Showing posts with label Opal and Diamond Rings. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Opal and Diamond Rings. Show all posts

Choosing a Marquise Diamond Ring

 A marquise Opal and Diamond Rings is a uniquely shaped ring that will look beautiful on many different fingers. They often can make a finger appear slimmer and uniformly shaped. Many brides-to-be may feel uncomfortable with the look of their fingers as many people will want to look at their ring. A marquise diamond ring can alleviate these uncomfortable feelings as it is a shape that will complement many hands.

In addition, a marquise diamond will also appear larger than its actual size. This can help a bride on a budget to obtain a stone that looks more expensive than it may actually be. Marquise cut stones appear oval in shape. They are available in rings as a solitaire as well as paired with other accent stones. However this stone is set, it a popular cut that is a unique alternative from more traditional round cut stones.

When selecting a marquise diamond ring remember that it is ideal to find a stone with a 2:1 length to width ratio. Diamonds with ratios other than this were incorrectly cut. A stone that is cut with the proper ratio will be more radiant and will possess greater shine. In addition, errors in cutting will be more visible if the stone is a larger stone.

The use of other stone in a marquise diamond ring is popular. The diamond of course will in the center of the ring and the most visible. It is common however to pair marquise cut stones with other stones such as rubies, sapphires, emeralds, amethyst and opal. These accompanying stones can add color and intrigue to a ring without adding the price that diamond accent stones can add. Using other gemstones can also serve to make the ring more unique as a greater variety of customization is available. A bride may want to consider accent stones in her favorite color, birthstone or with a meaning that is special to the couple.

Marquise diamond rings are excellent alternative to more traditional diamond shapes. Unlike some other unique cuts, these rings are excellent choices for those on a budget. It is a cut that often appears to be of greater value and size than it actually is. This makes marquise cut stones an excellent value for the money spent.

Marquise diamond rings are popular choice for brides that desire a beautiful ring that will complement their hands. This ring can be a beautiful and unique diamond engagement ring selection.

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Gemstone and Diamond Rings Are Versatile Gifts

 Is it a birthstone? Is it a Opal and Diamond Rings? Does it mean anything? Is it just for fashion? The answer to all of those is yes.

Peridot and diamond rings are a twist on the traditional birthstone ring for August and anyone can have the same look with their own birthstone. There is no rule that says a birthstone ring can't be jazzed up with some sparkling diamonds as contrast to the ruby red, the emerald green or the deep ocean blue.

Of course, it could simply a combination of color and sparkle that caught her eye and she had to have. Emerald rings may have that effect on someone whether her birthday is in May or April. There doesn't have to be any rhyme or reason to gemstone and rings other than they are simply beautiful.

Fashion rings are hot right now and these styles fall into that category. Alternating colored stone with diamond, clustered pieces, retro shapes like big flowers or butterflies are all popular ways in which amethyst diamond or other pieces can be designed.

But, there can also be deep meaning to sapphire rings. It could be in celebration of a 5th, 45th or even a 70th wedding anniversary. Now that would be a major milestone and definitely worth celebrating!

Another trend that is cropping up is the use of combination stones in wedding sets. Ruby rings are a popular twist on the traditional wedding band. Engagement ring is even straying from the traditional diamond solitaire to a colored stone. These days, anything goes!

Taking care of these precious pieces

Because there are different gems mixed together, it is important to know which is the most delicate and follow the cleaning instructions for that one. The diamond can take pretty much anything, but it is the strongest stone by which all others are measured.

Some stones like the opal are delicate and should never be placed in cleaning solutions. Others have been treated either by heat, radiation or oils and other substances to obtain the most desirable color. Chemicals and temperature changes can damage the stone as well as the finish, so always ask the jeweler before cleaning or just take it him to ensure no damage is done.

This style can go to the next level and combine three different gems or four; there is really no limit as to what jewelry designers are doing with diamonds and colored gemstones. Because they are so versatile in meaning and in fashion, they are the perfect complement to any wardrobe. Everyone needs a few diamonds in their life, but shake things up by adding other stones to contrast the brilliant sparkle of the classic stone.

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Caring For Opals - How to Care For Your Opal and Diamond Jewelry

 Opals are beautiful gemstones and the wonderfully luminous color play of dramatic black opals makes them a perfect choice for setting into signature pieces of diamond jewelry such as engagement rings and pendant necklaces.But Opal and Diamond Rings are the hardest natural substance on Earth. They can be cleaned with abrasive cleaners which can scratch and mark lesser gemstones. Opals are soft and fragile. So how can you clean and care for your opal and diamond jewelry?

Because they are porous, opals readily absorb moisture and other fluids. So caring for them is different from most other fine jewelry. And like so much in life, prevention is better than cure.

Use Common Sense

The easiest and most important way to care for your opal and diamond jewelry is to prevent it from becoming heavily soiled in the first place. So make sure you wear gloves, or remove your opal and diamond ring whenever you do the gardening, take out the trash, go to the beach etc.

And do not forget common household cleaners either. Opals can be easily scratched, cracked and even lose their fire if they come into contact with harsh chemicals such as polishes and cleaning products, not to mention hairsprays, deodorants, perfume, soap, baby oil, make up and so on. Use your common sense. Treat your opals with respect and do not contaminate them with any chemical products.

Wear Them Regularly To Prevent Dehydration

Even though are porous, opals should not be kept locked away for occasional wear only! NOT wearing opal jewelry actually damages the gemstones. This is because opals contain up to 6% water, so they actually need to be exposed to trace amounts of moisture in order to preserve their structure. Opals can crack if they are allowed to dry out. However, they will absorb the necessary moisture directly from your skin, so the easiest way to prevent them from dehydration is to wear your opal and diamond jewelry regularly.

Clean Gently

Whenever your diamond and opal jewelry needs to be cleaned, do it gently. Place your piece in a bowl of clean luke warm water and agitate carefully using a specialist jewelry brush or a soft tooth brush. Take care not to leave your jewelry to soak though. Remove it and gently pat dry with a lint free cloth.

Avoid Extremes of Temperature

Opals can be damaged by rapidly changing extremes of temperature. So if you take a sauna and are moving from a hot environment to a cold one in a short space of time, remember to take off your opals ahead of time!

Store Safely

Diamonds can only be scratched by a harder diamond, although the ring settings can become scratched in contact with other jewelry. However, opals must be kept safe in a soft pouch away from damaging contact.

Opals and diamonds complement each other beautifully. Follow these tips and keep them looking that way!

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Caring For Opals - How to Care For Your Opal and Diamond Jewelry

 Opal and diamond rings are beautiful gemstones and the wonderfully luminous color play of dramatic black opals makes them a perfect choice for setting into signature pieces of diamond jewelry such as engagement rings and pendant necklaces. But diamonds are the hardest natural substance on Earth. They can be cleaned with abrasive cleaners which can scratch and mark lesser gemstones. Opals are soft and fragile. So how can you clean and care for your opal and diamond jewelry?

Because they are porous, opals readily absorb moisture and other fluids. So caring for them is different from most other fine jewelry. And like so much in life, prevention is better than cure.

Use Common Sense

The easiest and most important way to care for your opal and diamond jewelry is to prevent it from becoming heavily soiled in the first place. So make sure you wear gloves, or remove your opal and diamond ring whenever you do the gardening, take out the trash, go to the beach etc.

And do not forget common household cleaners either. Opals can be easily scratched, cracked and even lose their fire if they come into contact with harsh chemicals such as polishes and cleaning products, not to mention hairsprays, deodorants, perfume, soap, baby oil, make up and so on. Use your common sense. Treat your opals with respect and do not contaminate them with any chemical products.

Wear Them Regularly To Prevent Dehydration

Even though are porous, opals should not be kept locked away for occasional wear only! NOT wearing opal jewelry actually damages the gemstones. This is because opals contain up to 6% water, so they actually need to be exposed to trace amounts of moisture in order to preserve their structure. Opals can crack if they are allowed to dry out. However, they will absorb the necessary moisture directly from your skin, so the easiest way to prevent them from dehydration is to wear your opal and diamond jewelry regularly.

Clean Gently

Whenever your diamond and opal jewelry needs to be cleaned, do it gently. Place your piece in a bowl of clean luke warm water and agitate carefully using a specialist jewelry brush or a soft tooth brush. Take care not to leave your jewelry to soak though. Remove it and gently pat dry with a lint free cloth.

Avoid Extremes of Temperature

Opals can be damaged by rapidly changing extremes of temperature. So if you take a sauna and are moving from a hot environment to a cold one in a short space of time, remember to take off your opals ahead of time!

Store Safely

Diamonds can only be scratched by a harder diamond, although the ring settings can become scratched in contact with other jewelry. However, opals must be kept safe in a soft pouch away from damaging contact.

Opals and diamonds complement each other beautifully. Follow these tips and keep them looking that way!

Caring For Opals - How to Care For Your Opal and Diamond Jewelry

Opal and Diamond Rings are beautiful gemstones and the wonderfully luminous color play of dramatic black opals makes them a perfect choice for setting into signature pieces of diamond jewelry such as engagement rings and pendant necklaces. But diamonds are the hardest natural substance on Earth. They can be cleaned with abrasive cleaners which can scratch and mark lesser gemstones. Opals are soft and fragile. So how can you clean and care for your opal and diamond jewelry?

Because they are porous, opals readily absorb moisture and other fluids. So caring for them is different from most other fine jewelry. And like so much in life, prevention is better than cure.

Use Common Sense

The easiest and most important way to care for your opal and diamond jewelry is to prevent it from becoming heavily soiled in the first place. So make sure you wear gloves, or remove your opal and diamond ring whenever you do the gardening, take out the trash, go to the beach etc.

And do not forget common household cleaners either. Opals can be easily scratched, cracked and even lose their fire if they come into contact with harsh chemicals such as polishes and cleaning products, not to mention hairsprays, deodorants, perfume, soap, baby oil, make up and so on. Use your common sense. Treat your opals with respect and do not contaminate them with any chemical products.

Wear Them Regularly To Prevent Dehydration

Even though are porous, opals should not be kept locked away for occasional wear only! NOT wearing opal jewelry actually damages the gemstones. This is because opals contain up to 6% water, so they actually need to be exposed to trace amounts of moisture in order to preserve their structure. Opals can crack if they are allowed to dry out. However, they will absorb the necessary moisture directly from your skin, so the easiest way to prevent them from dehydration is to wear your opal and diamond jewelry regularly.

Clean Gently

Whenever your diamond and opal jewelry needs to be cleaned, do it gently. Place your piece in a bowl of clean luke warm water and agitate carefully using a specialist jewelry brush or a soft tooth brush. Take care not to leave your jewelry to soak though. Remove it and gently pat dry with a lint free cloth.

Avoid Extremes of Temperature

Opals can be damaged by rapidly changing extremes of temperature. So if you take a sauna and are moving from a hot environment to a cold one in a short space of time, remember to take off your opals ahead of time!

Store Safely

Diamonds can only be scratched by a harder diamond, although the ring settings can become scratched in contact with other jewelry. However, opals must be kept safe in a soft pouch away from damaging contact.

Opals and diamonds complement each other beautifully. Follow these tips and keep them looking that way!

Caring For Opals - How to Care For Your Opal and Diamond Jewelry

 Opal and diamond rings are beautiful gemstones and the wonderfully luminous color play of dramatic black opals makes them a perfect choice for setting into signature pieces of diamond jewelry such as engagement rings and pendant necklaces. But diamonds are the hardest natural substance on Earth. They can be cleaned with abrasive cleaners which can scratch and mark lesser gemstones. Opals are soft and fragile. So how can you clean and care for your opal and diamond jewelry?

Because they are porous, opals readily absorb moisture and other fluids. So caring for them is different from most other fine jewelry. And like so much in life, prevention is better than cure.

Use Common Sense

The easiest and most important way to care for your opal and diamond jewelry is to prevent it from becoming heavily soiled in the first place. So make sure you wear gloves, or remove your opal and diamond ring whenever you do the gardening, take out the trash, go to the beach etc.

And do not forget common household cleaners either. Opals can be easily scratched, cracked and even lose their fire if they come into contact with harsh chemicals such as polishes and cleaning products, not to mention hairsprays, deodorants, perfume, soap, baby oil, make up and so on. Use your common sense. Treat your opals with respect and do not contaminate them with any chemical products.

Wear Them Regularly To Prevent Dehydration

Even though are porous, opals should not be kept locked away for occasional wear only! NOT wearing opal jewelry actually damages the gemstones. This is because opals contain up to 6% water, so they actually need to be exposed to trace amounts of moisture in order to preserve their structure. Opals can crack if they are allowed to dry out. However, they will absorb the necessary moisture directly from your skin, so the easiest way to prevent them from dehydration is to wear your opal and diamond jewelry regularly.

Clean Gently

Whenever your diamond and opal jewelry needs to be cleaned, do it gently. Place your piece in a bowl of clean luke warm water and agitate carefully using a specialist jewelry brush or a soft tooth brush. Take care not to leave your jewelry to soak though. Remove it and gently pat dry with a lint free cloth.

Avoid Extremes of Temperature

Opals can be damaged by rapidly changing extremes of temperature. So if you take a sauna and are moving from a hot environment to a cold one in a short space of time, remember to take off your opals ahead of time!

Store Safely

Diamonds can only be scratched by a harder diamond, although the ring settings can become scratched in contact with other jewelry. However, opals must be kept safe in a soft pouch away from damaging contact.

Opals and diamonds complement each other beautifully. Follow these tips and keep them looking that way!

Opal Jewelry - Opals Make Unique Engagement Rings

 Opals and opal jewelry have been adored since antiquity. The Roman Pliny talks often about the magnificence of opals, and later even the great William Shakespeare had his characters discuss them. They were talking about opals and in those days the Australian black opal hadn't even been found. But today the black opal is a symbol of beauty in nature.

When people around the world talk about the magnificence of opal they are almost always talking about Australian black opal.

What are we talking about when we mean black opal? Without discussing crystalline structures and all that gemology jargon let's just think about how it compares with other types. When you look at a black opal you will see that it has a black or very dark base. It is just as if you had a glass of black paint. That's the black base that I am talking about.

Then you put in some bright colored pieces of plastic. Let's say you put in some blues and some reds and some yellows. Now we are talking about the color. Let's say you just put blues and greens in the black mix. In opalspeak we would call that blue/green on black. If the green color was the dominant color we would change it around and call it green/blue on black.

So is there one color in the black Opal and Diamond Rings range which is the best and the most expensive? Yes, yes and definitely yes! When my mining partner used to tell me on the phone that today he had found some red on black then I would just say Oh my God! That meant we had sure money.

That's the top end of the opal market, red on black and it comes from almost only one place on earth the Lightning Ridge area of NSW, Australia. But any color on black is likely to fetch big bucks! As the black base gets lighter we start to decide whether we can still call it black. A dark gray stone will still often be called black but as it gets lighter we say it is for instance, blue on gray, and then when the gray and the blue start to get confused we say it is blue/gray.

Australian black opal is recognized as being the very best opal in the world and with good reason, but it is rare and becoming rarer.

Caring For Your Gemstone Beads

 Gemstones are valued for beauty, color, and texture. These semi-precious stones are often used in making jewelry and accessories as they never go out of style. In the form of gemstone beads, these stones may be used to create bracelets, necklace, bags, and other fashion pieces. It may even be used to create decorative artworks for home.

Like any other material treasured for their beauty and value, gemstones need proper care to maintain its condition. To keep it looking brand new, the owner has to protect it from damaging elements.

Things to Consider When Caring for Your Gemstones

Gemstones have different kinds of requirements when it comes to cleaning and maintenance. When caring for your gemstone beads, you must first consider the type of the gemstone. You must also consider other factors like toughness, hardness, steam-recommended, ultrasonic, boil-recommended, soap, and untreated cloth.

Gemstones Not Fit For The Ultrasonic Method

Each gemstone has its own characteristics. Some gemstones may require or may not require a specific method of cleaning. For example, the lapis, coral, malachite, opal and diamond rings, pearl, tanzanite, and turquoise gemstones are not recommended to be treated with the ultrasonic method because these precious stones have either fairly poor or very poor toughness quality. These gemstones are also relatively low in hardness. Using the ultrasonic method on these gemstones will destroy their composition and stability.

Ultrasonic Method for Cleaning Gemstones

The ultrasonic method is a cleaning technique used on many materials including metals, wood, and concrete. Using ultrasonic waves, minute bubbles are created in the liquid cleaning solution. These bubbles implode to release gaseous particle in the bubbles. This degassing process helps clean the crevasses and the surfaces of your gemstone beads. The ultrasonic cleaning method is only appropriate for gemstones that are durable like ruby and diamond.

Other Cleaning Methods

Precious stones may be cleaned with warm water. However, this should be done with care. The temperature shouldn't be too hot. You should also avoid sudden temperature change as this may cause the gemstone to crack.

Another way to clean gemstones is by using cleaning solutions that are specially designed for these stones. If these are not available, you can use a mild soap and a lukewarm water to wash the stones.

However, some types of porous stones like pearls should never be submerged in water. For these stones, you can use a soft jewelry polishing cloth to clean the surface.


Taking care of your gemstone beads also involves preparing a proper place for storage. A wooden box with compartments will prevent the stones from scratching each other's surface.

Caring for your gemstones, from cleaning to proper storage, will enable owner to keep their precious stones for a long time. Get the most out of your investment by practicing these care tips.

Caring For Opals - How to Care For Your Opal and Diamond Jewelry

 Opal and Diamond Rings are beautiful gemstones and the wonderfully luminous color play of dramatic black opals makes them a perfect choice for setting into signature pieces of diamond jewelry such as engagement rings and pendant necklaces. But diamonds are the hardest natural substance on Earth. They can be cleaned with abrasive cleaners which can scratch and mark lesser gemstones. Opals are soft and fragile. So how can you clean and care for your opal and diamond jewelry?

Because they are porous, opals readily absorb moisture and other fluids. So caring for them is different from most other fine jewelry. And like so much in life, prevention is better than cure.

Use Common Sense

The easiest and most important way to care for your opal and diamond jewelry is to prevent it from becoming heavily soiled in the first place. So make sure you wear gloves, or remove your opal and diamond ring whenever you do the gardening, take out the trash, go to the beach etc.

And do not forget common household cleaners either. Opals can be easily scratched, cracked and even lose their fire if they come into contact with harsh chemicals such as polishes and cleaning products, not to mention hairsprays, deodorants, perfume, soap, baby oil, make up and so on. Use your common sense. Treat your opals with respect and do not contaminate them with any chemical products.

Wear Them Regularly To Prevent Dehydration

Even though are porous, opals should not be kept locked away for occasional wear only! NOT wearing opal jewelry actually damages the gemstones. This is because opals contain up to 6% water, so they actually need to be exposed to trace amounts of moisture in order to preserve their structure. Opals can crack if they are allowed to dry out. However, they will absorb the necessary moisture directly from your skin, so the easiest way to prevent them from dehydration is to wear your opal and diamond jewelry regularly.

Clean Gently

Whenever your diamond and opal jewelry needs to be cleaned, do it gently. Place your piece in a bowl of clean luke warm water and agitate carefully using a specialist jewelry brush or a soft tooth brush. Take care not to leave your jewelry to soak though. Remove it and gently pat dry with a lint free cloth.

Avoid Extremes of Temperature

Opals can be damaged by rapidly changing extremes of temperature. So if you take a sauna and are moving from a hot environment to a cold one in a short space of time, remember to take off your opals ahead of time!

Store Safely

Diamonds can only be scratched by a harder diamond, although the ring settings can become scratched in contact with other jewelry. However, opals must be kept safe in a soft pouch away from damaging contact.

Opals and diamonds complement each other beautifully. Follow these tips and keep them looking that way!

Opal Gemstone: A Kaleidoscope of Color and Meaning

The opal gemstone is one of nature’s most captivating and unique creations. Known for its stunning play-of-color , opal is a stone that has...