How to Get Men's Silver Bracelets Shining Again

 Silver male opal bracelets are popularly sported by men and women for accessorizing themselves when heading out for casual outings. Silver jewelry is available in the form of pure or fine silver and sterling silver. Pure silver bears markings of 99.9 that serve as an indicator of the quantity of silver that is contained in every 100th or 1000th part of the piece. Sterling silver contains 92.5% of silver; the remainder consists of other metals, such as nickel, zinc or copper. As a result of sterling silver being alloyed with other metals, it is known to be more durable than silver jewels. However, the other metals in sterling silver jewels contribute towards its tarnishing.

Where jewelry for men is concerned, men's silver bracelets are preferred by the males. Nevertheless, the items could become tarnished over a period of time and they have to be cleaned for maintaining their shimmer.

In the following details, we share some tips for men on caring for their silver bracelets and having them shine brightly again.

Care Instructions

Tarnished silver jewelry bears a dull look and to keep them shining again, the use of silver polishing clothes is considered suitable, if the items are mildly or moderately soiled.

Take the silver polishing cloth and rub the silver bracelets by applying gentle pressure for preventing scratches on the metal. You must not use tissues or paper towels for rubbing the jewels because they are packed with fibers and can scratch the silver.

You must also ensure to use back-and-forth movements and not circular strokes for preventing the magnifying of the scratches. Also, be sure to change the cloth portions on a frequent basis so you avoid putting the tarnish back on the jewels. Consider using a Q-tip for reaching the smaller corners.

If your silver jewels are heavily tarnished, the use of aluminum foil is effective for doing a thorough cleaning job and getting rid of the darkened edges.

Take a bowl and put some aluminum foil at the base. Thereafter, place the silver items on top of the foil and follow by pouring lukewarm water over the jewels. Now, add some tablespoons of baking soda in the bowl and allow it to dissolve in the water. Let the jewels soak in the solution for 20 minutes or so. Then, rinse the items with plain water and wipe with a soft cloth. This cleaning method restores the luster and gleam of the items.

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