Opal Jewelry - Your Own Rainbow Episode

 The color match is different from all the stones, and their glittering colors gave rise to the term 'opalescent.' Because it is an amazing and unique gem, it is not surprising that opal jewelry is very popular among collectors and fashion lovers.

Opal is the birthstone of October and its history is riddled with superstitions and myths that it caused good luck and bad luck. In Europe, it was often regarded as a 'legal' stone for thieves and robbers. One of the biggest contributors to the myth that opal jewelry causes misfortune is the poor reading of their 19th-century novel by Sir Walter Scott 'Anne of Geierstein.'

However, many cultures associate opal with white magic and fortune-telling. The ancient Romans used opal jewelry as a talisman and, in their case, symbolized purity and hope. The ancient Greeks, on the other hand, believed that it gave the wearer the ability to predict or to foretell the future. It was thought to bring good luck to the wearer.

The popularity of opal jewelry is growing. Although classified as a gemstone, black opal can cost as much as a diamond. Opal earrings can also vary in price, depending on their color. In general, red opal is the most expensive while green opal is the least expensive. Also, double or triple opal jewelry, or a piece of opal combined between two other items is less expensive than solid opal pieces. Set in gold or silver, or adorned with other gemstones, there are a variety of opal jewelry to choose from.

Men and women throughout history have been fascinated and captivated by the vibrant colors of opal jewelry. However, bad luck or luck, these multi-colored gemstones are the perfect additions to any wardrobe. One cannot be blamed for thinking that wearing an opal necklace, earrings, a bracelet or a ring in some way is just like having a rainbow piece next to leather

Australian Opal Direct

Website: https://australianopaldirect.com

USA Address: 5401 New Castle, Encino CA 91316

Australia Address: 59 Elderslie St. Winton, Queensland Australia, 4735

Email Id: info@australianopaldirect.com

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/australianopaldirect/

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