How to Choose an Opal

One of the most unique gems in the world, Black Opal Necklace, unlike other gems, can reflect colors of the rainbow by refraction due to the silica inside the stone. In addition, these gems are commonly found as, well, opaque thus giving them the ability to be a canvas for the play of colors. With these features, opals are like tiny capsules of the night sky with play of color acting as glittering stars.

For those looking to acquire some of these enchanting stones, opals can be a very personal experience as every opal is different and unique to the buyer. High value opals might be meaningless to you if you do not like the colors at play on the stone.

Here some general information and tips when you're out on your adventure to finding the perfect opal for you.

Black opals are the most expensive type of opal gems because the dark body tone which helps enhance the play of colors. Rare and precious, a high quality black opal with excellent plays of color can be worth more than all but the finest diamonds.

Crystal opals are the second most expensive and does have some transparency that makes them unique. The most common and least expensive are white opals; their creamy body tone does at time distract the shine of the colors.

Sometimes considered a class of their own, fire opals have some transparency but do not have any play of colors. Found in hues of orange to orange-red colors, fire opal stones are commonly cut into traditional gem cut facets.

The last, but definitely not least, are boulder opals. Boulder opals are basically dark ironstone with thin layer of opal on the surface. The opal veins on the ironstone can make interesting designs with amazing play of colors.

Doublets and triplets are man-made that consist of a thin opal that is glued on a dark ironstone or sandstone. Generally, very cheap, doublet and triplet are used for jewelry as the back can be hidden. Only difference between the two is that triplets have an extra layer of plastic or glass of protection.

Opals from Welo, Ethiopia - newly discovered deposits - are generally cheaper than those from Australia. Although slightly cheaper, black opals from Ethiopia are just as stunning as those from Australia.

For those looking value when choosing the color of play, the order goes as red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet. Red being the most expensive, while violet being the least expensive.

Opals with a single bright flash of color is more valued than those with many dull flashes of color, while those that have the whole surface covered with good play of colors are highly sought after and expensive.

To properly view an opal, you must rotate the stone in your fingers to see all the angles that a flash of color can display. The price is determined by all the angles and not just the best angle. Although, the best angle will contribute greatly to the pricing. If you can't view the opal in person, try to find a vendor that has video for viewing.

In addition to plays of color, opal gems can have patterns that will add a lot of value and beauty to the gem. Most patterns have some sort of alternating play of colors on the surface. The most rare and expensive pattern is the harlequin pattern; a pattern of alternating flashes of color that resembles a checkerboard.

As for jewelry, opal gems are suited for pendants and necklaces, due to their soft nature, are easily damaged by an accidental bump into a hard surface. However, do not let this issue hinder your love for rings, bracelets and other jewelries with opals set in them.

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Be Mystified With a Black Opal Ring!

 In a nut shell, the black opal ring is a symbol of elegance and mystique. There are a lot of things that have caught the attention of a lot people when it comes to these stones. One is that the beautiful colors that can be seen in each opal. Beneath its dark exterior lies a beauty like no other, and only a true jewel lover can appreciate these features. And for any occasion, even for an engagement ring, these precious stones can be the best gift choice.

You have to admit, black opals are very interesting jewelry pieces. Its enigmatic form and soft texture makes for a great ring centerpiece. A black stone with a bedazzling array of colors beneath the shiny exterior and you'll only keep wondering what these black opals are exactly. And where better to put these objects than on a ring right? These days, black opal rings have become very popular when it comes to gift choices, particularly for engagements.

So if you're deciding on what ring to go with on your engagement, why not try a black opal ring? Diamonds are great, but this can be a lot better. Rather than going with the conventional rings that people go for, why not go with these black beauties? Not only is it a unique choice, these rings are also quite cheaper than your typical diamond rings.

And think about the message that you'll be sending to your loved one with these extraordinary jewelry pieces. It isn't everyday that this type of ring gets to be given away for engagements. The stone on this ring will represent that love that, like the colors found in each stone, grows deeper and deeper. It's the perfect engagement ring!

So for your ring choices, whether for an engagement or as a gift, you can't go wrong with a black opal ring.

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Diamonds Are Not The Only Option For Women's Wedding Rings

One of the curious things is that, women have forever loved diamonds the most. But that trend is changing nowadays and is most apparent today, in the world of wedding rings. Thankfully, people today are much more open to new trends.

Opal Wedding Rings, the one jewel which has been ignored for years by people deciding to settle down, the one jewel, the reputation of which has suffered since the Victorian times is back in the wedding market for good. And you won't believe what the reason for its unfortunate decline in popularity was. It was the death of a fictional character in a Victorian novel!

Mercifully, those times of supreme ignorance have passed. But, it is a popular belief, even today, that the earlier the times, the more ridiculous the beliefs. Ironically, in the Middle Ages, which was much before the Victorian period, the opal was considered a blessing to have. Even in those times, people understood the various aspects of marriage. They believed that, the different colours seen in an opal reflected the different nuances of married life. It was also believed that, the various colours of the opal represented the various characteristics attributed to the zodiac signs.

Australia is renowned internationally for its exports of gold, opals and sapphires. It produces more than 90% of the world's opals. Coober Pedy, Lightening Ridge, Quilpie are only a few mines that are responsible for this humongous production. Therefore, it is only natural, that in Australia, women's wedding rings are increasingly being made of opals. And not just women, men are even more interested in such jewels than ever before. More so, because they can make a good business out of it by selling them to the women! Jokes apart, men have become more fashion conscious and are thus, experimenting more. They have become increasingly accepting of the idea of metro-sexuality.

Talking of opals, these beauties can be of different types. As opals are made of silica and water, they are generally quite soft. But certain opals can naturally be quite hard. These are the much older ones.

The black opals comprise of a small fraction of the total production of opals because of their lesser availability. The Lightening Ridge mines of New South Wales in Australia produce them. You can search for images on the internet for the black opal. You will see and recognise the fact that, black opals can be breathtakingly beautiful. Those which exude a navy bluish colour amidst all the blackness, give the impression of being some charmed object. The more you look at it, the more you cannot help but peer into it, as if you want to get lost in its mysterious beauty.

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How to Select an Opal Engagement Ring

 Do you have any plans of proposing to the woman whom you want to spend the forever with? Obviously, having your future wife state a resounding "yes" when you pop the question will bring excitement and joy to you, but seeing her eyes light up with your ring is even better. Your proposal is the start of your eternity with her, and it needs a lot of preparation: the romantic place, the unique way of asking her to be your wife and of course, the most important object which discreetly announces that she is your fiancĂ©: the opal engagement ring.

Today's engagement ring is not limited to the common diamond only. With all the creative jewelers worldwide and with all the gemstones coming from different sides of the globe, one can choose from a huge collection of rings in different hues and designs. Why be cliche when you can stand out with the purchase of an amazing gemstone. Australian opal engagement rings are the best choice since the gemstone itself is crafted in the country where the best Opals originated: Australia. But since these rings are sold at a high price, many low quality varieties are available in shops that are very deceiving, only skilled jewelers can recognize their ingenuity.

How do experts recognize the difference between precious and semi-precious Australian opal engagement rings? Here are the two categories that will guide you in choosing the ring your beloved will be flaunting to her friends:

- Radiance- When you look at the gemstone in different angles, you will be seeing several shining colors too, even though the stone is solidly black in color. This is just one of the characteristics that differentiate Opals from the rest of the stones, as the hues of this jewel are simply mesmerizing. If an Australian Opal doesn't reflect a lot of colors, it doesn't mean that it is not authentic. One should look closely if the sparkle is vibrant and if the stone is sandwiched to a base stone or another jewel as it may be a doublet or triplet. A buyer must examine an Opal under a bright light.

- Weight- Opals, like Diamonds, are also measured in karats. The higher the karat value, the more expensive the stone is. Try to weigh the jewel with your own hand to see if the stone is heavier enough to be considered real.

The radiance and the weight of the Opal dictate its price in the market. But do not be fooled if an engagement ring is expensive since sometimes, the price does not connote the quality of the product itself. Consider these tips in buying your rings of engagement:

- Buy from a trusted jeweler. Yes, this may mean an expensive jewelry too, but come to think of it, a shop which already established its name in the jewelry industry have gained the conviction of numerous clients through the years. Besides, these shops have ascertained good rapport with its customers; they will guide you in opting for the jewelry of your choice. Remember: shops which offer precious and semi-precious stones of superior quality to their patrons are the ones which last in this kind of business. When selecting opals try to find jewelers that purchase their stones directly from Australia. This means that you get the best gemstone (from Australia) without too many middlemen marking up the price.

- Reflect on store hopping. In order to purchase the ring of your preference, you should not settle on one trusted store only. Think of browsing through the catalogs of all the shops you have found, and choose your favorites on their collection. In this way, you will avoid the regret of buying the ring with better design and color.

What are you waiting for? Go ahead and shop for Australian opal engagement rings. You are sure to see those pearly whites flash behind those luscious lips after presenting an opal engagement ring. If your planning your bride celebrates an October birthday, an opal engagement ring will suit her even better as opal is the October birthstone.

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Australian Opal Ring - Learn How to Select a Quality Gemstone

Australian Opal ring has a attraction that most love and admire. These exquisite opals are found in the Australian Outback which is quite rough and has extreme weather conditions. These conditions have guarded Australia's sublime opals and have nurtured them to become even more beautiful as if they were created and made with an unimaginable power. Australia is number one source for opals and other opal jewelries because of their abundance in the Australian Outback.

There are actually opals that are commonly found in dry areas . However, these opals do not have the fire and the beauty precious Australian opals possess which is why they are sold at a much lower price or they are made into doublets and triplets. Precious opals are found in dry areas where there is limited or no water supply. These conditions actually make it harder to find the opals and it will also make the opals found more expensive than other common opals.

Many people are interested in opal jewelry. Australian opal rings are really popular to buyers nowadays since they cater to men and women. Unlike other Australian opal jewelry, Australian opal rings actually have fewer complex designs and are more of simplistic and classic so that the beauty of the opals stand out.

The popular gemstone choice for men when it comes to Australian opal rings are the black opals. These opals are set on either gold or silver rings and are very masculine and impressive to look at. The contrast between the metal and the black opal makes the opal stand out and emit a certain fire that makes the wearer more powerful yet peaceful to look at.

On the other hand, a popular choice for women when it comes to Australian opal rings are the opals which are inlaid in thin metal and are adorned with diamonds. This type of ring makes the opal stand out against a sparkling white frame making it look like its glowing. Most women look for these types of Australian opal rings because of its sophisticated beauty.

There are also opal rings that are being sold at a lower price compared to the precious opals. These opal rings are doublets or even triplets. Doublets make use of thin slices of precious opal. These thin slices of opal are sandwiched in ironstone which makes it look like a solid piece of black opal. Doublets are being sold in a much lower price than precious opals since fewer opals are used. Triplets are pretty much like doublets but it makes use of three thin pieces of different kinds of opal. Triplets are also less expensive than doublets.

Taking proper care of your Australian opal rings is also very crucial since opals are brittle and they can get easily cracked once they lose their moisture. Wearing your Australian opal ring is actually a good way to retain its moisture. However, you should remove your opal ring before doing strenuous activity to avoid it from getting hit. Australian opal rings should also be placed away from heat and rapid temperature changes to avoid it from cracking.

Opals and Gems of Australia provides high quality Australian Opal Rings [] We have been in the Australian Opal business for over 30 years. Originally, Opals & Gems of Australia began as an Australian gem mining company in 1956, and has since then wholesaled, cut, and retailed opals and other exotic gemstones. Opals & Gems of Australia has over 50 years of long established relationships with miners, cutters, and manufacturers allowing us to buy directly from these sources and cherry pick the finest gems available at the best prices.

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The Beauty of an Opal Bracelet

A day stunning and value to addition to any respectable collection of jewelry is an opal bracelet. Opals are incredibly colorful, but you must know how to properly care for them if you want to maintain that stunning beauty. There are many things to remember about the opal bracelet.

Opals are varied unique because they are cut in a different fashion and other precious gems. When opals are mined, the miners themselves take extraordinary care when handling the beautiful stones. This adds their beauty and their value.

The stones of an opal bracelet are both vibrant and radiant in their color, with a different sort of color combination if they are black opals or white opals. Either the opal is do fantastic things when playing off the light. The color itself radiates from moisture that is trapped within the stone.

The stones of an opal bracelet are polished in such a way that they do do not usually crack for their protection. It for some tragic reason they were to contact the color would slowly fade right out of them and your bracelet with the will no longer.

An opal bracelet can have as few as one opal or as many as twenty, depending on the style and size. Remember to treat your opal with great care because they are rather fragile gems. You should limit your time for wearing an opal bracelet because even the natural oils from your skin can damage them. Wearing the opal bracelet for special occasions and the like is fine, as long as you do not forget you are wearing it.

Nor should they be immersed in any sort of liquids because that also tends to damage the opals. When you are finished wearing your opal bracelet for the evening, it is smart to let it air out and dry.

If the opal somehow does become dirty you want to clean it immediately. To take a toothbrush and cup of water to it might damage it, even though this method works well with other pieces of jewelry.

You also may want to look into specially produced jewelry cleaners that are made specifically to treat the precious gems that are contained in your opal bracelet. If you are worried about cleaning your bracelet, you might want to take it to a professional jewelry maker and ask them about cleaning your bracelet. This way you know it will be cleaned right, without damage done to your bracelet.

Using only a few steps, it is easy to care for your opal bracelet. As long as they remain flawless, you will have a beautiful and valuable heirloom to pass down for hundreds, if not thousands of years to come.

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Tips For Shopping For Great Deals on Black Opal Jewelry Online

Because of their small size, high value and multiple variables that can effect their value, all types of jewelry including Black Opal Earrings can be subject to misrepresentation by their sellers. While the Internet does have its share of "rip and run" con artists that you have to always be on the look out for, there are in fact at the same time, progressive minded jewelers that understand the intrinsic value of a stellar reputation.

Thus, it is highly recommended that you focus your initial efforts in your search for black opal jewelry online to locating and making contact with reputable sellers. Black opal jewelry in particular has so many things that factor in to raise or lower its value that it is important that you have someone on the other end of the line that will be open and honest with you.

This means that of course, you should never shop from a website that does not have adequate pictures of the black opal jewelry that they are featuring for sale. The fact is that there are some great deals to be had on the Internet with regards to all types and varieties of jewelry however; there are just as many, if not more pitfalls.

Developing good business relationships takes time even on the Internet so it is advised that you be patient in this area. One thing that you can do to help you in your quest however is to visit some jewelry related topic chat rooms where you can meet and talk to like minded Internet shoppers who can give you some tips and hopefully point you in the right direction.

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Why 14k Gold Opal Earrings Are A Great Choice

 Whether you are shopping for a gift for the holidays, or you are just looking for a way to dress up an particular outfit, don't neglect the choices that are offered when you are looking for 14k gold opal earrings. If you are looking for a gemstone-metal combination that really pops, look no further than this unique combination. People have always loved the ever-changing, mercurial look of this gems, and of course gold has been a valuable commodity since time immemorial, but you'll find that ancient history aside, you'll always be able to get a great look out of this particular mix of bright colors and conservative setting.

This precious metal is an excellent choice when it comes to deciding what you want in an earring setting. The use of gold when you are speaking of earrings is a good one; although it is soft, people are less likely to have an allergy to it than to nickel. Many earring posts are made from a nickel alloy of some sort, causing people who are overly sensitive to get hives, and you'll find that using this valuable metal prevents this. Similarly, the use of 14k gold is a great choice because it tends to be firmer and less likely to get bent out of shape than that of 24k, which is purer. Just make sure that you know what has been used to alloy this material.

Opals, rather are than being a stone, exactly, are considered mineraloids; despite being quite solid, they have a high percentage of water in them, which results in them gaining a beautiful shine and a deep and vibrant variety of colors that can appear. You'll find that most of this stones are never faceted; they are usually cut into cabuchons and polished, lending them a uniquely sleek and perfectly smooth look which is highly prized. You can find opals in a wide variety of colors and often they are selected based on what colors they most often reflect. For instance, white opals are fairly white and opaque, while black opals and fire opals show offer a darker, yet no less brilliant spectrum. This gemstones are known for being delicate gems and do well when secured by a firm setting.

When you are looking for earrings, 14k gold opal earrings are a great choice. If you're looking for something somewhat innocent or charming, look into the white opal, whereas if you are looking for something that will pop a little more, check out what you can find in terms of fire opal. In any case, jewelry of this sort will always make a statement, so keep an eye out for the right pieces for your own collection.

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Finding the Best Pair of Gold Stud Earrings - A Guide for Men

 For a woman, looking for gold opal stud earrings can be easy if you know what you are looking for, but for a man shopping for a woman, that task can seem almost impossible. Not only is the woman you are shopping for picky about her jewelry, but when you arrive to the jewelry store you notice an abundance of earrings to choose from. So where do you start in this sea of gold and earring? Here we have developed a guide for the man who is not a pro-gold shopper so that he can determine the right pair of earrings for her.


The first thing a man needs to understand is the style of earrings. You can find hoops, dangling earrings, stud earrings, clip-ons and more. Most likely you have seen the woman you are purchasing earrings for wear jewelry in the past. Use that memory to recall the types of earrings she typically wears. If she is usually wearing hoops, then opt for hoops. When in doubt, however, you can always play it safe by using stud earrings instead.

Gold Types

There are a lot of different types when it comes to gold. You can find yellow, rose, white and more. So how do you choose? This also should go back to your memory. If the woman you are buying for does not regularly wear yellow gold, but owns a lot of silver, then you will want to purchase white gold over yellow gold stud earrings. Always ensure that the pair you purchase will match the other pieces she owns. That way she can actually wear them with other pieces in her collection.


The last step to purchasing stud earrings is considering the "accessory" factor. This is basically talking about gemstones. Though you can find yourself dizzy in the array of gemstones available just for a pair of gold stud earrings, you will be fine once you know the basics. Diamonds are a crystal clear gemstone that is timeless and perfect for any occasion. When you are in doubt about which type of gemstone will work best for her, you can always try to select a diamond studded earring over the others. When considering jewels such as garnets, jades, rubies or opals, you need to consider what the woman you are buying for wears on a daily basis. Her gemstone earrings need to match her overall wardrobe; therefore you need to select a jewel that suits her style.

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How to Choose an Opal

 One of the most unique gems in the world, opals, unlike other gems, can reflect colors of the rainbow by refraction due to the silica inside the stone. In addition, these gems are commonly found as, well, opaque thus giving them the ability to be a canvas for the play of colors. With these features, Black Opal Necklace like tiny capsules of the night sky with play of color acting as glittering stars.

For those looking to acquire some of these enchanting stones, opals can be a very personal experience as every opal is different and unique to the buyer. High value opals might be meaningless to you if you do not like the colors at play on the stone.

Here some general information and tips when you're out on your adventure to finding the perfect opal for you.

Black opals are the most expensive type of opal gems because the dark body tone which helps enhance the play of colors. Rare and precious, a high quality black opal with excellent plays of color can be worth more than all but the finest diamonds.

Crystal opals are the second most expensive and does have some transparency that makes them unique. The most common and least expensive are white opals; their creamy body tone does at time distract the shine of the colors.

Sometimes considered a class of their own, fire opals have some transparency but do not have any play of colors. Found in hues of orange to orange-red colors, fire opal stones are commonly cut into traditional gem cut facets.

The last, but definitely not least, are boulder opals. Boulder opals are basically dark ironstone with thin layer of opal on the surface. The opal veins on the ironstone can make interesting designs with amazing play of colors.

Doublets and triplets are man-made that consist of a thin opal that is glued on a dark ironstone or sandstone. Generally, very cheap, doublet and triplet are used for jewelry as the back can be hidden. Only difference between the two is that triplets have an extra layer of plastic or glass of protection.

Opals from Welo, Ethiopia - newly discovered deposits - are generally cheaper than those from Australia. Although slightly cheaper, black opals from Ethiopia are just as stunning as those from Australia.

For those looking value when choosing the color of play, the order goes as red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet. Red being the most expensive, while violet being the least expensive.

Opals with a single bright flash of color is more valued than those with many dull flashes of color, while those that have the whole surface covered with good play of colors are highly sought after and expensive.

To properly view an opal, you must rotate the stone in your fingers to see all the angles that a flash of color can display. The price is determined by all the angles and not just the best angle. Although, the best angle will contribute greatly to the pricing. If you can't view the opal in person, try to find a vendor that has video for viewing.

In addition to plays of color, opal gems can have patterns that will add a lot of value and beauty to the gem. Most patterns have some sort of alternating play of colors on the surface. The most rare and expensive pattern is the harlequin pattern; a pattern of alternating flashes of color that resembles a checkerboard.

As for jewelry, opal gems are suited for pendants and necklaces, due to their soft nature, are easily damaged by an accidental bump into a hard surface. However, do not let this issue hinder your love for rings, bracelets and other jewelries with opals set in them.

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How to Choose an Opal

 One of the most unique gems in the world, opals, unlike other gems, can reflect colors of the rainbow by refraction due to the silica inside the stone. In addition, these gems are commonly found as, well, opaque thus giving them the ability to be a canvas for the play of colors. With these features, Fire Opal Necklace is like tiny capsules of the night sky with play of color acting as glittering stars.

For those looking to acquire some of these enchanting stones, opals can be a very personal experience as every opal is different and unique to the buyer. High value opals might be meaningless to you if you do not like the colors at play on the stone.

Here some general information and tips when you're out on your adventure to finding the perfect opal for you.

Black opals are the most expensive type of opal gems because the dark body tone which helps enhance the play of colors. Rare and precious, a high quality black opal with excellent plays of color can be worth more than all but the finest diamonds.

Crystal opals are the second most expensive and does have some transparency that makes them unique. The most common and least expensive are white opals; their creamy body tone does at time distract the shine of the colors.

Sometimes considered a class of their own, fire opals have some transparency but do not have any play of colors. Found in hues of orange to orange-red colors, fire opal stones are commonly cut into traditional gem cut facets.

The last, but definitely not least, are boulder opals. Boulder opals are basically dark ironstone with thin layer of opal on the surface. The opal veins on the ironstone can make interesting designs with amazing play of colors.

Doublets and triplets are man-made that consist of a thin opal that is glued on a dark ironstone or sandstone. Generally, very cheap, doublet and triplet are used for jewelry as the back can be hidden. Only difference between the two is that triplets have an extra layer of plastic or glass of protection.

Opals from Welo, Ethiopia - newly discovered deposits - are generally cheaper than those from Australia. Although slightly cheaper, black opals from Ethiopia are just as stunning as those from Australia.

For those looking value when choosing the color of play, the order goes as red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet. Red being the most expensive, while violet being the least expensive.

Opals with a single bright flash of color is more valued than those with many dull flashes of color, while those that have the whole surface covered with good play of colors are highly sought after and expensive.

To properly view an opal, you must rotate the stone in your fingers to see all the angles that a flash of color can display. The price is determined by all the angles and not just the best angle. Although, the best angle will contribute greatly to the pricing. If you can't view the opal in person, try to find a vendor that has video for viewing.

In addition to plays of color, opal gems can have patterns that will add a lot of value and beauty to the gem. Most patterns have some sort of alternating play of colors on the surface. The most rare and expensive pattern is the harlequin pattern; a pattern of alternating flashes of color that resembles a checkerboard.

As for jewelry, opal gems are suited for pendants and necklaces, due to their soft nature, are easily damaged by an accidental bump into a hard surface. However, do not let this issue hinder your love for rings, bracelets and other jewelries with opals set in them.

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On Trend Necklaces for Spring

 If you are looking for the trendy opal necklaces gold for the spring, a good place to start your search is with the different jewelry collections. You will discover what's new with the individual designers and you will discover some common themes - aka trends.

Gems en Vogue II

It's no surprise that gems are at the heart of this collection - beautiful pastels blended into one gorgeous dragonfly necklace and bright colors standing on their own. The multi-gemstone Dragonfly & Cultured Spice Pearl necklace is a mixture of gems and cultured pearls strung on a pearlescent lilac strand. The wings of the dragonfly pendant combine apatite stones, dark pink sapphires, rubies, iolites, tanzanites, amethysts and pink quartz. All gemstones are in claw and bead settings. The pendant is just under 2 inches long and just over 2 inches wide. The chain is strung with dyed multi-colored freshwater cultured pearls and measures 23 inches long. It secures with a lobster clasp.

For a bit of bright orange, check out the carnelian, garnet and orange sapphire necklace, hanging from a 20-inch sterling silver and 18K vermeil chain. At the center of the necklace is the pendant - a semi-round carved orange carnelian, a garnet and an orange sapphire, all in claw settings. This pendant hangs from a strand of round cut carnelian beads.

Gem Treasures

You will recognize this collection for its multi-strand necklaces made with hand-selected exotic gems. Start with your choice of a 24-inch rose or smoky quartz necklace, both set on sterling silver. It features various round faceted and oval fancy cut stones in your choice of rose quartz or smoky quartz. The rose is a soft baby pink color and the smoky quartz is a deep, rich brown. The three strands of quartz secure with a lobster claw clasp.

Want to reflect the colors of the sun? Try the Shades of Fire Opal necklace, strung on an 18-inch sterling silver chain.

The 165 round beads are arranged by the depth of their color. The total fire opal weight is approximately 52.64ct. It secures with a magnetic clasp.

Belita Brilliante

Love the look of platinum? You will love this collection's platinum-embraced 16 inch or 18 inch bezel set tennis necklace. It is one luscious row of sparkles that come from the simulated diamonds set in platinum-embraced sterling silver. The bezel setting offers a more contemporary look to this classic style. The necklace fastens with a box clasp with a safety catch.

For a simpler look, check out the platinum-embraced 24-inch station necklace. Again, made with platinum-embraced sterling silver, the necklace is a cable chain with six stations. At each station is a solitary round simulated diamond in a bezel setting. It fastens with a spring ring clasp.

Sweet Romance

This collection knows all about soft romantic looks that harken back to the 1930 and 1940s. Start with a Victorian-inspired Paris shadow box necklace that contains a nod to the famous Eiffel Tower. It measures 21 inches long plus a 4-inch drop. Even if you have never been to Paris, you will love the feelings of romance stirred up by this necklace. The textured gold tone chain features a pendant with an image of the Eiffel Tower and the word "Souvenir de Paris" in the background. On the front of the shadow box are flower sprigs with crystals and glass pearls. Atop the pendant is a small fleur-de-lis. It is rich with detail. Altogether, the necklace contains 60 different crystals in a bezel setting.

Another romantic necklace from Sweet Romance is the 22-inch Tudor-inspired intaglio necklace with a "reverse" cameo etched in one of several charms hanging from the necklace. You have a choice of a blue or smoky cameo. The other charms include a key and glass charms. They hang from a gloved hand charm that attaches to the 22-inch gold-tone necklace. This interesting necklace - a blend of Tudor and the Renaissance - will be a real conversation starter.

Far East Market

If you think of pearls when you hear the words "Far East," you are right on target. One of the best sellers in this collection is the pink freshwater cultured pearl necklace. The 18-inch strand includes 39 round 11mm to 12mm pink freshwater cultured pearls. It is secured by a fish hook clasp with a catch guard.

If you prefer something other than pearls, consider a 24-inch hematite and carved onyx "Year of the Dragon" necklace in honor of 2012. The dragon, a symbol of power, strength, protection and wisdom in Chinese culture, is painted in gold-toned enamel on each one of the 10 round black onyx beads. Interspersed between the onyx beads are 33 dark gray hematite beads. The beads are individually knotted. A magnetic clasp, made of sterling silver and plated with 18K yellow gold, secures the beads. This beautiful piece comes with its own jewelry pouch.

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Be Mystified With a Black Opal Ring!

 In a nut shell, the black opal ring is a symbol of elegance and mystique. There are a lot of things that have caught the attention of a lot people when it comes to these stones. One is that the beautiful colors that can be seen in each opal. Beneath its dark exterior lies a beauty like no other, and only a true jewel lover can appreciate these features. And for any occasion, even for an engagement ring, these precious stones can be the best gift choice.

You have to admit, black opals are very interesting jewelry pieces. Its enigmatic form and soft texture makes for a great ring centerpiece. A black stone with a bedazzling array of colors beneath the shiny exterior and you'll only keep wondering what these black opals are exactly. And where better to put these objects than on a ring right? These days, black opal rings have become very popular when it comes to gift choices, particularly for engagements.

So if you're deciding on what ring to go with on your engagement, why not try a black opal ring? Diamonds are great, but this can be a lot better. Rather than going with the conventional rings that people go for, why not go with these black beauties? Not only is it a unique choice, these rings are also quite cheaper than your typical diamond rings.

And think about the message that you'll be sending to your loved one with these extraordinary jewelry pieces. It isn't everyday that this type of ring gets to be given away for engagements. The stone on this ring will represent that love that, like the colors found in each stone, grows deeper and deeper. It's the perfect engagement ring!

So for your ring choices, whether for an engagement or as a gift, you can't go wrong with a black opal ring.

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Diamonds Are Not The Only Option For Women's Wedding Rings

 One of the curious things is that, women have forever loved diamonds the most. But that trend is changing nowadays and is most apparent today, in the world of opal wedding rings. Thankfully, people today are much more open to new trends.

Opal, the one jewel which has been ignored for years by people deciding to settle down, the one jewel, the reputation of which has suffered since the Victorian times is back in the wedding market for good. And you won't believe what the reason for its unfortunate decline in popularity was. It was the death of a fictional character in a Victorian novel!

Mercifully, those times of supreme ignorance have passed. But, it is a popular belief, even today, that the earlier the times, the more ridiculous the beliefs. Ironically, in the Middle Ages, which was much before the Victorian period, the opal was considered a blessing to have. Even in those times, people understood the various aspects of marriage. They believed that, the different colours seen in an opal reflected the different nuances of married life. It was also believed that, the various colours of the opal represented the various characteristics attributed to the zodiac signs.

Australia is renowned internationally for its exports of gold, opals and sapphires. It produces more than 90% of the world's opals. Coober Pedy, Lightening Ridge, Quilpie are only a few mines that are responsible for this humongous production. Therefore, it is only natural, that in Australia, women's wedding rings are increasingly being made of opals. And not just women, men are even more interested in such jewels than ever before. More so, because they can make a good business out of it by selling them to the women! Jokes apart, men have become more fashion conscious and are thus, experimenting more. They have become increasingly accepting of the idea of metro-sexuality.

Talking of opals, these beauties can be of different types. As opals are made of silica and water, they are generally quite soft. But certain opals can naturally be quite hard. These are the much older ones.

The black opals comprise of a small fraction of the total production of opals because of their lesser availability. The Lightening Ridge mines of New South Wales in Australia produce them. You can search for images on the internet for the black opal. You will see and recognise the fact that, black opals can be breathtakingly beautiful. Those which exude a navy bluish colour amidst all the blackness, give the impression of being some charmed object. The more you look at it, the more you cannot help but peer into it, as if you want to get lost in its mysterious beauty.

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How to Select an Opal Engagement Ring

 Do you have any plans of proposing to the woman whom you want to spend the forever with? Obviously, having your future wife state a resounding "yes" when you pop the question will bring excitement and joy to you, but seeing her eyes light up with your ring is even better. Your proposal is the start of your eternity with her, and it needs a lot of preparation: the romantic place, the unique way of asking her to be your wife and of course, the most important object which discreetly announces that she is your fiancĂ©: the opal engagement ring.

Today's engagement ring is not limited to the common diamond only. With all the creative jewelers worldwide and with all the gemstones coming from different sides of the globe, one can choose from a huge collection of rings in different hues and designs. Why be cliche when you can stand out with the purchase of an amazing gemstone. Australian opal engagement rings are the best choice since the gemstone itself is crafted in the country where the best Opals originated: Australia. But since these rings are sold at a high price, many low quality varieties are available in shops that are very deceiving, only skilled jewelers can recognize their ingenuity.

How do experts recognize the difference between precious and semi-precious Australian opal engagement rings? Here are the two categories that will guide you in choosing the ring your beloved will be flaunting to her friends:

- Radiance- When you look at the gemstone in different angles, you will be seeing several shining colors too, even though the stone is solidly black in color. This is just one of the characteristics that differentiate Opals from the rest of the stones, as the hues of this jewel are simply mesmerizing. If an Australian Opal doesn't reflect a lot of colors, it doesn't mean that it is not authentic. One should look closely if the sparkle is vibrant and if the stone is sandwiched to a base stone or another jewel as it may be a doublet or triplet. A buyer must examine an Opal under a bright light.

- Weight- Opals, like Diamonds, are also measured in karats. The higher the karat value, the more expensive the stone is. Try to weigh the jewel with your own hand to see if the stone is heavier enough to be considered real.

The radiance and the weight of the Opal dictate its price in the market. But do not be fooled if an engagement ring is expensive since sometimes, the price does not connote the quality of the product itself. Consider these tips in buying your rings of engagement:

- Buy from a trusted jeweler. Yes, this may mean an expensive jewelry too, but come to think of it, a shop which already established its name in the jewelry industry have gained the conviction of numerous clients through the years. Besides, these shops have ascertained good rapport with its customers; they will guide you in opting for the jewelry of your choice. Remember: shops which offer precious and semi-precious stones of superior quality to their patrons are the ones which last in this kind of business. When selecting opals try to find jewelers that purchase their stones directly from Australia. This means that you get the best gemstone (from Australia) without too many middlemen marking up the price.

- Reflect on store hopping. In order to purchase the ring of your preference, you should not settle on one trusted store only. Think of browsing through the catalogs of all the shops you have found, and choose your favorites on their collection. In this way, you will avoid the regret of buying the ring with better design and color.

What are you waiting for? Go ahead and shop for Australian opal engagement rings. You are sure to see those pearly whites flash behind those luscious lips after presenting an opal engagement ring. If your planning your bride celebrates an October birthday, an opal engagement ring will suit her even better as opal is the October birthstone.

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Finding the Perfect Opal Ring

Opal rings have been famous throughout history for their amazing display of colors and brilliant patterns. Many cultures in the ancient world regarded them as luxurious charms of fortune and good tidings. Even to this day, opal rings are highly desired for their unique beauty and elegance. This kind of jewelry is perfect for gifts since each opal is natural, rare, and unique. If you're looking for one, you're bound to be curious as to how to find the one that's perfect for your needs, budget, and tastes. Here are a few things to keep in mind in your quest for a perfect opal ring.

Finding the perfect opal ring depends on finding a high quality stone to use as the centerpiece. Opals are graded on four primary attributes: their patterns, colors, shape, and clarity.

Each opal ring has its own distinct patterns of swirling colors hidden within the stone and released when exposed to light. While the particular pattern that looks best to you is up to your own tastes, there is one thing that you should be looking for regardless, and that is brilliance. High quality opal rings will have patterns that are bold, brilliant, and beautiful. If the pattern seems weak, the ring will not be as good as it could be.

Many people feel that the more colors there are represented in an opal ring, the better the jewelry is. This is not necessarily true, however. Many of the best models only show two colors, but show them strongly. If the person you intend to buy the opal ring for has a favorite color, try to make sure that this is represented both richly and boldly.

The best opal rings have centerpieces which are dome shaped. This provides much more brilliance than a flat cut stone. Flat cuts are better used as inlays to accentuate the center of the ring than as the centerpiece themselves.

The clarity of an opal ring is absolutely crucial. Small sand particles often get stuck in opal stones, and if they are big enough they can mar the surface or interior of the stone. This will absolutely ruin the overall aesthetic of the ring, and detract from its value.

The perfect opal ring will also have a fantastic setting. The most popular choices for this are gold and white gold. This depends on the colors of the opal, so it must be decided on a case by case basis. As a general rule of thumb, offsetting the color of the band material with the color of the opal will draw more attention to the ring, helping it to stand out and be noticed. For instance, it's more common to see black opal rings with white gold.

In the end, finding the perfect opal ring is all about perseverance and knowledge. Knowing how to choose a high quality opal will get you most of the way there, but you still need to put forth the effort to discover it. Don't lose heart, and never settle for anything short of perfection!

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Be Mystified With a Black Opal Ring!

 In a nut shell, the black opal ring is a symbol of elegance and mystique. There are a lot of things that have caught the attention of a lot people when it comes to these stones. One is that the beautiful colors that can be seen in each opal. Beneath its dark exterior lies a beauty like no other, and only a true jewel lover can appreciate these features. And for any occasion, even for an engagement ring, these precious stones can be the best gift choice.

You have to admit, black opals are very interesting jewelry pieces. Its enigmatic form and soft texture makes for a great ring centerpiece. A black stone with a bedazzling array of colors beneath the shiny exterior and you'll only keep wondering what these black opals are exactly. And where better to put these objects than on a ring right? These days, black opal rings have become very popular when it comes to gift choices, particularly for engagements.

So if you're deciding on what ring to go with on your engagement, why not try a black opal ring? Diamonds are great, but this can be a lot better. Rather than going with the conventional rings that people go for, why not go with these black beauties? Not only is it a unique choice, these rings are also quite cheaper than your typical diamond rings.

And think about the message that you'll be sending to your loved one with these extraordinary jewelry pieces. It isn't everyday that this type of ring gets to be given away for engagements. The stone on this ring will represent that love that, like the colors found in each stone, grows deeper and deeper. It's the perfect engagement ring!

So for your ring choices, whether for an engagement or as a gift, you can't go wrong with a black opal ring.

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Diamonds Are Not The Only Option For Women's Wedding Rings

 One of the curious things is that, women have forever loved diamonds the most. But that trend is changing nowadays and is most apparent today, in the world of opal wedding rings. Thankfully, people today are much more open to new trends.

Opal, the one jewel which has been ignored for years by people deciding to settle down, the one jewel, the reputation of which has suffered since the Victorian times is back in the wedding market for good. And you won't believe what the reason for its unfortunate decline in popularity was. It was the death of a fictional character in a Victorian novel!

Mercifully, those times of supreme ignorance have passed. But, it is a popular belief, even today, that the earlier the times, the more ridiculous the beliefs. Ironically, in the Middle Ages, which was much before the Victorian period, the opal was considered a blessing to have. Even in those times, people understood the various aspects of marriage. They believed that, the different colours seen in an opal reflected the different nuances of married life. It was also believed that, the various colours of the opal represented the various characteristics attributed to the zodiac signs.

Australia is renowned internationally for its exports of gold, opals and sapphires. It produces more than 90% of the world's opals. Coober Pedy, Lightening Ridge, Quilpie are only a few mines that are responsible for this humongous production. Therefore, it is only natural, that in Australia, women's wedding rings are increasingly being made of opals. And not just women, men are even more interested in such jewels than ever before. More so, because they can make a good business out of it by selling them to the women! Jokes apart, men have become more fashion conscious and are thus, experimenting more. They have become increasingly accepting of the idea of metro-sexuality.

Talking of opals, these beauties can be of different types. As opals are made of silica and water, they are generally quite soft. But certain opals can naturally be quite hard. These are the much older ones.

The black opals comprise of a small fraction of the total production of opals because of their lesser availability. The Lightening Ridge mines of New South Wales in Australia produce them. You can search for images on the internet for the black opal. You will see and recognise the fact that, black opals can be breathtakingly beautiful. Those which exude a navy bluish colour amidst all the blackness, give the impression of being some charmed object. The more you look at it, the more you cannot help but peer into it, as if you want to get lost in its mysterious beauty.

Not bad for a wedding ring at all. Given, how you too would want your spouse to remain enamoured of your charms for life, mysterious or otherwise.

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Opal Engagement Rings - An Excellent Option for a Great Impression

 Now that you have found the woman you want to spend the rest of your life with, it's time to propose her. Without any doubt you want to hear a loud 'yes' with her eyed lighting up on seeing the ring you carry for that momentous occasion. Of course, you'll need to do your homework for this once in a lifetime moment by looking for a romantic place, rehearsing for that awesome way of proposing her and finding the most important item that tastefully declares her to be your fiancĂ©, yes, the opal engagement ring!

The choice of engagement rings is no more limited to diamonds only. Creative jewelers are using the large variety of gems pouring in from different countries to offer an amazing variety of rings having great designs and diverse hues. With so many of startling gemstones available, why follow the beaten track?

Opal rings seem to be a very popular option these days. The best opal is produced in Australia and some of the best opal engagement rings are also crafted in Australia. If you were thinking to come up with something less traditional, opal might be for you. But beware! Because these rings are highly priced, many vendors are taking advantage by offering low quality fakes to uninformed clients. Only expert and experienced jewelers can make out a fake from a real one.

Here are a few tips that will help you purchase an opal engagement ring that your beloved would love flaunting around to her friends:

Look for a great sparkle - On looking through the gemstone from different angles, you'll see many shining colors, though the color of the stone is solid black. This is among the most important characteristics that distinguish opal from other stones. This jewel really has gripping hues.

Choose a good weight - Just like in the case of diamonds, the measuring unit for opal is also the carat. The price of opal is directly proportionate to its weight. Holding the jewel in your hand try to feel its weight and see if it's heavy enough for being considered authentic.

High price doesn't necessarily mean high quality - The market price of opal is decided by its weight and sparkle. However, price of the ring is no guarantee for the quality of the stone you may be inclined to buy. Keep these points in mind while selecting an opal engagement ring.

Get it from a reputed jeweler - It always helps to deal with a reputed dealer. Though you may be required to pay a bit more, you can't overlook the fact that the jeweler earned his clients' trust over number of years. They successfully established a rapport with their clients. It's not easy to build reputation in such trades, especially. These jewelers are always willing to help clients choose the most appropriate piece that matches their choice and budget.

Do some research - Though it's important to deal with reputed dealers, don't depend on just one reliable store. Spend time going through the catalogs of various stores that you can locate and mark your favorites. This would ensure that you won't regret having missed buying a ring with superior color and design.

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Australian Opal Ring - Learn How to Select a Quality Gemstone

Australian Opals have a attraction that most love and admire. These exquisite opal ring is found in the Australian Outback which is quite rough and has extreme weather conditions. These conditions have guarded Australia's sublime opals and have nurtured them to become even more beautiful as if they were created and made with an unimaginable power. Australia is number one source for opals and other opal jewelries because of their abundance in the Australian Outback.

There are actually opals that are commonly found in dry areas . However, these opals do not have the fire and the beauty precious Australian opals possess which is why they are sold at a much lower price or they are made into doublets and triplets. Precious opals are found in dry areas where there is limited or no water supply. These conditions actually make it harder to find the opals and it will also make the opals found more expensive than other common opals.

Many people are interested in opal jewelry. Australian opal rings are really popular to buyers nowadays since they cater to men and women. Unlike other Australian opal jewelry, Australian opal rings actually have fewer complex designs and are more of simplistic and classic so that the beauty of the opals stand out.

The popular gemstone choice for men when it comes to Australian opal rings are the black opals. These opals are set on either gold or silver rings and are very masculine and impressive to look at. The contrast between the metal and the black opal makes the opal stand out and emit a certain fire that makes the wearer more powerful yet peaceful to look at.

On the other hand, a popular choice for women when it comes to Australian opal rings are the opals which are inlaid in thin metal and are adorned with diamonds. This type of ring makes the opal stand out against a sparkling white frame making it look like its glowing. Most women look for these types of Australian opal rings because of its sophisticated beauty.

There are also opal rings that are being sold at a lower price compared to the precious opals. These opal rings are doublets or even triplets. Doublets make use of thin slices of precious opal. These thin slices of opal are sandwiched in ironstone which makes it look like a solid piece of black opal. Doublets are being sold in a much lower price than precious opals since fewer opals are used. Triplets are pretty much like doublets but it makes use of three thin pieces of different kinds of opal. Triplets are also less expensive than doublets.

Taking proper care of your Australian opal rings is also very crucial since opals are brittle and they can get easily cracked once they lose their moisture. Wearing your Australian opal ring is actually a good way to retain its moisture. However, you should remove your opal ring before doing strenuous activity to avoid it from getting hit. Australian opal rings should also be placed away from heat and rapid temperature changes to avoid it from cracking.

Opals and Gems of Australia provides high quality Australian Opal Rings, We have been in the Australian Opal business for over 30 years. Originally, Opals & Gems of Australia began as an Australian gem mining company in 1956, and has since then wholesaled, cut, and retailed opals and other exotic gemstones. 

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Be Mystified With a Black Opal Ring!

In a nut shell, the black opal ring is a symbol of elegance and mystique. There are a lot of things that have caught the attention of a lot people when it comes to these stones. One is that the beautiful colors that can be seen in each opal. Beneath its dark exterior lies a beauty like no other, and only a true jewel lover can appreciate these features. And for any occasion, even for an engagement ring, these precious stones can be the best gift choice.

You have to admit, black opals are very interesting jewelry pieces. Its enigmatic form and soft texture makes for a great ring centerpiece. A black stone with a bedazzling array of colors beneath the shiny exterior and you'll only keep wondering what these black opals are exactly. And where better to put these objects than on a ring right? These days, black opal rings have become very popular when it comes to gift choices, particularly for engagements.

So if you're deciding on what ring to go with on your engagement, why not try a black opal ring? Diamonds are great, but this can be a lot better. Rather than going with the conventional rings that people go for, why not go with these black beauties? Not only is it a unique choice, these rings are also quite cheaper than your typical diamond rings.

And think about the message that you'll be sending to your loved one with these extraordinary jewelry pieces. It isn't everyday that this type of ring gets to be given away for engagements. The stone on this ring will represent that love that, like the colors found in each stone, grows deeper and deeper. It's the perfect engagement ring!

So for your ring choices, whether for an engagement or as a gift, you can't go wrong with a black opal ring.

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Diamonds Are Not The Only Option For Women's Wedding Rings

 One of the curious things is that, women have forever loved diamonds the most. But that trend is changing nowadays and is most apparent today, in the world of Opal Wedding Rings. Thankfully, people today are much more open to new trends.

Opal, the one jewel which has been ignored for years by people deciding to settle down, the one jewel, the reputation of which has suffered since the Victorian times is back in the wedding market for good. And you won't believe what the reason for its unfortunate decline in popularity was. It was the death of a fictional character in a Victorian novel!

Mercifully, those times of supreme ignorance have passed. But, it is a popular belief, even today, that the earlier the times, the more ridiculous the beliefs. Ironically, in the Middle Ages, which was much before the Victorian period, the opal was considered a blessing to have. Even in those times, people understood the various aspects of marriage. They believed that, the different colours seen in an opal reflected the different nuances of married life. It was also believed that, the various colours of the opal represented the various characteristics attributed to the zodiac signs.

Australia is renowned internationally for its exports of gold, opals and sapphires. It produces more than 90% of the world's opals. Coober Pedy, Lightening Ridge, Quilpie are only a few mines that are responsible for this humongous production. Therefore, it is only natural, that in Australia, women's wedding rings are increasingly being made of opals. And not just women, men are even more interested in such jewels than ever before. More so, because they can make a good business out of it by selling them to the women! Jokes apart, men have become more fashion conscious and are thus, experimenting more. They have become increasingly accepting of the idea of metro-sexuality.

Talking of opals, these beauties can be of different types. As opals are made of silica and water, they are generally quite soft. But certain opals can naturally be quite hard. These are the much older ones.

The black opals comprise of a small fraction of the total production of opals because of their lesser availability. The Lightening Ridge mines of New South Wales in Australia produce them. You can search for images on the internet for the black opal. You will see and recognise the fact that, black opals can be breathtakingly beautiful. Those which exude a navy bluish colour amidst all the blackness, give the impression of being some charmed object. The more you look at it, the more you cannot help but peer into it, as if you want to get lost in its mysterious beauty.

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Unusual Engagement Rings: The Fierce Fire Opal

 Unusual Opal engagement rings are coming back in a big way. Many celebrities have been seen sporting gemstone rings, choosing to bypass the classic diamond for something much more unique. Of all the stones, the opal is certainly one of the most spectacular. Many people believe their brilliance to be greater than the diamond's, as the stone reflects the light to reveal a whole spectrum of different colours.

Your opal will never fail to surprise you, revealing new colours and patterns for years to come. Potential buyers who want something truly unique are attracted by the fact that no two opals are the same. You can truly state that the gemstone in your ring is one-of-a-kind.

The Fire Opal

This stone is Mexico's national gemstone as that is where the majority of the opal deposits are located. The fire in its name refers to the stunning colour of the stone, ranging from vivid red to oranges and also bright yellows. It is an absolutely ideal choice when considering a stone which is unusual. Engagement rings with fire opals are rare and would make yours very original.

Opals are usually associated with play-of-colour, the brilliant colour flashes the stone reflects in the light. The wonderful rarity of fire opals is that there are versions of this stone which have both play-of-colour and are transparent or translucent.

The fire opal is an ancient stone formed in Mexican volcanoes. As with other opals, it is formed primarily by water. It is created when water drips into lava which then fills any hollows or seams in the volcano. As lava contains high amounts of silica, this combined with water creates a solid gel containing the remaining water. This is a fast process which gives fire opals their translucence, as opposed to other opals which have a longer period to settle and form their play-of-colour diffraction grids. Fire opals form a play-of-colour only very occasionally if they happen to form in a spot which has less heat and pressure.

Both types of the fire opal look very spectacular and unusual. Engagement rings that use this stone should really have a protective setting which will shield the edges of the opal, due to its high water base and relative softness.

The highest value fire opals are the transparent type, as this means the stone is most often faceted. This is an element which is very attractive to wearers as the stone not only has its dazzling depth of fiery colour but is also very sparkly, too. It is said that the sparkling fire opal often reminds people of a dancing flame. Many people love the idea of owning a gemstone formed purely by Mother Nature; they believe it gives their unusual engagement ring even deeper meaning.

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Tips For Shopping For An Opal Ring

 You know you want to get an opal ring, but are just not sure how to go about it. This is not surprising, considering the average person has little to no previous experience shopping for jewelry. It can easily become frustrating and overwhelming, especially if you are planning to spend a decent sum of money on this piece. You want to ensure you get your money's worth and that you choose a ring she is going to love.

When shopping for an opal ring, the first thing to consider is what occasion you are purchasing it for. Obviously, if you are buying as a wedding or engagement ring it should be much more luxurious than if it was just for a casual gift. Typically the more delicate and detailed a ring, the more money you are going to have to pay for it.

Opal is a beautiful gemstone that represents the month of October. It is a gleaming white color and the color of the stone is actually one of the most important things to watch for when shopping. You can tell a good opal stone from a bad by its brightness and luminescence. It should almost twinkle, whereas if you find a dull stone you pretty much want to avoid it.

The size of the actual ring itself is also important. You do not want to buy a lovely bauble for your lady only to have it slip off her finger. If you are trying to make it a surprise, take one of her old rings and use that for a size guide. Then you know which size of ring to get her.

You should always shop at a reputable and well known jewelry store. There are more than enough scammers out there and to avoid yourself getting taken advantage of, this is a key step. Always ask for the certified paperwork on any piece of jewelry before buying it. A good jewelry salesperson will have no problem at all providing you with this. Someone who avoids it on the other hand, you can pretty much bet they have something up their sleeve and you should not buy from them.

Buying an opal ring should not just be a task it should be fun. Jewelry is so gorgeous and you can spend your time window shopping trying to find just the right one. As long as you keep these handy tips in mind, you should have no problems.

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Be Mystified With a Black Opal Ring!

 In a nut shell, the Black Opal Ring is a symbol of elegance and mystique. There are a lot of things that have caught the attention of a lot people when it comes to these stones. One is that the beautiful colors that can be seen in each opal. Beneath its dark exterior lies a beauty like no other, and only a true jewel lover can appreciate these features. And for any occasion, even for an engagement ring, these precious stones can be the best gift choice.

You have to admit, black opals are very interesting jewelry pieces. Its enigmatic form and soft texture makes for a great ring centerpiece. A black stone with a bedazzling array of colors beneath the shiny exterior and you'll only keep wondering what these black opals are exactly. And where better to put these objects than on a ring right? These days, black opal rings have become very popular when it comes to gift choices, particularly for engagements.

So if you're deciding on what ring to go with on your engagement, why not try a black opal ring? Diamonds are great, but this can be a lot better. Rather than going with the conventional rings that people go for, why not go with these black beauties? Not only is it a unique choice, these rings are also quite cheaper than your typical diamond rings.

And think about the message that you'll be sending to your loved one with these extraordinary jewelry pieces. It isn't everyday that this type of ring gets to be given away for engagements. The stone on this ring will represent that love that, like the colors found in each stone, grows deeper and deeper. It's the perfect engagement ring!

So for your ring choices, whether for an engagement or as a gift, you can't go wrong with a black opal ring.

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Choose White Gold Hoop Earrings For a Versatile Look

 Gold opal earrings have long been worn as simple ear adornments, status symbols and as fashion accessories yet still remain one of the most popular forms of fine jewelry. Gold earrings come in colors ranging from yellow, rose and white, and in many styles. You can choose a small stud to nestle on the earlobe or a dangle drop style which may be more or less ostentatious. White gold hoop earrings are a very versatile look which is hard to deny.

A gift of fine gold earrings is always welcomed by anyone with pierced ears. It is a safe present choice but one that will be genuinely appreciated too. With all the styles available to you though, what are the best ones to buy?

Gold Stud Earrings

Studs are the smallest earrings because they fit completely on the earlobe. Their small size makes them the perfect gift for children, a first earring or for an expensive gemstone, such as a diamond stud. And they are perfect to complement the main earring if worn in a second or subsequent ear piercing.

On the positive side, gold opal earrings are affordable and pretty but on the downside, they can be easily overshadowed by flowing hairstyles, evening make-up and dressy necklaces.

Gold Dangle Drop Earrings

Dangle drop earrings on the other hand can hold their own against other dressy accessories. They come in a very wide range of styles and designs and different drop lengths ranging from a small drop to an extensive dangle length, any of which can be set with diamonds, pearls, opal or other gemstones. And it is this variety of choice which can make choosing the perfect pair of dangle earring styles so bewildering.

For example, ostentatious chandelier earrings, which have been very popular on Red Carpets around the globe of late, have made pearl and diamond chandeliers especially in white gold very popular. But their sheer size means they can sometimes be weighty, and the two combined means that some people can find them difficult to wear.

This is definitely not the case for gold hoop earrings which are often hollow to ensure that even the largest styles are comfortable to wear! The hoops themselves can be smaller or larger depending on your personal preference. They can be simple, open hoops or they can be more elaborate with etched design details. And for an altogether more interesting look, why not consider a pair of twisted gold hoops?

The current trends for white metals make white gold hoop earrings a perfect choice. They are arguably the most versatile earrings around at the moment. Small white gold huggy style hoops look great with jeans, beachwear, even maternity wear and yet larger styles and twisted white hoops look amazing for more formal celebrations.

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Dazzling Earring Sets for an Elegant Night Out

 When it comes to selecting an outfit for a night out on the town, many women start with their dress. They pull out their favorite party frock and design the rest of their outfit around it, including the shoes and the accessories. But what if you started with the accessories?

A great pair of shoes can make or break an outfit, as can a great pair of Opal Stud Earrings. It might sound crazy, but often, people go overboard with the accessories if they start with the outfit. Things might clash; things might look crazy - whereas if you start with the accessories and design a more muted outfit around it, you're more likely to look elegant and classy (which is what everyone is generally going for).

For instance, let's say you choose a leopard print dress. You probably don't want a pair of earrings that's going to clash with that pattern, and you might find yourself digging around your jewelry box, only to settle on a pair of earrings that, while not directly clashing with the outfit you've chosen, don't exactly work with it either. If you'd started with the earrings, you might have an easier time.

Sometimes, you have to let your accessories take center stage - let them do the talking. It seems like circular logic to many women, who have been taught that you start with your outfit and then pile the accessories on afterward. But that's just the problem - we tend to pile on the accessories without really thinking about whether they go with what we're wearing, and then we end up looking like a total mess when what we're going for is elegant and put together.

A well-dressed woman understands that it's not the amount of jewelry or accessories that you wear; it's how you wear them. She knows that less is often more, especially when it comes to jewelry, and that the right jewelry can influence an outfit greatly. She understands that if you want to wear crazy hot pink feather earrings, you better make sure all you're wearing in terms of clothing is a little black dress - so the earrings can truly take center stage.

Likewise, she knows that if she wants to rock a giant Tom Binns statement necklace, it's best paired with a white tee and a slim fitting pair of jeans - not with a leopard print mini dress. Style isn't something people are born with - it's something that's taught, and it's most certainly something that you can learn. Not sure what kind of earrings you should be choosing when it comes to dressing for an elegant night out? Start here.

Jewel tones were huge on the runways last season, and it seems that they'll be sticking around for yet another season. You may have spent summer embracing neon tones, but fall is all about more muted colors; colors that echo the changing leaves on fall foliage, the warm sun beating down in the dog days of summer.

Capture the jewel tone trend with a pair of quartz and citrine dangle earrings. Much like the chandelier styles that have been popular in the past, these gorgeous earrings look antique even though they're brand new. A gorgeous array of warm golden brown colors glitter on your ears. These dangle earrings are crafted from 18 karat yellow vermeil gold that sparkles in the sunlight, and each earring features three oval cut golden citrines, one oval cut smoky quartz stone and one oval cut Madeira citrine stone, all in prong settings. Don a matching ring, pair these with a long red gown and you're ready to light the night on fire.

When it comes to choosing your earrings for a night out, there's really nothing better than a great pair of diamond hoops. If you're looking to light up the dance floor or dazzle your wedding guests, consider a pair of 14 karat gold diamond pave inside-out hoop earrings. These well-crafted hoops glisten with 113 round cut diamonds in bead settings. Fit for a queen, these earrings will look just as good with a polished suit as they will with a wedding dress or a ball gown. If there's any material that belies elegance and class, it's diamonds, and these earrings boast a whole lot of them.

If dangle earrings and hoops feel a bit too heavy for your liking, consider a sophisticated pair of studs. Sterling silver Ethiopian Opal stud earrings are a nice contrast to almost any outfit, thanks to their white and blue sheen. They're a good alternative to diamonds, and are much less expensive. You can get a gorgeous look for a fraction of the price. With their beautiful iridescent auras of color that change as you move, these earrings are designed in polished rhodium plated sterling silver.

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Opal Inlay Rings: Affordable Luxury

Jewelry made with opals has become rather popular accessories. The availability of good quality stones, along with the mastery of skills needed to create splendid designs have made a beautiful Opal Earrings a much coveted commodity.

Now considered as an affordable luxury, opal jewelry offers no compromise on quality and creative workmanship. These are very exciting times for a consumer like me.

Opal is an eye-catching gemstone and I am especially fascinated that they can display the full color range of a rainbow. The uniqueness of its color play is just too good to ignore. It's not any more exclusive to people whose birthday is on the month of October. Opal has already caught a lot of people's fancy. And for some time now, it has become my favorite gem.

They make sensational jewelry, perfect if you want a fine-looking and unique piece for your collection. And if you're lucky, you could get them at an affordable price. The key is to know your opals and taking the extra effort to find the one.

An opal inlay ring is among the designs very fashionable these times. So if you plan to buy one, here are some things to consider:

- The ideal opal for inlaying is likely to be a fine quality crystal opal. An opal that is transparent so to see shimmers of color when you hold it against the light.

- If you have the right budget, you can opt for a black opal that is just divine for any kind of jewelry.

- Any metal setting will work for inlaid jewelry. Choose a setting thought that can provide stability, then beauty to your opal jewelry.

- If you opt to have accent stones, make sure they complement the opal. With opal as the center stone, it won't be a problem. Opal goes well with diamonds, rubies, and other precious stones.

- Consider the opal that you find most attractive and that fits your budget.

Browsing the web for opal jewelry, made me realize what I want for Christmas. I would definitely want to see a.96 carat black opal with diamond accents in 14k white gold setting around my right ring finger. Wearing rings around the index or pinky finger maybe vogue and meaningful but my ring finger would do fine. And yes, maybe a pair of matching opal earrings as well.

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Be Mystified With a Black Opal Ring!

 In a nut shell, the black opal ring is a symbol of elegance and mystique. There are a lot of things that have caught the attention of a lot people when it comes to these stones. One is that the beautiful colors that can be seen in each opal. Beneath its dark exterior lies a beauty like no other, and only a true jewel lover can appreciate these features. And for any occasion, even for an engagement ring, these precious stones can be the best gift choice.

You have to admit, black opals are very interesting jewelry pieces. Its enigmatic form and soft texture makes for a great ring centerpiece. A black stone with a bedazzling array of colors beneath the shiny exterior and you'll only keep wondering what these black opals are exactly. And where better to put these objects than on a ring right? These days, black opal rings have become very popular when it comes to gift choices, particularly for engagements.

So if you're deciding on what ring to go with on your engagement, why not try a black opal ring? Diamonds are great, but this can be a lot better. Rather than going with the conventional rings that people go for, why not go with these black beauties? Not only is it a unique choice, these rings are also quite cheaper than your typical diamond rings.

And think about the message that you'll be sending to your loved one with these extraordinary jewelry pieces. It isn't everyday that this type of ring gets to be given away for engagements. The stone on this ring will represent that love that, like the colors found in each stone, grows deeper and deeper. It's the perfect engagement ring!

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Diamonds Are Not The Only Option For Women's Wedding Rings

 One of the curious things is that, women have forever loved diamonds the most. But that trend is changing nowadays and is most apparent today, in the world of Opal wedding rings. Thankfully, people today are much more open to new trends.

Opal, the one jewel which has been ignored for years by people deciding to settle down, the one jewel, the reputation of which has suffered since the Victorian times is back in the wedding market for good. And you won't believe what the reason for its unfortunate decline in popularity was. It was the death of a fictional character in a Victorian novel!

Mercifully, those times of supreme ignorance have passed. But, it is a popular belief, even today, that the earlier the times, the more ridiculous the beliefs. Ironically, in the Middle Ages, which was much before the Victorian period, the opal was considered a blessing to have. Even in those times, people understood the various aspects of marriage. They believed that, the different colours seen in an opal reflected the different nuances of married life. It was also believed that, the various colours of the opal represented the various characteristics attributed to the zodiac signs.

Australia is renowned internationally for its exports of gold, opals and sapphires. It produces more than 90% of the world's opals. Coober Pedy, Lightening Ridge, Quilpie are only a few mines that are responsible for this humongous production. Therefore, it is only natural, that in Australia, women's wedding rings are increasingly being made of opals. And not just women, men are even more interested in such jewels than ever before. More so, because they can make a good business out of it by selling them to the women! Jokes apart, men have become more fashion conscious and are thus, experimenting more. They have become increasingly accepting of the idea of metro-sexuality.

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Talking of opals, these beauties can be of different types. As opals are made of silica and water, they are generally quite soft. But certain opals can naturally be quite hard. These are the much older ones.

The black opals comprise of a small fraction of the total production of opals because of their lesser availability. The Lightening Ridge mines of New South Wales in Australia produce them. You can search for images on the internet for the black opal. You will see and recognise the fact that, black opals can be breathtakingly beautiful. Those which exude a navy bluish colour amidst all the blackness, give the impression of being some charmed object. The more you look at it, the more you cannot help but peer into it, as if you want to get lost in its mysterious beauty.

How to Select an Opal Engagement Ring

 Do you have any plans of proposing to the woman whom you want to spend the forever with? Obviously, having your future wife state a resounding "yes" when you pop the question will bring excitement and joy to you, but seeing her eyes light up with your ring is even better. Your proposal is the start of your eternity with her, and it needs a lot of preparation: the romantic place, the unique way of asking her to be your wife and of course, the most important object which discreetly announces that she is your fiancĂ©: the Opal engagement ring.

Today's engagement ring is not limited to the common diamond only. With all the creative jewelers worldwide and with all the gemstones coming from different sides of the globe, one can choose from a huge collection of rings in different hues and designs. Why be cliche when you can stand out with the purchase of an amazing gemstone. Australian opal engagement rings are the best choice since the gemstone itself is crafted in the country where the best Opals originated: Australia. But since these rings are sold at a high price, many low quality varieties are available in shops that are very deceiving, only skilled jewelers can recognize their ingenuity.

How do experts recognize the difference between precious and semi-precious Australian opal engagement rings? Here are the two categories that will guide you in choosing the ring your beloved will be flaunting to her friends:

- Radiance- When you look at the gemstone in different angles, you will be seeing several shining colors too, even though the stone is solidly black in color. This is just one of the characteristics that differentiate Opals from the rest of the stones, as the hues of this jewel are simply mesmerizing. If an Australian Opal doesn't reflect a lot of colors, it doesn't mean that it is not authentic. One should look closely if the sparkle is vibrant and if the stone is sandwiched to a base stone or another jewel as it may be a doublet or triplet. A buyer must examine an Opal under a bright light.

- Weight- Opals, like Diamonds, are also measured in karats. The higher the karat value, the more expensive the stone is. Try to weigh the jewel with your own hand to see if the stone is heavier enough to be considered real.

The radiance and the weight of the Opal dictate its price in the market. But do not be fooled if an engagement ring is expensive since sometimes, the price does not connote the quality of the product itself. Consider these tips in buying your rings of engagement:

- Buy from a trusted jeweler. Yes, this may mean an expensive jewelry too, but come to think of it, a shop which already established its name in the jewelry industry have gained the conviction of numerous clients through the years. Besides, these shops have ascertained good rapport with its customers; they will guide you in opting for the jewelry of your choice. Remember: shops which offer precious and semi-precious stones of superior quality to their patrons are the ones which last in this kind of business. When selecting opals try to find jewelers that purchase their stones directly from Australia. This means that you get the best gemstone (from Australia) without too many middlemen marking up the price.

- Reflect on store hopping. In order to purchase the ring of your preference, you should not settle on one trusted store only. Think of browsing through the catalogs of all the shops you have found, and choose your favorites on their collection. In this way, you will avoid the regret of buying the ring with better design and color.

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Boulder Opal Ring

It seems like you're interested in a boulder opal ring . If you're looking to purchase one, you can explore various options both onl...