reviews sites. You can also add links to your reviews in a customer newsletter or in a promotion.

Respond Quickly, Personally, and Appropriately

Create a policy for responding to negative reviews and designate one person to act as the spokesperson in these situations. When a negative review appears, respond in a timely fashion, ideally via a private message, assuming you can determine the reviewer's identity and contact details. Acknowledge their dissatisfaction, describe how you plan to resolve the cause of it, and invite them back for a discounted or even a free service. Successful restaurant owners, goes a step further. They refund the customer's entire purchase when they are dissatisfied. They sees the monetary loss as a necessary expense in defending the reputation of their business. If the customer doesn't respond, or isn't willing to let you compensate them for the negative experience, craft a thoughtful public response to the review that explains how you have fixed the problem and attempted to resolve the situation with the customer.

People weigh the opinions of others heavily, even when they don't know them. That said, they are more likely to trust a business owner who takes time to respond to reviews with the goal of improving their service. Customers will naturally gravitate to businesses that display a human element. Remember, when it comes to managing customer reviews and promoting your reputation, the best defense is always a good offense.

It is vital to the success of your business to promote your reputation across online review and social media sites. Encourage your guests to provide feedback often, making it easy and accessible can drive good reviews and give you the best kind of promotion.

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