Fertility Monitor Reviews

 Opal Engagement Ring charms can be a multipurpose style of opal rings for women. Not only are they attractive, they are said to have regenerative healing properties from the earth that can increase fertility levels, maintain hormonal balance, and prepare a woman for pregnancy. That's a pretty tall order for a small semi-precious stone hanging from a pendant or bracelet. However, for hundreds of years women believed that fertility charms could do it. A fertility monitor works by monitoring the hormonal changes in the body that control your cycle and determines the days when you are most likely to conceive, for more information search for Fertility Monitor reviews.

In many societies around the world, women gathered in groups to forage outside their communities and search for fertility stones to make into necklaces, bracelets and fertility charms, or hand-carve them into small beads and sew them together. They believed that the stones' powers were so powerful that they could transform a woman's body, increase her fertility, and maximize her chances of becoming pregnant.

Ovulation stones used to make fertility charms include Mexican fire opal, bloodstone, moonstone, rose quartz, calcite, dolomite, smoky quartz, and vessonite. Several semi-precious stones are believed to have a positive effect on increasing a woman's fertility level. Other women believe that these fertility stones contain restorative power that can help improve a woman's circulatory balance and reproductive health.

While some women choose to create a nest of fertility stones and place them near the bed, other women believe that keeping the energy closer to them throughout the day is much better. A continuous necklace or bracelet allows them to receive all the benefits of these healing stones up to 24 hours a day.

For those women who are thinking of making their own fertility charm opal jewelry  or necklace, many of these fertility stones can be found at your local bead store or online. In addition, you can find companies on the web that sell fertility charms, and several companies allow you to design your own by choosing the exact stones you need and the metal of your choice.

A perfect option when building your fertility necklace or bracelet are stones that have been carved into fertility symbols. Butterflies, eggs, turtles and Kokopelli are just some of the available symbols. Butterflies have been associated with fertility since ancient times due to their metamorphosis ability to rebirth and symbol of new life. Eggs and rabbits are considered symbols of fertility, as shown at Easter time. and is one of the leading symbols of fertility, every spring eggs are celebrated as a symbol of the beginning of the cycle of life again.

In many civilizations, turtles represent fertility due to their ability to lay so many fertile eggs. The Southwestern Native American was given the fertility of Kokopelli, it is a symbol of the fertility of life.

By consistently surrounding yourself with the healing power of fertility spells, you can improve your overall reproductive health, balance your energies, increase your fertility levels, and increase your overall likelihood of conception.

Which October stones are better, tourmaline or opal?

 For charming, calm and collected individuals born in October, you have two stones to choose from. Tourmaline and opal are stunning stones that come in a variety of hues as well as rainbow-inspired colors.

With customization, stones can truly match your taste and personality. 

Comprehensive information about both October Opal Engagement Ring


Opal stud earrings are an important part of October stone. The literal meaning of the word Opal is to record a change in color. Due to the presence of microscopic silica beads in the opal, the light bends to show the color change. Opal brings luck and prosperity to the lives of those born in October. 


Tourmaline means a stone of mixed colors. It is the composition of several minerals that causes the presence of different colors in the opal jewelry.

As the colors begin to increase, the value of the gemstone will continue to increase. 

Tourmaline is a fragile gemstone, but it can still be worn daily.Tourmaline is harder than opal as it has a range of 7-7.5 on the Mohs hardness scale.

A wristwatch is a piece of jewelry, a status symbol, and a functional device that lets you know when you should be somewhere or doing something special, like picking up the kids from school. As a piece of jewelry, it can show your friends, guests and acquaintances whether you are a decent person or not. But watches are different. Originally called wristwatches, watches that were worn on the wrist as opposed to the everyday practice of carrying them in the pocket were worn by women and rejected by men. The Boer War changed all that, and wristwatches were found to be the ideal way to coordinate military movements without having to carry them in your pocket, which can be almost impossible to access in times of action and rough terrain. After this war, he could hardly return to pocket watches or call them women's clothing, after the battle hardened soldiers returned to wristwatches. When soldiers were allowed to keep their wristwatches after their service, they wore them every day and became more than just functional, they became a part of fashion. Today, watches have an incredible number of functions, too many to list here, and there are special watches for almost every sport and for many professions. Wristwatches are an important part of fashion for both men and women and are affordable for everyone as they can be purchased for a few dollars at your local supermarket or gas station.

Best jewelry gift ideas for her

Looking for the perfect Australian Opal Direct gift for your wife and still can't narrow down your search? Well look no further. We've put together the best gift ideas that will fit your budget and hopefully she'll love it. 

To take it further, nothing is as stunning a gift that will sparkle for many years and a piece of diamond is true.

You can choose from different diamond shapes studded with different metals from gold to platinum according to your budget. What's more, you can even add an engraving of her name or a love note in the metal to make it more personal with something you'll remember for a lifetime!

Types of jewelry:

Jewelry ranges from a beautiful pearl necklace, solitaire ring to rings, bracelets, traditional jewelry, watches, studs or earrings.

Before you actually start looking for a galaxy opal, try to remember if she ever told you about a particular piece of jewelry or shared her favorite diamond with one of her friends. Try these results first because people love those gifts the most they ever wanted! So don't miss the opportunity to fulfill her wish and say "I love you".

Statement Necklace:

Statement Necklaces come in a wide variety of shapes and sizes. 

Look for a bold necklace look that will add a special touch to your lady's wardrobe.

This kind of necklaces come in a variety of ranges to suit your budget. In addition, it can be worn at small and large events, depending on the dress with which you complement it.

Designer watches:

Black Opal Rings are losing the race somewhat due to the advancements in mobile devices. However, this does not mean that watches are no longer in the market or that people do not even buy them today.

Even after people started switching to more and more expensive mobile phones, watches are still in trend.

"Unlike diamonds, watches were practical. They were for people on the run, people who had appointments and scheduled appointments." - Jeannette Walls

Vintage Jewelry:

The idea is worth it! Vintage jewelry has been around for a long time and can be seen even today. The designs used at that time are not mass produced today, but the quality of the craftsman is non-existent today. The craftsman, at that time, used more innovative and based on precious stones that are not found in modern jewelry, such as topaz, onyx and opal.

Handmade jewelry:

Precious stones are forever in style and handmade gemstone jewelry is in a class of its own. They look classy and beautiful and have their own aura when added to a ring or necklace.

The best part is that these gems can be matched with different dresses and provide a soothing yet elegant look that matches your mood.

Look no further, if your lady has ever dreamed of such a stone, go and get it now without looking any further!

Necklaces with diamonds or gemstones:

Necklaces are further available in various forms to satisfy the mood and various ways to express your love.

It can be mixed with a beautiful piece of diamond to sparkle forever or as a unique gem to make her feel as special and unique as a gem.

Furthermore, you can also add a flavor of religion by adding a "cross" to express your religious feelings; which can be set with diamonds.

PRO TIP – Always consider your skin tone when choosing.

Diamond Bracelets:

Women already have some stock of bracelets in their wardrobe. They are usually worn alone or added to some other pile of bracelets. Diamond bracelets add elegance to the overall look and make a girl feel good every time she notices a beautiful piece of diamond. I'll also tell you one more thing - girls love to flaunt their jewelry and having one on your hand keeps the momentum going!

Matching Diamond Studs:

Diamond earrings are what always work. You can jump into it at any time without thinking much about it. Style, exclusivity, craftsmanship and everything is combined with the earring to make a lady feel special on every occasion.

Not only can you add inconsistency on purpose. For example, you can either a letter for one ear and a heart shape for the other. You can even buy earrings with your initials or full name.

Stackable Rings:

You can always gift her a bunch of rings that she always wanted to be a part of her wardrobe. Expensive jewelry cannot be worn as part of everyday life. Girls wish to have stackable rings as part of their jewelry which are cheaper and can be worn without much worry.

Also, they can be matched with different wardrobes and can be dressed up or down according to the color of the dress.

Australian Opal Direct - A look at precious stones in handmade opal jewelry

 Precious stones are available in two main types namely precious stones and semi-precious opal earrings and both are widely used in handmade opal necklaces. There are many things to learn about gemstones.

There are many ways each of these fire opal ring differ and that is the composition with the natural stone, as with everything quality and availability and of course this will affect the price. It goes without saying that if you want handmade jewelry that has a rare gem in its design, it will cost you a lot more than a pair of earrings, jewelry bracelets, necklaces, and rings that have semi-precious stones in unique and original designs. We need to know a little more about these gemstones and one fact that might surprise you is that diamond is not the most expensive gemstone on the market.

That being said, very loved and valued of the precious stones, the diamond is not the most expensive diamond and there have been very many that have reached incredible prices and one of them is the Red Diamond and this is one of the rarest stones that we can find. deep burgundy color and if you are not an expert, it can be mistaken for garnet. These are very expensive, but there are more that have brought more than diamonds. But who wouldn't love one of these stunning stones set into a piece of their handmade jewelry?

Garnets are a beautiful stone and usually deep red in color but the rarest of these gems is the Blue Garnet and these are very rare and can only be found in a few places around the world. The color of this beautiful stone can range from teal to a deep and rich royal blue depending on the light.

Painite is another gemstone that is quite rare and not widely used in handmade jewelry. The beautiful smoky color has deep tones of gold, amber and is one of the rarest stones on the planet, so it is obvious that this will be one of the most expensive.

Black opals are stunning with their myriad sparkling colors and are much rarer than white opal. These are used in unique and original handmade ring designs, in pendants as a focal point and surrounded by other gemstones to contrast with the beautiful natural colors of the stone. These stones sparkle and sparkle in the light, making them a very popular gemstone for use in handmade jewelry.

Another amazing natural gemstone is sapphire, and when we think of this stone we think of it as blue in color, but it naturally occurs in other shades from deep purple blue to pink and even with a hint of green. These stones are constantly seen in pieces of unusual handmade jewelry, and the darkest blue colored stones command the highest prices. Jewelry bracelets, earrings, necklaces, pendants and rings all feature these stones in designs and, like other gemstones, can be used as a focal point and then surrounded by diamonds.

So have you decided which gemstone is your favorite? If you had to choose a piece of handmade jewelry, would it be earrings, jewelry bracelets, a pendant, a ring, or a necklace? If you had to choose one of them, which gemstone would you set in a unique jewelry design? There are so many options that it would be hard to choose just one.

Custom Opal jewellery

 What better to give as a gift than a custom-designed piece of jewelry? Whether it's a gift for graduation, birthday, Christmas or even an engagement ring, everyone likes to have something made especially for them. Having a unique piece of opal jewelry means that someone thought so much of you that they wanted to give you something that no one else would have. The custom designed jewelry that you have would be the only one that they would like and no one could ever say that it is a copy of another piece.

You can order custom designed jewelry online or through your local retailer. There are many jewelers that have designers on site and would be able to guide you through the process of creating the personalized piece that you should have. It can take weeks or even several months to create, depending on the extravagance of your jewelry. However, if you order in advance, the jeweler can tell you the exact date when the jewelery you have ordered will be available for delivery or collection.

Imagine the face of your girlfriend or wife on Christmas morning when she opens the box under the tree. The one with a special mother's ring unlike any other ring ever made. A platinum ring with multifaceted opals for every girl and blue moonstones for every boy. However you choose to have a piece of custom designed jewelry made, remember that it is for the benefit of the recipient and not your own. You will have all the glory of knowing that you created this piece for them and that they will cherish it forever; constantly showing everyone your beautiful ring or necklace.

What would your husband or boyfriend say if he got a bracelet of his favorite stones and he looked everywhere and couldn't find exactly what he wanted? And you have it for him, just as he imagined. Custom jewelry isn't just for women, as men have a hard time finding opal necklace they want too. Having the same old cookie cutters and bracelets to choose from can get old. If you were to find the basic idea of ​​a piece of jewelry and then add your own flair to it, this is custom designed jewelry.

Bracelets with 3 gold rings and 1 platinum slave case or a pair of earrings that measure 3 inches in circumference, made of copper and silver. Anything you can think of can be created with custom jewelry. Whatever you've been looking for, a professional opal rings can make it for you. For a couple buying their first home, a gold and diamond key chain for her and a matching money clip for him are just examples of the things you can create with custom designed jewelry.

Regardless of the type of jewelry you are looking for: rings, earrings, necklaces, chains, money clips, buckles, headbands, wallets, neck clips or even shoe ornaments can be created. Simply take your ideas and sizes to your local jeweler. Remember that creating your own custom designed jewelry can take some time, so please be patient while your masterpiece is created.

A look at precious stones in handmade jewelry

 Precious opal jewelry are available in two main types namely precious stones and semi-precious stones and both are widely used in handmade jewellery. There are many things to learn about opal rock.

There are many ways each of these gemstones differ and that is the composition with the natural stone, as with everything quality and availability and of course this will affect the price. It goes without saying that if you want handmade black opal direct that has a rare gem in its design, it will cost you a lot more than a pair of earrings, jewelry bracelets, necklaces, and rings that have semi-precious stones in unique and original designs. We need to know a little more about these gemstones and one fact that might surprise you is that diamond is not the most expensive gemstone on the market.

That being said, very loved and valued of the precious stones, the diamond is not the most expensive diamond and there have been very many that have reached incredible prices and one of them is the Red Diamond and this is one of the rarest stones that we can find. deep burgundy color and if you are not an expert, it can be mistaken for garnet. These are very expensive, but there are more that have brought more than diamonds. But who wouldn't love one of these stunning stones set into a piece of their handmade jewelry?

Garnets are a beautiful stone and usually deep red in color but the rarest of these gems is the Blue Garnet and these are very rare and can only be found in a few places around the world. The color of this beautiful stone can range from teal to a deep and rich royal blue depending on the light.

Painite is another gemstone that is quite rare and not widely used in handmade jewelry. The beautiful smoky color has deep tones of gold, amber and is one of the rarest stones on the planet, so it is obvious that this will be one of the most expensive.

Black opals are stunning with their myriad sparkling colors and are much rarer than white opal. These are used in unique and original handmade ring designs, in pendants as a focal point and surrounded by other gemstones to contrast with the beautiful natural colors of the stone. These stones sparkle and sparkle in the light, making them a very popular gemstone for use in handmade jewelry.

Another amazing natural gemstone is sapphire, and when we think of this stone we think of it as blue in color, but it naturally occurs in other shades from deep purple blue to pink and even with a hint of green. These stones are constantly seen in pieces of unusual handmade jewelry, and the darkest blue colored stones command the highest prices. Jewelry bracelets, earrings, necklaces, pendants and rings all feature these stones in designs and, like other gemstones, can be used as a focal point and then surrounded by diamonds.

So have you decided which gemstone is your favorite? If you had to choose a piece of handmade jewelry, would it be earrings, jewelry bracelets, a pendant, a ring, or a necklace? If you had to choose one of them, which gemstone would you set in a unique jewelry design? There are so many options that it would be hard to choose just one.

Wristwatches from women's fashion to men's clothing because of the war.

 A wristwatch is a piece of opal jewelry, a status symbol, and a functional device that lets you know when you should be somewhere or doing something special, like picking up the kids from school. As a piece of jewelry, it can show your friends, guests and acquaintances whether you are a decent person or not. If you wear a $1,000 wristwatch, people will be able to say something about you, or at least if they knew how much your watch is worth, they will form an opinion about you. It's not like a cell phone. Originally called opal gemstone, watches that were worn on the wrist as opposed to the everyday practice of carrying them in the pocket were worn by women and rejected by men. The Boer War changed all that, and wristwatches were found to be an ideal way of coordinating military movements without having to carry them in a pocket, which could be almost inaccessible during action and in rough terrain. The soldiers were indeed equipped with these new types of watches and found them very useful. After this war it was hardly possible to return to pocket watches or to call them women's clothing after the battle hardened soldiers returned with wrist watches. The First World War was simply more of the same for wristwatches, and wearing them was often an essential piece of equipment. When soldiers were allowed to keep their Australian opal  after their service, they wore them every day and became more than just functional, but part of fashion. Today, watches have an incredible number of functions, too many to list here, and there are special watches for almost every sport and for many professions. Even small children learn to tell time and it is a sign of their development at this age and they are often given a wristwatch.

Custom jewelry

 What better to give as a gift than a custom-designed piece of white gold opal ring? Whether it's a gift for graduation, birthday, Christmas or even an engagement ring, everyone likes to have something made especially for them. Having a unique piece of jewelry means that someone thought so much of you that they wanted to give you something that no one else would have. The custom designed jewelry that you have would be the only one that they would like and no one could ever say that it is a copy of another piece.

You can order custom designed jewelry online or through your local retailer. There are many jewelers that have designers on site and would be able to guide you through the process of creating the personalized piece that you should have. It can take weeks or even several months to create, depending on the extravagance of your jewelry. However, if you order in advance, the jeweler can tell you the exact date when the Australian opal you have ordered will be available for delivery or collection.

A platinum ring with multifaceted opals for every girl and blue moonstones for every boy. However you choose to have a piece of custom designed opal price made, remember that it is for the benefit of the recipient and not your own. You will have all the glory of knowing that you created this piece for them and that they will cherish it forever; constantly showing everyone your beautiful ring or necklace.

What would your husband or boyfriend say if he got a bracelet of his favorite stones and he looked everywhere and couldn't find exactly what he wanted? And you have it for him, just as he imagined. Custom jewelry isn't just for women, as men have a hard time finding jewelry they want too. Having the same old cookie cutter clusters and bracelets to choose from can get old. If you were to find the basic idea of ​​a piece of jewelry and then add your own flair to it, this is custom designed jewelry.

Bracelets with 3 gold rings and 1 platinum slave case or a pair of earrings that measure 3 inches in circumference, made of copper and silver. Anything you can think of can be created with custom jewelry. Whatever you've been looking for, a professional jeweler can make it for you. For a couple buying their first home, a gold and diamond key chain for her and a matching money clip for him are just examples of the things you can create with custom designed jewelry.

12 months of precious stones

It is a fact that every month of the year is also associated with a gemstone. In addition, each of these gemstones also represents a specific aspect of personality or life force. Precious stones with their special "signs" are important to many people who look to them as a source of inspiration. Here are some examples of how an opal bracelet relates to different personalities and emotions.

Garnet - Garnet is the stone of January and is a life force in business and love. People who appreciate gemstone jewelry using garnet look to this stone to increase vigor and energy in their personal or professional lives. Its positive effects extend to increased stamina, inspiration and passion.

Amethyst - This is the keystone for February and has a calming energy. Clear thinking, emotional stability and increased wisdom are what people attribute to this gemstone and why they favor it in glamorous opal jewelry.

Aquamarine - This now brings us to the month of March, a stone that has its origins in the ocean, with waves of relaxation and creativity radiating from Aquamarine to its wearer.

Diamond - the stone of April, diamond helps to increase clarity of mind and balance in the human body. Perhaps because of their beauty and rarity, they are also associated with more anniversaries than other gemstones.

Emerald – Another favorite gemstone, the emerald brings us into the month of May with its healing powers. This gemstone strengthens the body, helps it ward off disease, and heals physical and emotional wounds.

Pearl - The Junestone is a pearl. Like emeralds in the previous month, pearls have healing powers. Gemstone jewelry with pearls works to calm and keep potentially dangerous emotions such as anger at bay.

Ruby - Both the ruby ​​and its birthstone month of July are associated with the idea of ​​warmth and a higher level of emotion. Wearing a ruby ​​in gemstone jewelry enhances the feeling of love from those around you.

Peridot - stone for August, peridot is green like an emerald. It also has inner healing powers, like an emerald, and like a pearl, it can work to ward off negative emotions.

Sapphire - September's gemstone is a blue sapphire that affects your mind and enhances your mental strength and abilities. It's also popular for several anniversaries, so expect to see one or two of them as glamorous opal stud earrings

bracelets as time passes.

Opal - Opal brings us to the month of October and opening your mind to new opportunities. These semi-precious stones stimulate creativity and entrepreneurial spirit.

Some information about fine jewelry for everyone

It was Elizabeth Taylor who said diamonds are a girl's best friend. It is considered to be the best gemstone that a person can have in their adornments and is therefore used in wedding and engagement rings all over the world. They can be placed in necklaces, barrettes and bracelets. They are special fine opal gemstone given to the most special ladies.

Women smile at the sight of a beautiful opal diamond ring set in the finest gold settings. There are many websites that can provide a list of stones for earrings and rings. They are very popular gifts. Sites all over the web provide a list of which black opal direct  is associated with which moon. The following is a list that is fairly general in its population, although there are a few months with two or even three gems marking them.

January/Garnet2. February/Amethyst3. March/Aquamarine4. April/Diamond5. may/emerald6. June/Pearls7. July/Ruby8. August/Peridot9. September/Safir10. October/Opal11. November/Citrín12. December/Zircon

These are the most popular stones that are set with surrounding similar colors to create a beautiful clip or necklace. In the early part of the last century, women were commonly seen using large combs to maintain massive hairstyles. They were considered the finest jewelry a woman could wear.

Opal Bracelet often speaks volumes about the people who wear it. Light colors often represent a bright and happy personality, while darker colors often represent dark moods. Pearls are usually seen as a dignified ornament, passed down from generation to generation. People like to give it as a gift for many different occasions.

Ornaments can be made of different materials. Opal Stud Earrings remains the most popular type of metal to be melted down to make it. Other pieces are made from such things as sterling silver, bronze, brass, iron and steel. Everything from which the product is made should be of high quality so that it does not stain the skin around the finger in dark colors. It should not rub off any outer coverings on the skin and should be tested for allergic reactions before constant wear. If an allergic reaction occurs, the item should not be worn any further.

There are many different metals that are used to make ornaments, but gold is by far the most popular. Pieces are also made from things like iron, steel, bronze, brass, and another common favorite, sterling silver. When an item causes the skin under a ring, necklace or bracelet to change color, such as green or grey, it should not be worn any longer as it is not only unsightly but can cause discomfort.

One common unisex item would be a watch. Everyone wants to know the time instantly without having to consult a stranger who has a watch. Many people consider them to be very fine jewelry made of pure gold or by the skilled hands of artists. They can have gold faces or diamond inlaid faces. A watchmaker puts his own unique style into much of his work, creating a one-of-a-kind piece that cannot be matched anywhere else. Some places have ornaments that everyone wears, such as in areas of Africa where fine jewelry is worn out of respect and to show age and wisdom. In other places, certain bits are seen either more in one gender than the other, or in all people.

Australian Opal jewelry as an ideal gift for Valentine's Day

 "Should I find her an expensive opal wedding rings? Well, that's going to be expensive. So should I find her a pair of plain gold earrings? But that's too bland for Valentine's Day." If your mind is full of such thoughts, I have the perfect gift idea for you.

There is something you can buy your girlfriend without causing a lot of trouble to your pocket. It's something she would definitely admire and it will have a deep meaning. It's her birthstone. So, find out what your lover's stone is and get ready to explore the different designs of jewelry available in different stores.

Ideal gifts as jewelery -

january - was she born in january? Then all he wants is exuberance. Give her what she wants. Gift her lucky stone - a dark burgundy red garnet set in a pendant preferably with side diamonds.

February- A girlfriend born in February can gift beautiful amethyst opal earrings, whose romantic lavender color will remind her of you every time she looks at her fingers.

March – A clear icy aquamarine designed in a nice pendant and earring set can be something really special that your loved one would love to wear if they are born in the month of March.

April- Oh, you're in love with the royal queen and you have to dare to impress her with diamonds. They are her lucky stone and even a million dollar diamond necklace could satiate her majesty.

May - Velvet green emeralds set in a ring is what you can gift your girlfriend born in May. She will love his beauty highlighted every time on her fingers and she will enjoy his happiness forever.

July-Pink rubies are in themselves a special gift for any lady. But when gifted as lucky stones, they promise to instill self-esteem and confidence in the wearer.

August-It is a lemon green colored stone - Peridot which proves to be lucky for August birthdays. You can consider a Peridot pendant to give her this Valentine's Day that will complement her neckline with its colorful grace.

September - Blue sapphire is one of the most sought-after gemstones, because its pleasant appearance alone can revive a person. This September stone would make your girlfriend feel like a holiday if set in a beautiful diamond necklace. Long dangle earrings made of blue sapphire can also be another option to give to a Valentine born in September.

October -The stone itself may not look that enticing to people, but when it is designed in the form of a beautiful ring with a real huge opal flaunting its multi-colored particles, it can impress millions.

November- It's honey-colored, it's pleasant to the soul and it can highlight anything you put your mind to. It is a November stone - yellow citrine. If your significant other is born this month, there is nothing better than citrine studs as an inexpensive Valentine's gift.

December - Bright and lively, but cool and calm - that's what blue topaz is all about. Give your girlfriend blue topaz earrings or pendant on Valentine's Day if she was born in December.

A combination of two or more precious opal necklace can also please your loved one well, but what will always matter to her is your sincere feelings attached to the gift - be it a simple pair of semi-precious stones or an imperial-looking gemstone necklace. gems and diamonds.

Best Ways to Make Your Own Wedding Ring

 You found each other, someone proposed and someone accepted, and now you've agreed on a wedding date. And you have one more suggestion that will keep you trouble free for the rest of your life, no matter how late you go on some days. You suggested making your own wedding rings instead of custom engraved opal wedding rings. You can make your own wedding rings to match the bride's dress.

There are several metals from which you can make your own opal stud earrings: white gold, gold, silver and titanium. In the UK, you can even make your own wedding rings from regular nickels. Cool, a wedding ring for five cents! There is also tungsten, but this option is not really recommended because the steel burs that most hospitals use will not remove the ring; so if your fingers swell, you're in trouble because the suction cup can't be removed.

Ringly ideas for your Opal Necklace

There are also several gemstone options to choose from when making your own wedding rings. There's always a traditional girl's best friend, the trusty old diamond. Don't miss the glistening piece of coal, it's a seductive pearl and other family favorites rubies, opals or emeralds. If stones aren't your thing, you can go stoneless.

When you make your own wedding rings, you can have engravings if you want to add them. Accent stones are perfectly acceptable, as are zodiac symbols. Confessing undying love is also another great idea. The possibilities are endless except for the name of an old ex-girlfriend; which could get you into big trouble. You can also give the rings a brushed look.

Besides the creative plus of wanting to make your own wedding rings, there is also the fact that they are very budget friendly. The reason they're so much cheaper is because you're not paying for the designer's name. If done right, the rings will become more sentimental as you age together.

Some couples choose to have vows engraved on their rings, and some men put dates on their bands as a reminder to keep them from buying that expensive ring to get them out of trouble when they forget their anniversary. Some couples choose to make rings out of bones. It may seem strange, but as they say "to each his own".

Gemstone Engagement Rings

Opal Diamond Rings are known to be favored by royalty because the blue sapphire stone is even rarer than diamond and is almost as hard. This is a nice fact to share with your number one queen when you slip a blue sapphire engagement ring on her ring finger. Blue sapphires come in a range of shades from light to dark blue. The blue color is due to the level of titanium in the stone: the more titanium, the richer the color. However, too much color can actually create a dull black effect and reduce the value of the stone.

The most blue sapphires are found in Sri Lanka, Burma and Madagascar. Burmese sapphires tend to be more expensive than those from Sri Lanka and Madagascar due to their brilliant color. Kashmir blue sapphires are the rarest and most expensive of all because the reserves found in the remote region of India were depleted about 100 years ago, escalating the price and demand.

The prices of blue sapphires depend on whether or not they have been treated (untreated costs much more), as well as color, cut, tone (lightness or darkness of the stone), saturation (the degree to which a shade is hidden by other shades), and clarity. One carat blue sapphires can range from a few hundred dollars to several thousand.

Buy your ruby ​​opal bracelets with pride! Don't let anyone tell you that diamonds are better as engagement rings. Only you and your potential spouse should decide what suits your style, taste and budget........not popular opinion....or your future mother-in-law. Besides, you can always tell naysayers that big rubies are even rarer than diamonds. Rubies belong to the corundum family. Any color from this family other than red is considered a sapphire. Rubies are almost as hard as diamonds. Diamonds are considered a "10" on the hardness scale, while rubies are a 9. Rubies have slightly less clarity than other gemstones and tend to have at least some small inclusions. Most rubies are heat-treated to enhance their color, but the stones exist in their natural form. Cushion cut and oval rubies are the most common opal bracelets. Burmese rubies are considered the most sought after.

You may be able to save money by purchasing a ruby ​​with a slightly tinted shade, i.e. slightly lighter or darker than what is considered ideal... a vivid red color. You can also save some dough by shopping synthetic versus natural rubies. Rubies belong to the corundum family. Any color from this family other than red is considered a sapphire.

Rest assured that buying opal gemstone will not bring bad luck to your partner, but perhaps the opposite. When it comes to opal gemstone superstition, some still believe that it is bad luck to buy an opal for yourself, but good luck if someone else gives it to you. Throughout history there have been negative connotations associated with opals. Interestingly, it is said that in the 18th and 19th centuries, diamond merchants became nervous about how the beautiful gem was ripping off diamond customers and further perpetuated stereotypes about the opal to prevent this. The powers that be tried hard to squash this unfortunate urban legend when a huge amount of opals were found in Australia.

I personally love opal engagement rings. With their iridescent hues, I think opals are some of the prettiest stones around. The shades of the rainbow are often referred to as the "play of colors". Most opal supplies come from our Australian friends in South Australia.

Here is the science behind opals. Opals are a non-crystalline form of the mineral silica, which are made up of amorphous 'balls' or 'lumps' of silica. In other words, water in the ground carrying dissolved silica seeps through sand and dirt, where the silica particles are deposited in cracks. As the water evaporates, the silica particles combine to form opal. Color is caused by the diffraction of light. Where the tiny silica spheres are similar in size and arrangement, the light reflecting off them separates into its spectral colors, and the stone appears to contain all the colors of the rainbow. Where the spheres are larger and less uniform, the range of colors is more limited.

One of the main disadvantages of opal engagement rings compared to diamonds is that opals are a much softer stone. While diamond is considered a 10 on the Mohs hardness scale, opal is between 5 and 6. This means that over time opal can break and you need to handle it with care and caution. look for the setting of the ring that best preserves its integrity (i.e. half bezel is a good choice).

Opals show an impressive color range. They can be white, pink, green and blue, gray or black. Australian boulder opals are the most durable of opals and also the most robust in color. As a result, they are considered valuable and are quite expensive. Black opals are actually the rarest and most expensive. They have dark backgrounds with iridescent colors or deep blue-green hues. Fire opals that have any color background but show an unusual amount of red are also quite rare

There are a thousand legends and stories related to the opal gemstone.

The ancient Greeks believed that opals fell from the sky during flashes of lightning and gave individuals the ability to see into the future.

The Romans thought that wearing opals made one more clear in thought and spontaneous in action.

Can you believe it? In his play "Tweltfh Night," Shakespeare used the gem to draw an analogy between the changing colors of an opal and the ever-changing moods of a woman. Hmmmmmmmm.......not sure I like the comparison.

Opal Gemstone: A Kaleidoscope of Color and Meaning

The opal gemstone is one of nature’s most captivating and unique creations. Known for its stunning play-of-color , opal is a stone that has...