Sometimes it can be more difficult than expected to find the perfect gift for her - whether the "she" in question is a close relative, your wife or a friend of several years. You may have gotten her a necklace for Valentine's Day and earrings for Christmas—but don't feel like you've run out of jewelry gift options. For example, rocks can be a fantastic – and unique – birthday gift to give her birthday a wonderful personal touch.

Each month of the year is represented by a separate stone, each with its own distinct meaning. And the use of the stone as a symbol of good luck on birthdays has a history that is said to date back to the first century. In 1912, the Jewelers of America created a standardized stone calendar that is now widely used around the world.
People born in January have as their base stone garnet, a dark red stone that was originally used in the thirteenth century as an insect repellant and protection against evil spirits! In essence, the garnet is said to represent constancy, a symbol of faith and devotion. February's stone - a soft purple amethyst - on the contrary, the Greeks once considered it an effective medicine against drunkenness! Despite this association, the amethyst stone is now shown to infer sincerity.
Those born in March will have the advantage of having the bright blue aquamarine as their birthstone, a rare gemstone that symbolizes courage - a quality that may date back to the time when the stone was used as a "magical" antidote to poison. But April birthdays will enjoy the luxury of having the most stunning gemstone in the world, the diamond, as their cornerstone. Since their first discovery, diamonds have been a symbol of purity and innocence with an attachment to divine beings around the world. If your loved one is born in April, a diamond will surely show them how special they are.
People with May birthdays will be able to enjoy the deep green emerald, a symbol of love and success, as their Opal Ring, while June birthdays will be able to enjoy the subtle shades of pearl as a unique stone. The pearl symbolizes health and longevity, and is traditionally an emblem of feminine regenerative power – an aspect of this particular stone that is sure to make its female wearer glow with joy.
The vivid red of the ruby, the Opal Rings are with the sign of July, has long been associated with the passion of love. But the ruby stone is more than that – it also means contentment, freedom and charity. If someone's birthday is in August, you'll be able to offer them a pale green peridot, a stone traditionally said to bring peace and happiness to its wearer. In addition, the periwinkle is a symbol of marital happiness – so if your wedding anniversary is also in August, the periwinkle will have a rich double meaning for your wife.
While for many, September may mark the beginning of the short days and long nights of the year, people with September birthdays will love the feeling of having a sapphire as their stone. Sapphire, one of the most beautiful blue gemstones, is commonly believed to attract the favor of the gods, while in the context of the stone it represents clear thinking. Opals will adorn the skin of people with birthdays in October; opals are unique in that they are available in a variety of colors and shades and symbolize hope.
November birthdays take topaz as their keystone. This orange-brown jewel has long been considered a gemstone of spiritual rejuvenation and faithfulness. Those born in December will finally be able to enjoy the prophylactic properties of turquoise, a blue gemstone said to bring prosperity to its wearer - something that will certainly come in handy this Christmas.
Birthstones can be set in various types of jewelry and in a number of different types of metals. So whether you're looking for sapphires set in white gold earrings for your girlfriend for her birthday in September, or a gold diamond necklace for your mother's 50th next April, you're sure to find natural stone Opal Necklace. to suit your budget and the personal taste of your special someone.