Caring For Opals - How to Care For Your Opal and Diamond Jewelry

 Opal diamond necklace is beautiful gemstones and the wonderfully luminous color play of dramatic black opals makes them a perfect choice for setting into signature pieces of diamond jewelry such as engagement rings and pendant necklaces. But diamonds are the hardest natural substance on Earth. They can be cleaned with abrasive cleaners which can scratch and mark lesser gemstones. Opals are soft and fragile. So how can you clean and care for your opal and diamond jewelry?

Because they are porous, opals readily absorb moisture and other fluids. So caring for them is different from most other fine jewelry. And like so much in life, prevention is better than cure.

Use Common Sense

The easiest and most important way to care for your opal and diamond jewelry is to prevent it from becoming heavily soiled in the first place. So make sure you wear gloves, or remove your opal and diamond ring whenever you do the gardening, take out the trash, go to the beach etc.

And do not forget common household cleaners either. Opals can be easily scratched, cracked and even lose their fire if they come into contact with harsh chemicals such as polishes and cleaning products, not to mention hairsprays, deodorants, perfume, soap, baby oil, make up and so on. Use your common sense. Treat your opals with respect and do not contaminate them with any chemical products.

Wear Them Regularly To Prevent Dehydration

Even though are porous, opals should not be kept locked away for occasional wear only! NOT wearing opal jewelry actually damages the gemstones. This is because opals contain up to 6% water, so they actually need to be exposed to trace amounts of moisture in order to preserve their structure. Opals can crack if they are allowed to dry out. However, they will absorb the necessary moisture directly from your skin, so the easiest way to prevent them from dehydration is to wear your opal and diamond jewelry regularly.

Clean Gently

Whenever your diamond and opal jewelry needs to be cleaned, do it gently. Place your piece in a bowl of clean luke warm water and agitate carefully using a specialist jewelry brush or a soft tooth brush. Take care not to leave your jewelry to soak though. Remove it and gently pat dry with a lint free cloth.

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